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Octeract solver not working

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Cai Gangying

Aug 7, 2024, 1:44:05 PM8/7/24
to AMPL Modeling Language
Greetings to the esteemed AMPL team. I am a current student and have applied for a trial of octeract. According to the official website for octeract:
 "ampl: option solver octeract; # change the solver ampl: option octeract_options 'option1=value1 option2= value2'; # specify options ampl: solve; # solve the problem".
I made the call to octeract in AMPL, but I get the following result: "Set to *option1=value1 option2=value2 MIP_SOLVER=CPLEX*
Option name mismatch. could not find option with name "OPTION1".
Could not find option with name "OPTION1". exit value 1
May I ask why this result occurs? Obviously, octeract is still in the trial period, why can't I use it?

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Aug 7, 2024, 7:11:55 PM8/7/24
to AMPL Modeling Language
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