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A'nanda Ma'rga Praca'raka Sam'gha

Mar 17, 2011, 1:09:07 AM3/17/11
to amps...@googlegroups.com

Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2011 12:38 AM
Subject: [AnandaMarg] Dada Rudrananda
Namaskar dear brothers and sisters in Baba!
There is a saying in Spanish: "Power corrupts and absolut power leads to absolut corruption". Let us not forget that the Bengali leaders (a handful of them) were -after Baba's Mahaprayan- at the helm of power and they misused it and their irresponsable actions put the whole organization at a high risk, particularly their demential AD (a Mahapapa). There was then a sense of anger and disbelieve among many Indian and non Indian margiis and WTs against the Bengali leaders. From then and there started their disgrace and decline of power or commanding positions. Later on, due to other actions of indiscipline (controversial or not) they were stripped from their positions and ranks and were posted in low level positions in remote rural areas, something they used to apply to others to whom they wanted to punish, but when the same process was applied to them, they cried 'fault' and refused to accept it -with the exception of Dada Vijayanandaji -who is now in Baba's lap. They accused the then administration of "ethnic cleanse", a term in vogue those days due to the atrocities of the war in the former Yugolavia between Serbians and Bosnians, and finally it ended in an agressive campaign inviting all WTs and margiis of the world to revolt against the 'old regime' (a term that would never be used in Baba's time), which finally lead to their expulsion and the declaration of the so-called 'new governing AMPS body' with headquarter in Kalikata -something that pay the awy for the present split (another Mahapapa, whose blame will go forever exclusively to the Bengali leaders who will have to carry the burden of this black spot in the history of AM -as it was a crime against the unity of the Marga community, something of paramount importance according to Marga's Gurudeva). But their call for a revolt did not find an echo beyond the Bengali speaking areas and with a few exceptions in other parts of India and the world. It could have been very difficult task to expel the Bengali leaders from central positions due to their towering power...But Baba had a player named Rudrananda, who is one of the main players behind this power struggle between he and a few in one side and the Bengali leaders on the othe side. It is like a mini-Mahabrhata war, with each side claiming to be the dharmic one...The point is that after many years, if the Bengali leaders really want to unite AM again, then why they do not speed the process by accepting that they commited a mistake, which is the main demand by the Ranchi leaders. If they accept that they made a mistake then the problem will be solved and a new re-united AM can emage...But it seems to me that the Bengali leaders are too much attached to their power postions and will not give it up easily. They want to be treated as equals with the Ranchi leaders, who are in command at the moment. They may not be the best administators but they are commanding so far a big portion of AM (the biggest one).   We -margiis- are so few around the world. And we are wasting our time, money and energy in petty power games...Until when we can tolerate it? Until when we will rise against those power mongers not to conciliate/negociate a unity but to DEMAND a unity! Unity is not a merchandise that can be negociated, it is our right, it is a treassure, our collective treassure endowed to us by our beloved Gurudevaji! 


In His Cosmic Liila,
Dada Svaprakashananda

AMPS TEAM Reporter
AMPSTEAM is an ever vigilant group of well wishers of AMPS. It aims to expose every anti-organizational elements and to promote  faith and non-compromising strictness regarding Conduct rules, Supreme Command, Iista and Adarsha.
AMPSTEAM exclusively voices opinion from individuals and group of individuals and not necessarily work under the instructions from Central Office of A'nanda Ma'rga Praca'raka Sam'gha.


