HealthCare QA contractor at BCBSLA----Louisiana---Max Rate 45$--No H1B

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Aman Aggarwal

Jul 17, 2015, 11:34:20 AM7/17/15


Hope you are doing well..
I have positions for 
QA Analyst review the job description below and see if it might be an option worth considering. I can be reached at 732.374.3583  any between 9:00am EST to 6:00pm EST



Position :QA Analyst

Location :Louisiana

Client      : BCBSLA

Duration: 6+ months

No H1B


3 openings

Ideally a former QA contractor Louisiana

because it would greatly reduce the ramp-up time. 

Start Mid-Aug through the end of the year for sure and probably to end of January

Resources sufficient in Facets – in the configuration area

Resources sufficient in Facets – in the configuration area


Facets – Testing of the configuration within Facets

Claims processing

Working knowledge of the Medical Plan




Know how to use/navigate the Online Application for claims process with IPS


Test case Scenarios

HP Quality Center

Understanding of the benefit plans

Understanding of NetworX / Pricer

Skillsets – SQL Query Skills, HP Quality Center




Aman Aggarwal

IT-Technical Recruiter
Source Infotech Inc.
3840 Park Avenue, Suite C-205, Edison, NJ-08820

Phone- 732-374-3583|| Fax: 732-909-2282 || Email:


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