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San Francisco Bay Area Vigil Invite - Friday March 22, Fremont CA @ 6:30pm

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Malini Kumar

Mar 20, 2013, 2:25:17 AM3/20/13
Hi all,
There is a world wide Vigil for Wytha's Hunger Srtike.  Please join us in Fremont, California.   
Thank you

Malaysia Solidarity Campaign Important announcement –please distribute widely

“You must be the change that you want to see in the world” Gandhi

Peaceful Vigil in support of:

P Waytha Moorthy‘s Hunger Strike in Malaysia

FRIDAY 22 MARCH 2013 at 6:30 pm

Malaysia American Foundation, 2503 Parkside Dr, Fremont CA 94536

P.Waytha Moorthy is an internationally known and respected human rights defender. He is the founder and leader of HINDRAF, a mass movement of Malaysian ethnic Indians fighting against marginalization, discrimination and racism and for equality, justice, and dignity.

P Waytha Moorthy has been on hunger strike since March 10th 2013 and vowed to continue until the political elite, both the Government and the opposition, in Malaysia acknowledge and respond to HINDRAFs blueprint for change, a 5 year conclusive and comprehensive plan to uplift 1.5 million Malaysian Indians out of poverty and into the mainstream. It has also called for the formation of a new Government Ministry for Minority Affairs that will be responsible for developing legislation and national policies needed to permanently address the problems and implement reform (for further information visit In any developing and democratic nation, these proposals would be welcomed because they would ensure a more inclusive, cohesive, participatory and equal society but in Malaysia the ruling elite view it with suspicion and hostility.

Rather than address the problem, the Government strategy has been draconian. Initially it banned Hindraf, arrested its leaders and activists and demonized them. The ban was recently lifted, its leaders and activists have been freed and the charges against them dropped given public outcry and support for HINDRAF. Now it’s strategy is to censure and deny any mainstream news on this issue, especially in relation hunger strike and Hindraf’s proposed plan, hoping and wishing the problem would simply go away.

The Vigil has been called to mark our support for P Waytha Moorthy’s brave and selfless actions and to ensure that the Malaysian Government and the opposition, that has described itself as the Government-in-waiting, is forced to address the plight of all minorities in Malaysia, including the marginalized and the poor. Please join us.

For info: contact Malini Kumar (510) 894 0256  or


Malini Kumar

Mar 20, 2013, 8:22:12 PM3/20/13
Hi all,
I'm sending this again, I made a typo with the Hindraf website.     
Thank you

Malaysia Solidarity Campaign Important announcement –please distribute widely

“You must be the change that you want to see in the world” Gandhi

Peaceful Vigil in support of:

P Waytha Moorthy‘s Hunger Strike in Malaysia

FRIDAY 22 MARCH 2013 at 6:30 pm

Malaysia American Foundation, 2503 Parkside Dr, Fremont CA 94536

P.Waytha Moorthy is an internationally known and respected human rights defender. He is the founder and leader of HINDRAF, a mass movement of Malaysian ethnic Indians fighting against marginalization, discrimination and racism and for equality, justice, and dignity.

P Waytha Moorthy has been on hunger strike since March 10th 2013 and vowed to continue until the political elite, both the Government and the opposition, in Malaysia acknowledge and respond to HINDRAFs blueprint for change, a 5 year conclusive and comprehensive plan to uplift 1.5 million Malaysian Indians out of poverty and into the mainstream. It has also called for the formation of a new Government Ministry for Minority Affairs that will be responsible for developing legislation and national policies needed to permanently address the problems and implement reform (for further information visit In any developing and democratic nation, these proposals would be welcomed because they would ensure a more inclusive, cohesive, participatory and equal society but in Malaysia the ruling elite view it with suspicion and hostility.

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