A'nanda Ma'rga Praca'raka Sam'gha

Mar 17, 2011, 1:04:20 AM3/17/11
to amps...@googlegroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2011 12:38 AM
Subject: [AnandaMarg] Dada Rudrananda
Namaskar dear brothers and sisters in Baba!
There is a saying in Spanish: "Power corrupts and absolut power leads to absolut corruption". Let us not forget that the Bengali leaders (a handful of them) were -after Baba's Mahaprayan- at the helm of power and they misused it and their irresponsable actions put the whole organization at a high risk, particularly their demential AD (a Mahapapa). There was then a sense of anger and disbelieve among many Indian and non Indian margiis and WTs against the Bengali leaders. From then and there started their disgrace and decline of power or commanding positions. Later on, due to other actions of indiscipline (controversial or not) they were stripped from their positions and ranks and were posted in low level positions in remote rural areas, something they used to apply to others to whom they wanted to punish, but when the same process was applied to them, they cried 'fault' and refused to accept it -with the exception of Dada Vijayanandaji -who is now in Baba's lap. They accused the then administration of "ethnic cleanse", a term in vogue those days due to the atrocities of the war in the former Yugolavia between Serbians and Bosnians, and finally it ended in an agressive campaign inviting all WTs and margiis of the world to revolt against the 'old regime' (a term that would never be used in Baba's time), which finally lead to their expulsion and the declaration of the so-called 'new governing AMPS body' with headquarter in Kalikata -something that pay the awy for the present split (another Mahapapa, whose blame will go forever exclusively to the Bengali leaders who will have to carry the burden of this black spot in the history of AM -as it was a crime against the unity of the Marga community, something of paramount importance according to Marga's Gurudeva). But their call for a revolt did not find an echo beyond the Bengali speaking areas and with a few exceptions in other parts of India and the world. It could have been very difficult task to expel the Bengali leaders from central positions due to their towering power...But Baba had a player named Rudrananda, who is one of the main players behind this power struggle between he and a few in one side and the Bengali leaders on the othe side. It is like a mini-Mahabrhata war, with each side claiming to be the dharmic one...The point is that after many years, if the Bengali leaders really want to unite AM again, then why they do not speed the process by accepting that they commited a mistake, which is the main demand by the Ranchi leaders. If they accept that they made a mistake then the problem will be solved and a new re-united AM can emage...But it seems to me that the Bengali leaders are too much attached to their power postions and will not give it up easily. They want to be treated as equals with the Ranchi leaders, who are in command at the moment. They may not be the best administators but they are commanding so far a big portion of AM (the biggest one).   We -margiis- are so few around the world. And we are wasting our time, money and energy in petty power games...Until when we can tolerate it? Until when we will rise against those power mongers not to conciliate/negociate a unity but to DEMAND a unity! Unity is not a merchandise that can be negociated, it is our right, it is a treassure, our collective treassure endowed to us by our beloved Gurudevaji! 


In His Cosmic Liila,
Dada Svaprakashananda


From: jiivan dev <jiivan...@yahoo.com>
To: anand...@googlegroups.com
Sent: Mon, March 14, 2011 6:56:18 AM
Subject: Re: [AnandaMarg] Dada Rudrananda


Fact: Baba disallowed Rudrananda from being in His presence, ever. 

There is widely known. There have been several accounts of this by different acaryas, and the reports of acaryas interceding in his favor confirm it. Only now when union between Ranchi's rivals is emminent is there contest to this notorious fact. This denial at this time would be almost comical, if it weren't so ridiculous.

I just can not understand how Baba's acaryas ever doubted their own Guru's wisdom. His supreme knowledge was so readily sung, yet they could not see beyond. It's mind boogling. 

Yet i do not blame them, though. They were fooled by this one guy that seemed so... nice. They must've said what a poor man, such a sweet, intelligent, devoted worker. Baba doesn't want to see him, or to let him be in his presence, why is Baba so harsh towards this innocent devotee? We can not even start to have an idea what Baba wanted or why He let Rudrananda stay, while He had already expelled others. That why i personally agree that the conflict was purposely instilled by Baba. We have to fight our own ghosts first before going out to fight others'.

I don't know Rudrananda, nor do i have to. To me Taraka Brahma's word is enough. Besides Rudrananda's actions are determinant and of vile character. Actions are what reveal ones true nature. Ones word may be coherent, ones mind sharp, ones demeanor sweet, but at the end of the day, its the result of ones actions that count. An apple tree can not bear peach, nor a peach tree apples.

However, we can not deny the problem that has been created, the geo-social-religious sentimentalism that we as individuals - and groups - harbor, and since Baba is not physically present with us, we must find a way to work toward peaceful co-existence among different currents in the Marga Family. There's no going back, only forward toward One Universal Human Society.



