I am new to ampl. I need your help to review this constraint. I am going to explain a part of the problem :
n i : set of demand site
n j : set of candidate site
n k : set of type station (large, medium, small)
var X {i in DemandSites, j in Sites} binary; #location that would be build
var Xjk {j in Sites, k in Types} binary; #type of the station would be build
I would like to optimize location model to minimize cost.
minimize Total_Cost:
sum {i in DemandSites, j in Sites, k in Types} F[k} * Xjk[j,k];
subject to Constraint_coverage {i in DemandSites} :
sum {j in Sites} d[i,j] * X [i,j] >= demand[i];
Can you help me review that constraint.