ABox variation

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JP Burtell

Nov 30, 2020, 1:55:11 PM11/30/20
to analo...@googlegroups.com
Hello everyone,

I hope you all have been doing well during these strange times.

I was wondering if anyone could provide input as to how tricky it would be to compile a version of ABox without VST hosting capability? I'm interesting in distributing ABox with some of my patches (strictly non-commercial use), but I know Steinberg has banned distributing VST2 hosts unless you hold a license for it - which they no longer grant, of course.

Any advice or insight is greatly appreciated.



Catalin C.

Nov 30, 2020, 5:12:18 PM11/30/20
to Analog Box

Should you decide to make it available through a more popular platform, I agree, care must be taken.
You think it's trivial to remove the code related to VST in ABox?... I have no idea (yet). 
If you don't come to a solution, and no Assembler-skilled programmer shows up here, well, guess what, I am already tempted to take up studying this language. Not sure if I'll have the time though...
It would be quite an opportunity. I'm not against removing VST support altogether (I myself am at various stages in developing effects strictly ABox native, it gets better, trust me), but here's what I wish from a new ABox:

- for .wav writing, a 16/24-bit toggle (I believe the lack of 24-bit capability is a showstopper for anyone wanting to release even indie stuff);
- while we're at it, why not increase the internal audio resolution (at least 32-bit float, if it ain't at that already);
- I want to see my pink noise generator block superseded by a real one, made by implementing a pink noise function to the noise object (on toggle with the white one);
- (just remembered) only four recent file entries?! What if you need to build up from like a dozen of patches?
- *real* MIDI capability (no, that streaming and filtering stuff doesn't count)...

But both for your wish and mine, I still have my hope in a certain providential comeback.
And sorry for being critical.

All the best,

Catalin "Kirk" Chircan
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