From: Nir Kronenberg <nir...@yahoo.com>
To: anand...@googlegroups.com
Sent: Sun, March 13, 2011 10:53:50 AM
Subject: Re: [AnandaMarg] Dada Rudrananda

i'm curious to know what the response is to this letter below. Ranchi admin followers seem to have their own view concerning the history of Dada Rudrananda. Apparently all these "indisciplined" margiis and workers are fabricating stories against him. Not really a scholarly piece, as the title is rather strange and there is room for improvement in the grammar, but perhaps someone can separate the fact from fiction. There must be some way to verify all "facts". 

Dada Rudranandaji & His Grace
Defectors are hopeless and in utter frustration again started chanting Dada Rudranandaji's name. May good sense prevail in them.
By the grace of Supreme Master Baba, dadaji is respected and loved by all who love the organisation and His mission. All the workers and Margiis of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha (Central), Camp Ramchi has undoubted great respect and love for him.
The more defectors will spread the rumour against him, he will become more popular and respectful.
He is and ideal son of Baba who has been graced by Him to save His organisation. See below ... some examples of master's love for him...
KRG failed EC(third front) also failed so they joined their hands together to malign the image of a person who never criticizes any one, never tolerated irrationality or indiscipline act, never favoured anti organizational activities.

He is strict administrator as well as deep spiritualist. His overall prospect is such that attracts the workers, Margiis and new comers to lead an ideological life and become a good Sadhaka. This is the reason good people in good number is always withhim. Disgruntled tells they are "yes man"???

Some people who are suffering from inferiority complexes and cannot stand in any sphere before Rudranandaji are jealous to his personality are involved in conspiracy against him.

It is just to mislead the AMPS society against the significant senior worker of Ananda Marga from whom
indiscipline workers are afraid and disciplined are close to his

Who has tried his level best to give convincing language in bulletin to confuse the mass has forgotten that "action speaks louder then the voice" or mail. All his effort and money for printing and circulating it is in vein as it has been proved farce, fabricated and concocted.

Reply is being given in sequence with evidences:-
He became monk in 1960 and then he resigned from his job, the
resignation letter was drafted by Ac Sujeetji, he can be asked whom it was addressed, was it CBI or someone else?

Ac Parashivananda Avt was very close to him as both were good Sadhaka. Even Samanvayanandaji din't support the divisive act of Vandanananda who was constantly working on him against PP, President and Rudranandaji .

In 2005 Samanvayanandaji said "I am with Rudranandaji,
I am to support him as he is unbiased and rational and he has the capacity to protect the organization from its enemy, he is the one because of whom our holy organization is free from the clutches of demon dictator Sarvatmananda and justice is being given to all. I don't have any desire to become PP or President of AMPS" After that Vandanananda was much demoralized and could not come closer to him till the last and holy soul was departed.

In first election of CC in 1994 three people were out of CC that was Sarvatmanandaji, Keshavanandaji and Bhaveshanandaji. This CC was for indefinite period and would have continued till now but due to effort made by Rudranandaji CC was dissolved within merely three years and fresh election took place again in 1997 and due to rationality of Rudranandaji to keep all united brought all these three people back in the CC. It shows his broadness and organizational mind as well it answers the person who blames him that he is anti Bengali.

Rudranandaji is one who insisted to impliment the Caryacarya so that organisation can be brought on rational track, free from exploitation and whims of a few.

During emergency (period of underground) late Cidanandaji was very much with him and know him in person, so that in one of the mail Ananda Parashakti wrote that Cidanandji said I wanted to make Rudranandaji PP, so I transferred him from PA to CTS
Gandhidham because PA post was very contradictory. What he wanted to prove it is better known to him ?"

In 1981 from Jarwa, Rudranandaji came to attend reporting and DMS at Allahabad as per the instruction of Baba, He presented 17 plants. Baba was so happy that He said i won't ask any report from him till he is here.

After that Rudranandaji went back to Jarwa. Baba started searching him and asked Sarvatmananda to call him then and there. LFT of Sarvatamanda (then GS) reached Jarwa and said please in whatever condition you are go to Baba as soon as possible. In between that Baba reached Kanpur, When Rudranandaji reached kanpur, Midnight reporting was going on and Baba was very furious and beating the workers left and right. The moment Rudranandaji reached, Sarvatmananda informed Baba, Baba's face was changes; He came in the form of Kalyansundaram, He smiled; He was cool and stopped reporting.

