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Malaysian American Foundation (MAF) Fundraiser for Hindraf

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Malini Kumar

Apr 17, 2013, 2:15:23 AM4/17/13
Hi all,
Waytha Moorthy has approach us for some funding for Hindraf.  Hindraf is in need for funds to run it's operations in Malaysia.  All funds collected will be given to Hindraf.  Let's be clear, Hindraf is campaigning for the 1.5 million poor & stateless Indians.  If you ever though of helping the poor Indians in Malaysia, this is your chance to make a difference.   
If you want to donate or want a copy of the Hindraf blue print, please contact us. 
Please donate generously.   
Thank you
Malini & Murali
 If you have the time watch this(in Tamil). 

Chitty Eisenberg

Apr 17, 2013, 4:30:56 PM4/17/13
Hi Malini,

I can send you a check.  Who shall I make it out to?  And the address too.


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Apr 18, 2013, 10:27:50 AM4/18/13
A bit confused about why Moorthy did this.. and if fundraising is still needed today after this news?


Apr 18, 2013, 11:00:37 AM4/18/13
I apologize for my previous email.  I still support millions of the unrepresented Malaysian Indians, Hindraf, and Moorthy's struggle.  Personally, I still admired what Moorthy had done.  I definitely feel ashamed I didn't do much earlier, and definitely ashamed of my race/religion which stood aloof on the side watching Moorthy's plea.  It's a sad day for the nation, or perhaps the world, no matter what the outcome of the election would be.  Pragmatic money/power politics and deep mistrust between race still seem to dictate the psyche of entire nation.  Personally, I still admire and support Moorthy's struggle.  But, seriously, small change from the few of us, is perhaps something Hindraf least needed, considering what the Razak family could afford.

Ryan Nathan

Apr 18, 2013, 4:28:15 PM4/18/13
very well said..I concur!


Ryan Nathan
"Best Way to reach me is by email:"

Lila Beckford

Apr 18, 2013, 11:56:02 PM4/18/13

Hi Weng Lee,

                I have some concerns too.  BN has always been on the “hate” list and even though Waytha had no choice, I don’t believe that BN and Najib will keep their word even if it is written.  The neglect of 50 + plus years cannot be reversed overnight.  I am trying to keep positive but it is mentally a struggle to trust a regime that has been responsible for the plight of our brothers and sisters in Malaysia.

                Waytha had to choose between BN and Nothing; what does that say about the Malaysians as a whole??  It is a sad day rather than something to celebrate.  May GOD bless us all and Malaysia (tanah lair kita).




Lila E. Beckford, CPA

Managing Partner

Beckford & Eluthesen, Inc

Business Solutions

Tel: (510) 384-4416 or (510) 964-0537

Colin Rajah

Apr 19, 2013, 7:30:10 AM4/19/13
My friends, I too am very torn by this and very confused. Yes, I remain wholeheartedly supportive of HINDRAF and Moorthy's leadership. But the ultimatum he posed put the opposition in a difficult place. Do any of us seriously think the BN government will better serve our Indians (with their track record of over 50 years) than the current opposition?  Anyone who has even read a single piece of news of Malaysian politics in the last few weeks knows BN is against the ropes and is doing everything it can, including all the dirtiest tricks in the books, to keep its power. This agreement with Hindraf is a total farce and I don't understand a smart person like Moorthy going along with it.

Again, I remain supportive of Hindraf but I honestly question these tactics and strategy. 



