Music Startup Looking for a developer

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marcel corso

Nov 20, 2012, 8:39:18 AM11/20/12
Hey All,

Last time I posted a job offer here some people got mad.
So first of all I'm sorry if I'm bothering you. I think emailing is
the best option until we have the job boards ready.
I'll try to keep it interesting and technical to compensate.

My name is Marcel and I'm one of the founders of
We are a small startup and our office is in the middle of the red
light at the Red Light Complex. It's an amazing spot we share with the
Red Light Radio (we can sneak in their studio all the time) and other
cool people. There is a nice video about it.

Hej. Partying is nice but you are in it for the code, right?

We use ruby on rails as the web front. But it's everyday looking more
like an api because we use it mostly to serve json to the Backbone.js
app. We like Backbone. It's so small!
So some day we might kill the ruby app and go full on our api.
We talked a lot about this but we didn't reach a verdict. We love the
fast paced development we can achieve with rails but having a single
point of focus weights on the scale.

The blog scraping engine runs on python. It's a bunch of ever running
workers that talk to each other using beanstalk. It started simple but
these days it's becoming a dangerous machine :-)
It uses BeautifulSoup to scrape the music out of the blog pages and
talks to many different apis.
The music world is full of great apis.

Our api also runs in python (flask) and we are using it ourselves on
our yet-to-be-launched spotify app (they are very protective about
their platform but they say they love our app). The app is also
written in Backbone.

There is also a new kid on the block: a web crawler. We recently
implemented it and it's going live pretty soon. It's an interesting
piece of software (also in python) and it solves a very long standing
problem for us: Not every site on the web has an rss/atom feed.

The iphone/ipad app is native objective c.

We are in early stage planning for an android app.

We use github for source management and pivotal tracker for project
management. We do most of the time 2 week development cycles but we
often disobey that rule.

Another thing I would like to point out is that we don't do too much
testing. I can try to justify that but every time I try to do it all
my arguments sound like excuses to a rubyst's ears. But in the end
they sound a lot like this: :P

About the sanity of the company.
We don't make money. We are still burning our investment.
How are we going to make money? Something like
How long will our investment money last? More or less a year.
We are in the talks with a few big media companies for them to help us
with the commercial part. Tim (the other co-founder) is going to NY
this Friday to talk to them.

If you want to know more about the people at shuffler here are the

What do we want from a candidate?

Be a very nice person. Knows to listen and to talk openly.
Is eager to learn new stuff always but also is pragmatic.
Loves to hack and live on the edge but can decide when to build
something stable.
Loves new music.
Loves ruby, python, js/coffeescript, go, dart, lua, IO, rust, c, c++...
Can expire caches (

Email me if you want to apply or just have a coffee/beer at the
office. Every Friday we stop a bit earlier turn the music up, play
some super nintendo and drink beers. You are welcome no strings

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