Baba called him then and there and just asked "How are you?"
Rudranandaji said "Baba alright"

Baba with smile asked again "No I am asking how are you?"
Again Rudranandaji said "Alright Baba"

Baba once again said "No No I am asking how are you, How is your heart?"
Rudranandaji was silent.

Then Baba called him nearby and touched his chest for some time and said "you will be ever alright." He further said don't take any tensions, be free from all tensions, after that turning face towards all workers who were present in the reporting room said "can you here all, he should not remain in any tension."
After that Rudranandaji never had any chest pain in future.
You may verify from Sarvatmanandaji.

Just next day in the morning conspiracy was started. Sarvatmanandaji and other jelousful workers murmured "O' it seems now Baba is going to bring him back in the center and so he will get the chance to take actions against us. They thought may Rudranandaji will reveal all to Baba that how workers has behaved with him under conspiracy by a few.

It was but natural to think for such workers who tortured him a lot without any cause. Conspiracy began once again…

Dada Rudranandaji was standing on the way to Baba was sitting in car.
Dada Rudranandaji bid Pranam to Baba. Baba smiled and said in Hindi "Mast Raho or Sadhana Karo" (Be in peace/don't worry and do Sadhana".

Rudranandaji learnt Vishesh Yoga between May 1990 to September 1990 (Baba was physically present). After that as a last person Vandanananda learnt the lesson. (for confirmation phone no. +91-9431106426) Indeed Baba has allowed only 30-31 people to learn Vishesha Yoga. Dada Rudranandaji was one of them.

The issues related to Rudranandaji was washed during Baba's period directly by Him. Now are we capable enough to discuss those matters?

Should we put Lords authority in question?

Baba ever regarded authorityship to protect the system of the mission so that organisation can run smoothly. Now indiscipline people should remember and follow the administration before quoting it for someone else.
Concerning to this on the basis of complain of authority may it be right or wrong, if Rudranandaji had to go out of meeting what is wrong in it.
(Obedience is discipline and discipline is obedience. Obedience is the structural code of discipline. It is code of conduct that first obey the order of authority then request if it is not proper).
Under this, following the principle of discipline if Rudranandaji followed the authority shows his organizational and discipline nature and later on justice was given directly by Lord Himself. Was it wrong?
In proper time beloved Baba responded him in his favour, he imparted Vishesh Yoga, Baba had kept him in a side to do Sadhana and prepare himself to fight against all evils like Lord Krishna prepared Pandavas for 14 years and then
Mahabharat was conquered. Right days was fixed by beloved Baba to come so that Rudranandaji came forward to save the organisatoon from the ambitious self-centered people. Also in the past whenever organization was in crisis Rudranandaji came forward and solved the crisis.

Even Cidanandaji cronies (when Cidanandaji was wholesole of the organization till he was COS, utilized his talent whenever they were in problem and failed to solve After that they played like "use and through" with Rudranandaji under the conspiracy of a few complexed workers.

Shouldn't we respect the decision of Baba and simple and obedient nature of Rudranandaji? Why only one part is being touched by the disgruntled and not the other part where Baba has favoured Dada Rudranandaji on many occasion as per the history.

Rudranandaji always came forward taking risk to short out the problem of the organization, even Lord Baba also responded and brought him in center, imparted important responsibility whenever organization was in crisis.

Yes now days for the indiscipline workers and Margiis it is
objectionable, at present according to them one should not obey the authority, should denigrate the position of revered PP, President and GS of the AMPS. If someone does so they are the active member of such allies…

Baba punished many, demoted many, like Ramanandaji, Paranavanandaji, Keshavanandaji, Samanvayanandaji.

Respected Parashivanandaji was a great Sadhaka never got posting in center it doesn't mean he was controversial.

Rudranandaji was REI Bangalore and then Parameshvaranandaji was DS under him and many times Rudranandaji favoured him in front of Baba for medicine and others. Is it be proper to reveal each and every event one by one who did what for whom?

