Problem in processing Pleiades Tri Stereo

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Atanu Bhattacharya

Feb 16, 2024, 9:49:59 AMFeb 16
to Ames Stereo Pipeline Support

Dear AMES Team,

I attempted to process Pleiades Triplet data utilizing the RPC camera model. Below is the command I employed, incorporating bundle adjustment:

arallel_stereo -t rpcmaprpc --subpixel-mode 2 --stereo-algorithm asp_mgm FORWARD.tif NADIR.tif BACKWARD.tif 001/RPC_PHR1A_P_202210180456310_SEN_6534628101-1.XML 002/RPC_PHR1A_P_202210180457055_SEN_6534629101-1.XML 003/RPC_PHR1A_P_202210180456481_SEN_6534630101-1.XML --bundle-adjust-prefix run_ba/run st_run/out NASADEM_WGS84_45N.tif-adj.tif

I utilized map-projected images within the parallel_stereo command. Initially, I executed bundle adjustment, followed by mapproject and parallel_stereo. Regrettably, the triangulation process failed. Interestingly, the same data processed successfully without bundle adjustment. Could you please provide your recommendations?

Thank you for your assistance.

Best regards,


Screenshot from 2024-02-16 20-05-04.png

Dr. Atanu Bhattacharya (He/Him)
BE (JU), M.Tech (IITR), PhD (IITR)
Associate Professor, JIS University, Kolkata, India
Alexander von Humboldt (AvH) Fellow,TU Dresden, Germany
Former Research Fellow, University of Zurich, Switzerland & University of St. Andrews, Scotland, UK
Mountain Cryosphere Research Group,  
Ph: +918335098452 (Kolkata, India)

Oleg Alexandrov

Feb 16, 2024, 11:48:15 AMFeb 16
to Atanu Bhattacharya, Ames Stereo Pipeline Support
The error message says that F.tif was not found, which is the disparity produced by the previous step, stereo filtering. So, you should examine your log and see where things started to fail. 

I will also suggest overlaying the left and right mapprojected images and see if they agree. 

For Pleiades NEO, RPCs appear to have a very large unexplained shift which can be a problem. For Pleiades HR, which you seem to be using, RPC is fine as I recall, and we ran Pleiades data a lot. So, there is likely some glitch along the way. 

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Alexandrov, Oleg (ARC-TI)[KBR Wyle Services, LLC]

Feb 16, 2024, 11:51:31 AMFeb 16
to Oleg Alexandrov, Atanu Bhattacharya, Ames Stereo Pipeline Support
To add to previous, note that you also seem to be running the whole triplet at once. That should work, but I never tried running Pleiades that way. It is usually done pairwise, per the doc.

So, you can try running a pair, and see how it goes. You can share the full log it prints on screen.

From: <> on behalf of Oleg Alexandrov <>
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2024 8:47 AM
To: Atanu Bhattacharya <>
Cc: Ames Stereo Pipeline Support <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [BULK] Re: Problem in processing Pleiades Tri Stereo
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