Apr 19, 2013, 12:28:28 PM4/19/13
I woke up this morning, I realized that it's a new day with a different thought. 
When LGE came to the Bay Area a few years ago to tell us about the need for a working 'Two Party system', we embraced it.  In light of the fact that Moorthy had to side with one, I am glad that he had chosen to continue fighting.  As a proverbial saying, we know we ought to choose the candidate, and not the party.  Perhaps, this is a wake-up call for us to practice that now, if we still have faith in Moorthy.  For Moorthy, to be elected means it's a chance to continue fighting.  One representation to contest under BN is a chance to ensure one less trusted individuals get a chance to represent a flawed system.
Tears is cheap.  But, that's what I saw when Moorthy shared his experience in the cozy setting when he last visited the Bay Area.  The most loving, albeit being the shortest, verse in the Bible for myself, is 'Jesus wept' in face of Lazarus's death.  Not giving up on the ideal of a humane side of an otherwise cold and brutal world is what kept me believing in a wasteland.  Moorthy is no Jesus.  What Jesus said and done has already been sealed and logged in a book that hasn't  change for quite some time.  Moorthy is alive, and so his actions could change.  Yet, similarly, do I know what Jesus would do today be constrained to what I thought he would do sealed in the way I read the book yesterday.  The question has always been the same.  Do we still have faith in an individual which told us an end goal that kept us moving in the first place.  Do we still want to pursue that end goal?  Have our end goal change?  Has Moorthy heart and mind change after 21 days?  What would we do as sheep amongst wolves?
My hope for the nation I love is the end of NEP, and the end of deeply planted racial suspicion which caused misery and alienation.  To do so, means forgiving even those who have planted that suspicion in the first place, working with leaders who would pursue that.  Ambiga had something to say to the ABU movement on recent 'friendly' discussion about many potentially fake voters exercising their rights on illegal papers.  We forgave DSAI who too once sow the seed of deep racial tension.  Should we not have hope that BN one day too would carry the banner to represent the unrepresented, bringing about a different reality for the common good.  Many have chosen to side with Pakatan to fight the same goal that I have in mind.  Yet, is there no room to bring the same fight to the other end of the spectrum?
Weng (a Chinese.  a Christian.  a Malaysian living in the Bay Area, a sheep trying to live another day ... sleeping in a dream counted by someone else... contemplating why Moorthy continue walking in a fight for someone so seemingly distant... )

Robert Leong

Apr 20, 2013, 5:44:54 PM4/20/13
Sorry Weng, I wasn't aware that Waythamoorthy is standing for election as a BN candidate.  Where did you read this?
Guys, you might be reminded that this group is subtitled: "We are a human rights group that is concerned over the discrimination of minorities in Malaysia by the Malaysian government."  So I feel that we should continue to fight for an ideal that is in line with this statement.  Despite Waytha's deal with Najib, I am still convinced that the discrimination of minorities in Malaysia will persist until we change the government.  After that, when BN has done its soul searching and reformed, it might be the party to vote for come a subsequent general election!

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Apr 21, 2013, 4:24:18 PM4/21/13

thanks for bringing me back to reality, on my wishful thinking on what i thought moorthy would be doing.

> Hindraf is campaigning for the 1.5 million poor & stateless Indians.  If you ever though of helping the poor Indians in Malaysia, this is your chance to make a difference.  


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Apr 21, 2013, 5:46:03 PM4/21/13
I apologize for the spam, and hijacked of the googlegroup for this random discussion.

I am taking a class on on Model Thinking.
The professor shared the attached diagram from  It should be pretty self-explanatory.

Just thought it's helpful for anyone else who might find this useful to understand the instinct of why we Malaysians do what we do to each other.  Beyond the personal greed, perhaps our value system do somehow dictate on how we see what should/should not be done in our political world?

In some sense, given Hindraf needed to represent 1.5 million poor and stateless, it probably does have best affinity in terms of psyche and understanding from the Perkasa, under the flagship of BN, in the long run? 

Nonetheless, perhaps in the short run...
 this is such extreme time... alas... 


P.S.  I do apologize as it seems to have left out Indian culture out of the cultural map.  I didn't come up with the map.  On the other hand, I guess, India is so diverse.. perhaps it only make sense that it is left out.  Else, Indian culture when look at individually... I am sure it will be all over the map :P
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