Doubt has got no solution and people even can doubt on the Lord and story can be created against anyone. Some story has been created to defame Rudranandaji which is very much fabricated and has got no base. 

From: Ganga Grace <gang...@yahoo.com>
To: anand...@googlegroups.com
Sent: Sun, March 13, 2011 4:32:31 AM
Subject: Re: [AnandaMarg] Dada Rudrananda

Namaskar Dada Maheshvarananda, Miirabhai and Jiivandev,

First of all I would like to thank Dada Maheshvarananda for taking the time to write such a detailed account of  the major problem that stands in the way to a unification of Ananda Marga as an organisation.

It is true and it is contrary to dharma to try and hide such facts, that Dada Rudrananda has been responsible for a lot of suffering of Acaryas and margiis in the past, during Baba's time as well as after Baba left His body. It is also true that he, as the main player, stands in the way to administrative unity.

Thank you Miirabhai for such a strong and dharmic stand. We are indeed dealing with duracariis and suduracariis and Dada Rudrananda is the one person who stands out among them. He is the more dangerous because he is intelligent and has been able to manipulate other workers with his "authority" to an unbelievable degree. To the point where even acaryas and margiis who are benevolent believe that somehow the Ranchi leaders must be part of the new administration and that unity without them will never be attained.

I would like to reiterate once again that the desired unity will have to be amongst the people - we need to unite and if this can happen under the leadership of Kimshukji let it be so. Under no circumstances must any leadership positions be given to Dada Rudrananda etal.

Nor are they (Ranchi leaders) eligible to lead any margiis or workers let alone the organisation at large.

It is time to rise. It is time to be very clear on these issues. No beating around the bush anymore, no hushing and sweeping under the carpet because that is the politically correct thing to do.

Jivandev, I remember the time when you strongly expressed your disapproval of the dealings of Dada Rudrananda and his regime. I hope you can reawaken your sense of dharma and that you will not undermine efforts to examine harsh reality facts which are vital for the understanding of the present organisational situation and why Ranchi leaders cannot and must not be in leadership positions in a new unified organisation.

We all need to understand that this is an extremely crucial time and that politics and political correctness is extremely harmful to the future of Baba's mission.



--- On Sun, 3/13/11, Mirra Price <mirra...@gmail.com> wrote:

From: Mirra Price <mirra...@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [AnandaMarg] Dada Rudrananda
To: "anandamarg" <anand...@googlegroups.com>
Cc: "jiivan dev" <jiivan...@yahoo.com>
Date: Sunday, March 13, 2011, 3:24 AM


Seeing an issue for what it really is, is not adharmic; rather, it is dharma itself. Baba himself, I believe, would term the Ranchi leaders as "duracarii" and "suduracarii". Until one understands the crux of an issue, one cannot resolve it. Dancing around the key elements of the lawsuit in which AM, Inc. Board is bravely embattled against the Ranchi faction, is not helpful nor enlightened.

As Baba warns us, lambs crying out for peace in a society of wolves is counter-productive. Any peace produced with wolves will fall back on the lambs in terms of more assault and slaughter. 

Is it up to you to decide what is appropriate to discuss on this forum? If Krisna thinks the topic is inappropriate, then I will discontinue responding to such posts. Until then, I, for one,among some others, will stand for dharma.


On Sat, Mar 12, 2011 at 9:08 PM, jiivan dev <jiivan...@yahoo.com> wrote:

I understand the feelings that arise with these delicate topics. I myself have spoken on and off this list against the Ranchi adm, and in particular against Rudrananda, and Nigamananda. Indeed, I have even expressed my opinion to local authorities as to R & N having a taste of their own medicine, and being expelled as well.

However the split in AM is no easy matter. Indeed, it is an extremely emotional and complex matter, on whose good and appropriate solution lies the future of the entire organization, and its impact on modern society.

I have expressed the futility of discussing such delicate and emotional issues, jeopardizing the possibility of peaceful co-existence that is necessary to realize Baba's ideology within one organization. This list is not the appropriate forum to address such crucial matters that will have decisive results to the existence and continuation of Baba Mission.

