Exception: No mapprojected tif tiles were generated for Pléiades image

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Marin Kneib

Feb 28, 2024, 10:41:58 AMFeb 28
to Ames Stereo Pipeline Support
Dear ASP community,

I've recently had to reinstall entirely ASP on my new windows computer, via a docker container, following the instructions here: https://github.com/dshean/stereohack/blob/master/Ames%20Stereo%20Pipeline%20on%20Windows

I've installed the ASP version 3.3.0 and then ran the usual commands that have always worked for me so far to stereo-process a Pléiades image pair, but encountered a problem at the very first step, when trying to mapproject the first image:

mapproject -t rpc --t_srs "+proj=utm +zone=32 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs" --tr 0.5 $refDEM $img1 $rpc1 ./RESULTS_2017_10_07_1/proj1.tif

I get the following error:

Query finished, exiting mapproject tool.

Output image size is 42963 by 44366 pixels.
Splitting into 9 by 9 tiles.
parallel --will-cite --workdir /ASP -u --env PATH --env PYTHONPATH --env ISISROOT --env ASP_LIBRARY_PATH --env ISISDATA -a ./RESULTS_2017_10_07_1/proj1_tif_tiles/argumentList.txt -P 8 --colsep \t /ASP/StereoPipeline-3.3.0-Linux/bin/python /ASP/StereoPipeline-3.3.0-Linux/libexec/mapproject --pixelStartX {1} --pixelStartY {2} --pixelStopX {3} --pixelStopY {4} --work-dir ./RESULTS_2017_10_07_1/proj1_tif_tiles/ ./COP30_UTM32N.tif ./PGO_HEF/2017-10-07_1/IMG_PHR1B_P_001/IMG_PHR1B_P_201710071018055_SEN_2497085101-001_R1C1.JP2 ./PGO_HEF/2017-10-07_1/IMG_PHR1B_P_001/RPC_PHR1B_P_201710071018055_SEN_2497085101-001.XML ./RESULTS_2017_10_07_1/proj1.tif --threads 8 -t rpc --t_srs "+proj=utm +zone=32 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"  --tr 0.5
Undefined subroutine &Job::encode_base64 called at /ASP/StereoPipeline-3.3.0-Linux/libexec/parallel line 10124, <GEN2> line 4.
Warning: Skipping non-existing file:  ./RESULTS_2017_10_07_1/proj1_tif_tiles/tile_0_0_5120_5120.tif
Warning: Skipping non-existing file:  ./RESULTS_2017_10_07_1/proj1_tif_tiles/tile_5120_0_10240_5120.tif


Warning: Skipping non-existing file:  ./RESULTS_2017_10_07_1/proj1_tif_tiles/tile_40960_40960_42963_44366.tif
Removing: ./RESULTS_2017_10_07_1/proj1_tif_tiles/
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/ASP/StereoPipeline-3.3.0-Linux/libexec/mapproject", line 557, in <module>
  File "/ASP/StereoPipeline-3.3.0-Linux/libexec/mapproject", line 504, in main
    raise Exception("No mapprojected tif tiles were generated")
Exception: No mapprojected tif tiles were generated

I am not really sure what is happening, if you have any idea, please let me low!

Best regards,

Marin Kneib

Oleg Alexandrov

Feb 28, 2024, 11:47:23 AMFeb 28
to Marin Kneib, Ames Stereo Pipeline Support
It looks like the third-party GNU Parallel tool that we ship does not like your version of Perl. 

Maybe you can check your Linux version in docker and install something newer. Ubuntu 18 and newer should work.

Or, you can pull an older version of GNU Parallel from somewhere and overwrite what we ship at  /ASP/StereoPipeline-3.3.0-Linux/libexec/parallel.

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Shashank Bhushan

Feb 28, 2024, 12:11:42 PMFeb 28
to Oleg Alexandrov, Marin Kneib, Ames Stereo Pipeline Support, Scott Henderson
Hello Marin,
If you want a pre-configured ASP 3.3.0 docker image with newer ubuntu, you could also try this docker image from docker-hub: docker.io/uwcryo/asp-binder:9e07dd1ff9db


Shashank Bhushan, PhD 
Postdoctoral Scholar
Civil & Environmental Engineering
University of Washington, Seattle
Pronouns: (he/him/we)

David Shean

Feb 28, 2024, 12:57:27 PMFeb 28
to Shashank Bhushan, Oleg Alexandrov, Marin Kneib, Ames Stereo Pipeline Support, Scott Henderson
Oh wow, those instructions are from the 2016 GeoHackWeek Event!  We should probably retire.  

Latest “official” guidance on using ASP on Windows is here: https://stereopipeline.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation.html#precompiled-binaries-linux-and-macos

I think it would make sense to have a dedicated subsection header for Windows in the installation doc (https://stereopipeline.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation.html#), as I expect there are many others out there who want to try running ASP on Windows.  This section can be short, with instructions to install WSL (with link to MS instructions https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install), then download the desired Linux tar.bz2, extract and run a test.  Some of this might still be a little confusing for beginners, so best to be more explicit here on all steps, to help get people up and running.

There is currently nothing on the official ASP installation doc about docker.  Can potentially link to the https://github.com/uw-cryo/asp-binder repo and the resulting containers, which Shashank is working to clean up for the interactive notebook tutorials.  Moving forward, it might also make sense to include a dedicated section on cloud deployment, with recommended instance types for the Linux builds.

David Shean
Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Washington

201 More Hall, Box 352700
3760 E. Stevens Way NE
Seattle, WA 98195-2700
Office: (206) 543-3105, Wilcox Hall 265
Pronouns: he, him, his

Marin Kneib

Feb 29, 2024, 10:20:46 AMFeb 29
to David Shean, Shashank Bhushan, Oleg Alexandrov, Ames Stereo Pipeline Support, Scott Henderson

Hi everyone,

Thanks a lot for your swift and detailed replies! Following your advice, I've changed to ASP version 3.1.0 and re-installed the GNU parallel that correpsonded. Works perfect.



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