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subejct to is not working after another subject to

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Anwar Muheidat

Nov 4, 2024, 7:45:00 PM11/4/24
to AMPL Modeling Language
Hey guys, 

currently Im working on an task which needs multiple subject to commands.

this is my mod: 
param J; # Anzahl der Produkte

param T; # Anzahl der Perioden

set j := 1..J;

set t := 1..T;

set j0:=0;

param d{j,t}; # Nachfrage nach Produkt j in Periode t

param I0; # Anfangslagerbestand des Produktes j

param s{j}; # Rüstkostensatz des Produktes j

param h{j}; # Lagerhaltungskostensatz des Produktes j

param C{t}; # Verfügbare Kapazität in Periode t

param p{j}; # Produktionskoeffizient des Produktes j

var q{j,t} >= 0; # Produktionsmenge von j in Periode t

var x{j,t} binary; # 1 wenn in Periode t für j gerüstet wird, sonst 0

var I{j,t} >= 0; # Lagerbestand von Produkt j am Ende der Periode t

minimize costs: sum {a in J, b in T} (s[a] * x[a,b] + h[a] * I[a,b]);

subject to Lager {a in J, b in T}: (if a = 1 then 0 else I[a-1,b]) + q[a,b] - d[a,b] = I[a,b];

subject to Kapazität {a in J, b in T}: p[a] * q[a,b] <= C[a] * x[a,b];

subject to Lager seems to be alright because first i couldnt do another subejct to command after it, but when i fixed it, it turned out to be right, because then another subejct to command was possible.
But now it seems that something is wrong with subject to Kapazität, because i cant put in another subject to command after that one, which shows me that something is incorrect but so far I couldnt figure out the mistake.

Help ASAP pls :)


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Nov 5, 2024, 3:18:36 PM11/5/24
to AMPL Modeling Language
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