var TAMS_TAF1 {d in ND, t in F1[d], s in NS, c in NC} = if TA_MRS_SAT[d,t,s,c] <= TA_F1[d,t,s] then 1 else 0;
var TAMS_TAF1 {d in ND, t in F1[d], s in NS, c in NC} binary; subject to TAMS_TAF1_define {d in ND, t in F1[d], s in NS, c in NC}: TAMS_TAF1[d,t,s,c] = 1 ==> TA_MRS_SAT[d,t,s,c] <= TA_F1[d,t,s] else TA_MRS_SAT[d,t,s,c] >= TA_F1[d,t,s];
Hi Mr Robert,
The statements I wrote in the variables description are the followings:
var TA_F1 {d in ND, t in F1[d], i in (ND union NS) } >= 0 ;
var TA_MRS_SAT {d in ND, t in F1[d], s in NS, c in NC} >= 0 ;
var TD_MRS_SAT {s in NS, c in NC} >= 0 ;
var TAMS_TAF1 {d in ND, t in F1[d], s in NS, c in NC} = if TA_MRS_SAT[d,t,s,c] <= TA_F1[d,t,s] then 1 else 0;
var TAF1_TDMS {d in ND, t in F1[d], s in NS, c in NC} = if TA_F1[d,t,s] <= TD_MRS_SAT[s,c] then 1 else 0;
var TAMSTAF1_TAF1TDMS {d in ND, t in F1[d], s in NS, c in NC} = if TAMS_TAF1[d,t,s,c]=TAF1_TDMS[d,t,s,c]=1 then 1 else 0;
They contain the "if-then-else" expression as you have mentioned before, perhaps it because of this I have the notice of " nonquadratic nonlinear constraints" from Gurobi.
I would like to aks you how I can write those variables so that they can be accepted by Gurobi.
Thanks a lot for your support.
Best Regards.
On Tue, Apr 21, 2020 at 4:28 PM UTC, AMPL Google Group <> wrote:
You might have some logical expression in your constraints, which Gurobi would reject as "nonlinear" since it is not a linear expression. For example, an "if-then" or "if-then-else" construct will be considered nonlinear if there are variables in the expression after "if". However, for a simple logical condition like the one that defines your variable e_ih^m, there is often a reformulation that Gurobi does accept.
To get more help, try attaching the file that has your model in it, and also your data file if that is practical.
Robert Fourer
subject to Contrainte_3 {d in ND, i in NS, j in NS: i <> j, c in NC, m in NC: m<>c}:
sum {t in F1[d]}( X_F1[d,t,i,j]+TRUCK_CUST[d,t,i,c]+TRUCK_CUST[d,t,j,m]) <= 2 ;
Hi Robert,
I write to you again because I have an another preoccupation.
I wrote this equation and I got syntax error statement:
subject to Contrainte_3 {d in ND, i in NS, j in NS: i <> j, c in NC, m in NC: m<>c}:
sum {t in F1[d]}( X_F1[d,t,i,j]+TRUCK_CUST[d,t,i,c]+TRUCK_CUST[d,t,j,m]) <= 2 ;
I would like to ask you how to write variables wtih are different twice time in the bracket in front of contrainte _3{ }.
Best regards.
On Thu, Apr 23, 2020 at 4:00 AM UTC, AMPL Modeling Language <> wrote:
Hi Robert,
Thanks a lot. Your help is very precious for me.
Best Regards.
On Thu, Apr 23, 2020 at 3:55 AM UTC, AMPL Modeling Language <> wrote:Hi Robert,
Many thanks for your help. It is very precious for me.
On Wed, Apr 22, 2020 at 7:13 PM UTC, AMPL Google Group <> wrote:
To satisfy Gurobi, write these variable definitions as "indicator constraints" instead. For example, you havevar TAMS_TAF1 {d in ND, t in F1[d], s in NS, c in NC} = if TA_MRS_SAT[d,t,s,c] <= TA_F1[d,t,s] then 1 else 0;
For Gurobi, define a binary variable and a separate constraint:var TAMS_TAF1 {d in ND, t in F1[d], s in NS, c in NC} binary; subject to TAMS_TAF1_define {d in ND, t in F1[d], s in NS, c in NC}: TAMS_TAF1[d,t,s,c] = 1 ==> TA_MRS_SAT[d,t,s,c] <= TA_F1[d,t,s] else TA_MRS_SAT[d,t,s,c] >= TA_F1[d,t,s];
The ==> operator means "implies". For a constraint using ==> to be an indicator constraint, the expression to the left must be "binary-variable = 0" or "binary-variable=1". The above formulation allows TAMS_TAF1[d,t,s,c] to be either 1 or 0 when TA_MRS_SAT[d,t,s,c] = TA_F1[d,t,s]; if you don't want to permit that, you could try something like TA_MRS_SAT[d,t,s,c] >= TA_F1[d,t,s] + 0.0001 in the "else" part. (It's not possible to enforce > on continuous variables in optimization problems.)
TAF1_TDMS would be handled similarly. In TAMSTAF1_TAF1TDMS, AMPL doesn't recognize the double-constraint TAMS_TAF1[d,t,s,c]=TAF1_TDMS[d,t,s,c]=1, but since TAMS_TAF1[d,t,s,c] and TAF1_TDMS[d,t,s,c] and both zero-one (binary) variables, you can write that equivalently as TAMS_TAF1[d,t,s,c]+TAF1_TDMS[d,t,s,c]=2, and then apply the same approach as for the previous constraints.
