>> > 5. The use of dc:identifier to link to other URLs for the same person
>> > (VIAF, DBpedia) is unusual. Both dc:identifier and dct:identifier allow
>> > literals. Better use rdfs:isDefinedBy or rdfs:seeAlso (but perhaps not
>> > owl:sameAs, which implies "smushing" semantics)
>> This is a good point, but we don't think isDefinedBy or seeAlso are a
>> very good fit either. Happy for other suggestions from the list?
> Ok then, use lvont:strictlySameAs.
From the definition, it looks as if strictlySameAs is *even more*
strong that owl:sameAs in asserting perfect identity. (I see how it
solves some of the problems of the latter, but not our problem, which
is that we want to say that this URI refers to the same person, not
that the two records should be considered identical.)
Others have also suggested skos:closeMatch or skos:exactMatch as
candidates for this property (although I believe there's an issue with
using SKOS terms out of the context of a full SKOS implementation).
Any other suggestions from the list?
Dr Gabriel BODARD
Researcher in Digital Epigraphy
Digital Humanities
King's College London
Boris Karloff Building
26-29 Drury Lane
London WC2B 5RL
+44 (0)20 7848 1388
+44 (0)20 7848 2980