Reminder: Sound and Affect Conference Deadline

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Stephen Smith

Dec 9, 2013, 3:09:34 PM12/9/13
to ams music and philosophy study group
Hi everyone,
I hope you're all well. 
I wanted to write to remind you about the upcoming deadline for submissions to Stony Brook University's conference, Sound and Afect: Voice, Music, World.  The confernece will take place at SBU on April 18-19, 2014, and the deadline for submissions is quite soon: December 15, 2013
Here's a link to the full CFP:
We're also very happy to announce that we'll have keynote talks from Lydia Goehr (Columbia University), Robin James (UNC Charlotte), Tamara Levitz (UCLA), and Gary Tomlinson (Yale University).
We expect it to be a fantastic event, and we look forward to seeing your submissions.  Please do be in touch if you have any questions.
Best wishes,
Stephen Decatur Smith
Assistant Professor of Music History and Theory
Stony Brook University 
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