Robert Fourer
Hi Mr Robert,
I rewrote the variable that I wrote incorrectly (var TAMSTAF1_TAF1TDMS {d in ND, t in F1[d], s in NS, c in NC} = if TAMS_TAF1[d,t,s,c]=TAF1_TDMS[d,t,s,c]=1 then 1 else 0 ) this way:
subject to TAMSTAF1_TAF1TDMS_define {d in ND, t in F1[d], s in NS, c in NC}:
TAMSTAF1_TAF1TDMS[d,t,s,c] = 1 ==>
TAMS_TAF1[d,t,s,c]+TAF1_TDMS[d,t,s,c]=2 else
I would like to ask you if this formulation is correct.
Best regards.
On Sat, Apr 25, 2020 at 2:52 AM UTC, AMPL Modeling Language <> wrote:Thank you very much!
On Fri, Apr 24, 2020 at 5:07 PM UTC, AMPL Google Group <> wrote:
Place all of the conditions at the end of the indexing expression, like this:
subject to Contrainte_3
{d in ND, i in NS, j in NS, c in NC, m in NC: i<>j and m<>c}: . . .
On Fri, Apr 24, 2020 at 9:54 AM UTC, AMPL Modeling Language <> wrote:
Hi Robert,
I write to you again because I have an another preoccupation.
I wrote this equation and I got syntax error statement:
subject to Contrainte_3 {d in ND, i in NS, j in NS: i <> j, c in NC, m in NC: m<>c}:
sum {t in F1[d]}( X_F1[d,t,i,j]+TRUCK_CUST[d,t,i,c]+TRUCK_CUST[d,t,j,m]) <= 2 ;
I would like to ask you how to write variables wtih are different twice time in the bracket in front of contrainte _3{ }.
Best regards.
On Thu, Apr 23, 2020 at 4:00 AM UTC, AMPL Modeling Language <> wrote:
Hi Robert,
Thanks a lot. Your help is very precious for me.
Best Regards.
On Thu, Apr 23, 2020 at 3:55 AM UTC, AMPL Modeling Language <> wrote:
Hi Robert,
Many thanks for your help. It is very precious for me.
On Wed, Apr 22, 2020 at 7:13 PM UTC, AMPL Google Group <> wrote:
To satisfy Gurobi, write these variable definitions as "indicator constraints" instead. For example, you havevar TAMS_TAF1 {d in ND, t in F1[d], s in NS, c in NC} = if TA_MRS_SAT[d,t,s,c] <= TA_F1[d,t,s] then 1 else 0;
For Gurobi, define a binary variable and a separate constraint:var TAMS_TAF1 {d in ND, t in F1[d], s in NS, c in NC} binary; subject to TAMS_TAF1_define {d in ND, t in F1[d], s in NS, c in NC}: TAMS_TAF1[d,t,s,c] = 1 ==> TA_MRS_SAT[d,t,s,c] <= TA_F1[d,t,s] else TA_MRS_SAT[d,t,s,c] >= TA_F1[d,t,s];
The ==> operator means "implies". For a constraint using ==> to be an indicator constraint, the expression to the left must be "binary-variable = 0" or "binary-variable=1". The above formulation allows TAMS_TAF1[d,t,s,c] to be either 1 or 0 when TA_MRS_SAT[d,t,s,c] = TA_F1[d,t,s]; if you don't want to permit that, you could try something like TA_MRS_SAT[d,t,s,c] >= TA_F1[d,t,s] + 0.0001 in the "else" part. (It's not possible to enforce > on continuous variables in optimization problems.)
TAF1_TDMS would be handled similarly. In TAMSTAF1_TAF1TDMS, AMPL doesn't recognize the double-constraint TAMS_TAF1[d,t,s,c]=TAF1_TDMS[d,t,s,c]=1, but since TAMS_TAF1[d,t,s,c] and TAF1_TDMS[d,t,s,c] and both zero-one (binary) variables, you can write that equivalently as TAMS_TAF1[d,t,s,c]+TAF1_TDMS[d,t,s,c]=2, and then apply the same approach as for the previous constraints.
Robert Fourer
Hi Sir,
Thanks very much for reply.
But how can I write TAMS_TAF1[d,t,s,c] + TAF1_TDMS[d,t,s,c] to tell that it must equal 0 or 1?
Like this?
subject to TAMSTAF1_TAF1TDMS_define {d in ND, t in F1[d], s in NS, c in NC}:
TAMSTAF1_TAF1TDMS[d,t,s,c] = 1 ==>
TAMS_TAF1[d,t,s,c]+TAF1_TDMS[d,t,s,c]=2 else
TAMS_TAF1[d,t,s,c]+TAF1_TDMS[d,t,s,c]=0 or 1;
On Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 5:39 PM UTC, AMPL Google Group <> wrote:
In the "else" part of your constraint, you have
TAMS_TAF1[d,t,s,c] + TAF1_TDMS[d,t,s,c] = 2 - 0.0001
But as I understand your problem, TAMS_TAF1[d,t,s,c] and TAF1_TDMS[d,t,s,c] are supposed to be variables that only take the value 0 or 1. Thus TAMS_TAF1[d,t,s,c] + TAF1_TDMS[d,t,s,c] can only be 0, 1, or 2 -- and it cannot be 2 - 0.0001.
So the "else" part will need to be fixed. You want to specify an inequality that lets TAMS_TAF1[d,t,s,c] + TAF1_TDMS[d,t,s,c] equal 0 or 1, but not 2.
Robert Fourer