Do You Want To Retire?

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Mar 16, 2012, 8:55:04 AM3/16/12


Do You Want To Retire?

What are your goals for retirement? Do you even want to retire? If you have big dreams of traveling the world, buying a yacht, or buying a cottage, you need to start saving now, and saving big..Do You Want To Retire? Home About Contact Subscribe Pennysaverblog Smart Finance and Money Saving Tips Do You Want To Retire? by Pam on May 10, 2010 There’s so much talk today about the importance of saving for retirement.  But just what does retirement mean to you?  What do you want to do when you retire?  Or do you even want to retire? These are important questions to ask yourself before you build a strategy for saving for your retirement.  If you aren’t planning on living extravagantly, traveling the world, or having expensive hobbies, you won’t need to save as much as those who do have big plans. While some people are content to stay home and take life easy, others are preparing to be more active when they retire than they have been during their working years.  Others don’t ever plan on retiring because they are passionate about their work and can’t imagine that life could go on if they were to ever quit. Another key question to ask yourself is at what age you would like to retire.  If you want to retire at 40, you better have a really high paying job and a disciplined investment strategy in place.  If you prefer to retire at the more traditional age of 60 or 65, then you may have more time to save, however, you still need to take a disciplined and strategic approach by investing regularly in an RRSP, TFSA, or non-registered investment. My suggestion to you is to not let the amount of money you have dictate your future retirement.  In other words, save now for your future so that you are free to decide what you will do at retirement because money won’t be an issue.  If you leave it up to chance, you will end up living far below your current standard of living when you retire and even if you had big retirement dreams you wouldn� ��t be able to achieve them simply because you didn’t plan! ahead. In order to ensure th...

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