I feel that it is extremely irresponsible to discuss such decisive topics whose outcome is entirely out of our hands, and that may eventually split the Marga Family even further. How can we even entertain the idea of Mahavishva and One Human Society, if we can not co-exist among ourselves?

I know in my gut and in my heart that any attempt to create divisions in humandkind is completely contrary to Baba's philosophy. To fight injustice may be Dharma, but to instill hatred, prejudice and ignorance is unquestionably above all other things the most Adharmik of human endeavors. Ranchi, Hindis, Biharis, Bengalis, or Americans are not our enemies. Narrow sentiments, petty interests, and self-centered manipulation on the other hand are what we should occupying ourselves with.



From: Mirra Price <mirra...@gmail.com>
To: anandamarg <anand...@googlegroups.com>
Cc: Dada Maheshvarananda <maheshv...@prout.org>
Sent: Sat, March 12, 2011 9:32:19 PM

Subject: Re: [AnandaMarg] Dada Rudrananda


Thank you, Dadaji, for this valuable historical record re: Dada Rudrananda. I had been aware of most of these events, but a few were new to me. It is important to remember that the three main sections of our organization are not equal entities. If they were, a unity initiative might make sense. Asking Ranchi to share the table with Unity and Kolkata is a bit like it would be if the Jews and the German people who did not support Hitler, were to ask Hitler to share the table. I know this seems to be an extreme analogy. But, IS it? Margiis, Didis and Dadas have been physically injured and some even killed for standing up to Rudrananda and Nigamananda. 

We cannot even refer to the leaders of the Ranchi faction as Margiis; they should have been expelled from the organization for gross abuse of power decades ago. The Marg needs to shore up our collective backbone and take Ananda Marga back from these heinous criminals. How long will we allow them to seize all the properties, bend the organization to their will and commit grievous crimes against the organization and humanity? Please, sisters and brothers, let us lift up our veils and call a spade a spade.



On Sat, Mar 12, 2011 at 6:00 PM, Dada Maheshvarananda <maheshv...@prout.org> wrote:


Most workers and Margiis have great hope that we can reunite our organization. However  it may be helpful to understand one of the obstacles that has made it so difficult up to now.

Few people are completely knowledgeable about the history of Dada Rudrananda. During the State of Emergency from 1975-1977, while Baba was imprisoned by the Indira Gandhi regime in India, the workers who were underground started to polarize into two factions. One was led by Dada Jagadiishvarananda, who Baba had appointed as acting General Secretary when the GS Dada Sarveshvarananda was arrested. The other group was led by Dada Rudrananda. Dada Jagadiishvarananda was invited to Patna for a meeting to work out their differences, and afterwards the police came and arrested him.

When Baba was released from jail in August 1978, He ordered that Dada Rudrananda should be sent for re-training, along with Dadas Viireshananda and Devananda, who had conspired with him to get Dada Jagadiishvarananda arrested. The other two immediately pleaded guilty, and were renamed as Nitiishananda, who later left the organization, and Dada Parasattananda. However Dada Rudrananda never confessed, and Baba then declared that he was banned from having Guru Darshan, which meant he could not meet nor talk with Baba, could not attend any reporting meeting or VSS or ERAWS camp, he could not enter any MG Quarters, could not be a trainer for any seminar and could only attend village level seminars led by someone else. Dada Rudrananda was also given a new name, but he sent requests and Baba eventually allowed him to use his old name. This ban on Dada Rudrananda continued for 12 years until Baba's physical departure. He was only allowed to see Baba in the big pandal during DMCs, along with thousands of Margiis and workers. No other worker received such a harsh punishment for a long period and never received amnesty.

After Indira Gandhi was voted out of power, the Janata government appointed former Chief Justice J.C. Shah to inquire into all the excesses committed during the Emergency. The Shah Commission deposed hundreds of individuals about the atrocities committed, and its 500-page report was particularly scathing of Indira Gandhi and her son Sanjay Gandhi. Because Mangal Bihari was a former Additional Defense Secretary of India, he was later allowed to see the classified appendix, and the civil name of Rudrananda was named as the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) informant within Ananda Marga during that time. 

