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Malini Kumar

May 25, 2012, 12:52:19 AM5/25/12

Pray for Ambiga and other Leaders
  Dear Friends, A group of us visited Dato' Ambiga on Friday evening. We wanted to show our gratitude and respect as well as convey our
Well Wishes to her and her family for having to suffer the harassment and intimidation of First the Burger 'Sellers' and then the ex-soldiers doing Butt Exercises in front of her house. And so we went with flowers and cards bearing the names of about 40 friends. She graciously invited us into her home. We were delighted to see vases of flowers in her hall and bouquets taking up the whole dining table ! Ambiga told us the flowers started arriving a few days ago. She also showed us a jar of 77 messages from students sent to her office. She is most touched and strengthened by this outpouring of Love, Concern and Support. We chatted for an hour or so. We asked if we could pray for her and she accepted open-heartedly. And so we prayed for the Nation and for her and her Family - Kudos to Michael Moey for opening and closing the prayer in a way which respects her Hindu faith. Ambiga then said she thanked God for the people because it was the People who gave her Strength. She had tears in her eyes. She also shared with us her conviction that God is at work in our Nation, and that she felt God's Presence at Bersih 2.0 and again at Bersih 3.0. Dato' Ambiga is an incredible person - Wise, Strong, Courageous, Gracious and so Humble. We give Thanks to God for such a Leader ! ACTION !

Please see this link: Ambiga is being targeted. The harassment and intimidation have not stopped after the now-infamous Butt Exercises. On Friday Morning, the day of our visit, two men followed her car around her neighbourhood and there was an attempted break-in at her office. We noticed she has a team of three bodyguards who were vigilant and noted every passerby in front of her house. One of the bodyguards said they started since Bersih 2.0. Ambiga told us she had installed CCTV in the past week. She is incredibly calm and even humorous under such pressure. She also shared with her thoughts and concern for the Merlimau Event scheduled for Sunday, where she was to speak but had been threatened about entering the state of Melaka. Here is a report of what happened at the event. It is Sad to see the Authorities clamping down on the BERSIH movement for clean and fair elections instead of instituting real reforms. The days ahead may see more desperation. Please pray for Ambiga, her family and her staff. And for all other Leaders in this fight to restore justice and righteousness in the nation.

One of our group asked Ambiga on what we could do. Here's her Advice.
1) Come out to vote. Nobody expected the Tsunami of GE2008, as she put it. Just come out to vote and we shall see what happens. ( FOS note - a high voter turnout is increasingly crucial because of the thousands of suspect voters entered into the electoral roll, especially illegal workers newly conferred with Citizenships )
2) Go for Polling Agent and Counting Agent (PACA) Training so that each of us could help to spot fraud (FOS note: Those having this training could serve as agents for candidates on polling day.)
3) Support Jom Pantau, an initiative by Komas to monitor the coming General Elections. Watch this video--
"The Dam has burst," Ambiga said a few times. "The people cannot be contained anymore."
God is simply awesome and we lift our highest praises to Him !
Let justice flow like a mighty river over our land,
sb and cyn

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