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Valerio jus

Jul 5, 2019, 11:32:41 AM7/5/19
to analyzingneura...@googlegroups.com
Hi Mike, 

I would like to ask you about an issue with my EEG data. 

In my experiment I obtained the data from the participants only after performing the task, so the data obtained from the experiment where no baseline result were considered prior to the task. In your opinion, how could I justify the absence of not having a baseline EEG recordings before performing the task? 

Thanks in advance. 

Mike X Cohen

Jul 5, 2019, 1:28:55 PM7/5/19
to analyzingneura...@googlegroups.com
Hi Valerio. For a task-related design, most people would use the immediate pre-trial period as the baseline. Do you mean the recording was not continuous and turned on/off only during the trial periods? Or are you referring to a longer baseline, e.g., resting-state?

Otherwise, I don't think it's a good approach to try to justify it; you can just state that those data were not collected.


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Mike X Cohen, PhD
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Valerio jus

Jul 6, 2019, 7:32:48 AM7/6/19
to analyzingneura...@googlegroups.com
Hi Mike, 

Thanks a lot for the prompt reply. 

- I meant that I recorded the data obtained from participants when only performing the task (reading task), so before reading I have no data (ie., baseline here--don't have information about participants' brain activity before performing the task). My analysis manly depend on the power spectra density and their associated frequency. Hence, professionally is there any reason to declare why I did not have data before reading?

- Kindly another question, do you have any idea about "Ground electrode used for common mode rejection"? If yes, then what are those electrodes?

- in your opinion, where can find information about how EEG recordings were amplified and digitized. Do you know any reliable resources?

- Finally, in your experiments, how the electrooculogram EOG activity gets registered in EEG experiments?

Thanks once again. 


Mike X Cohen

Jul 6, 2019, 10:41:08 AM7/6/19
to analyzingneura...@googlegroups.com
Whether you need a baseline depends on what you are trying to infer with the EEG data. For example, if you have different kinds of sentences, like simple vs. complex, or semantically correct or incorrect, then you can compare the power spectra across those conditions. 

For your other questions, probably best to consult the manuals associated with the EEG hardware, as that's more about data acquisition than analysis.


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Valerio jus

Jul 6, 2019, 10:44:29 AM7/6/19
to analyzingneura...@googlegroups.com
Thank you so much Mike for the help. 

How could you define the "resting-state"?

Thank you again.

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