After his retraining, Baba sent word that Dada Rudrananda should be the Master Unit rector in Jharwa, Uttar Pradesh, where he spent the next ten years. In 1978, Dada Parameshvarananda was his supervisory worker. Whenever Dada Parameshvarananda met Baba, he was asked to tell the good news and how each of the workers in his area was doing. He said, "But when I tried to talk about Rudrananda's work, Baba was very displeased. After nine months I again told Baba about Rudrananda, and again his mood became very bad. Then, during the 1979 DMC in Varanasi which I organized, I got the chance to talk privately with Baba. I again praised Rudrananda. Baba became quite angry and said, 'Why do you praise him? If the organization hears this, the organization may give you punishment!' I started crying because I didn't understand what I had done wrong. Then Baba softened towards me. When I left room, I told Rudrananda what had happened. I said, 'This was the third time I tried to intervene on your behalf.' I remember how pale his face became when he heard this. At that time I did not understand why Baba reacted so sternly." 

In that same year, after a reporting session, when Baba was leaving with a group of workers, they saw Dada Rudrananda walking and chatting with three or four Margiis. He had of course not been in the meeting because of Baba's ban. Baba said to the workers, including Dada Mantreshvarananda, "Rudrananda is a deep sea fish. His mind is difficult to understand. What he thinks and does, nobody understands." 

In May 1990, Baba approved Dada Rudrananda's name to learn Vishesa Yoga, saying He did not want to spoil the spiritual future of anyone. So Dada Shraddhananda taught him all the lessons.

After Baba's physical departure, Dada Parameshvarananda convinced Dada Shraddhananda and the Purodha Board to declare that Dada Rudrananda was a purodha. Then he became a Central Committee member and a Central worker. 

From 1978-1990, when Baba was physically present, no WT was expelled, not even Dada Rudrananda. From 1990-2000 only one worker was expelled. After Dada Dhruvananda became GS in 2000 with Dada Rudrananda's support, the Ranchi administration expelled 50 WTs by late 2003, when the court ordered them to stop all expulsions until the case filed by Kolkata administration was resolved – it is still pending. 

During the five months in 2004 when 63 Wholetimers were jailed in Purulia due to the threat of violence at Ananda Nagar, the Bengali workers were put in a different cell from the other workers. For five months the workers listened to Dada Rudrananda talk about how bad the Bengali workers were, and he repeatedly said, "If I get 30-40 hard-core WTs, I can control the organization." Afterwards he managed to do just that, teaming up with Dada Nigamananda. Though they have held various Central posts over the years, and though they have sometimes disagreed, they control everything.

When they were released, he became the Personal Assistant to the ailing Purodha Pramukha. In this capacity he was the most powerful person in the organization, because he controlled access to PP dada, and got the signature on any order he wanted, and no signature on any order he did not want approved. When, in November 2005, the Purodha Board declared the transfer of Dada Rudrananda out of Central Office, he convinced Dada Dhruvananda to declare a state of internal emergency on December 12. The stated reason was: “repeated attacks and onslaughts on our organisation by expelled and indisciplined workers in league with vested interests endangering the functioning of our entire organisation.” Three weeks later, on January 6, after the Central Purodha Board members agreed to request Purodha Pramukha dada, the Chairperson of the Board, to recall the decisions they had made against the interests of Dada Rudrananda, the Internal Emergency was lifted because: “The situation is in process of improvement.”

On 28 February 2011 Rudrananda sent a verbal message to Dada Parameshvarananda through one dada and one Margii: "Let the Unity Group and Ranchi unite, but don't include the Kolkata group." This shows his desperation to keep the organization divided and maintain his power. He has also repeatedly said, “I will not allow criminals to rule Ananda Marga as long as I live,” meaning that those who do not agree with him are criminals, and that he is not at all interested in unity.

Dada Maheshvarananda
Instituto Venezolano de Investigación de Prout
Prout Research Institute of Venezuela
Tel. (58)-212-886-2323, 238-8665, 
cel. (58)-426-710-9825
Skype: dadamaheshvarananda
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Mirra Price

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Mirra Price

A small group of thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has!  --Margaret Mead
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