SNAP Cookbook and Ontology reboot

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Gabriel Bodard

Mar 28, 2022, 9:05:29 AM3/28/22
Dear colleagues,

I wanted to let you know that I have migrated the old SNAP Cookbook, previously circulated as a PDF and Googledoc, to a new home in a Github repo wiki:
With a few exceptions, I have simply duplicated the content last updated in 2015 by the original SNAP team (Bodard/Cayless/Depauw/Isaksen/Lawrence/Rahtz)… which implies a certain amount of updating would be useful seven years later. Exceptions:
  1. I have added a property gender​ as discussed by one of the 5 working groups after the LP6 activity a year or so ago;
  2. I have added a property associatedEvent​ as discussed by one of the LP6 working groups;
  3. I have omitted the reference to SNAP minting a new identifier for all "submitted" person records (since there is no entity "SNAP" in a position to create or host such URIs and data);
  4. I likewise scaled back the old SNAP suggestions for merging and aligning person-records, replacing it with a link to Linked Places format.
(Note there are three more WGs from LP6 that have not, to my knowledge, come up with concrete recommendations yet, but we should include them as soon as they happen: WG2 person types; WG3 attestations/citations; WG4 qualification/scholarly support for assertions.)

There are a few other questions about things we might change (the name of the site—is this a Cookbook or a Handbook/Recommendation/Guidelines? Should we be using TTL as our made code example, or JSON-LD or…? Should we also include alternative formats for our data model, e.g. TEI XML, in each page?), but I don't want to overburden this email.

Anyone who is interested in a discussion about how to take the SNAP recommendations forward, please feel free to (a) get in touch offlist, and we'll arrange a call some time; (b) reply onlist with specific suggestions of any kind, (c) use the SNAP issuetracker to suggest improvements to the document, etc.

All best,


Dr Gabriel BODARD (he/him)
Reader in Digital Classics

Institute of Classical Studies / Digital Humanities Research Hub
University of London
Senate House
Malet Street
London WC1E 7HU
T: +44 (0)20 78628752 
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