ISRAEL violates HUMAN RIGHTS in Homeland against Christians and Muslims, in Occupied areas by military force ?mishandling girls is kosher ?

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Nov 6, 2013, 9:38:32 AM11/6/13
to holy-Land-welcome, Islamische Geschichte, Juedische Geschichte, Christliche Geschichte, germany-welcome, gottesfreundschaft---the-friendship-with-the-lord, england-welcome, americans-welcome
Conversation Ben Abrahamson

KOSHER> is the treatment of the palestinian girl KOSHER ? >

Israel Soldier _Palestine Girl
W(World Wide Weekly)s.korea tv program edited.​culture/w/vod/​index.html?kind=image&progCode=​1000837100134100000&pagesize=5​&pagen.....

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Alexander Popivker · Mit Ben Abrahamson befreundet

‎1. Israel is not a religious state so the concept of Kosher has
nothing to do with it.
2. Israel, like any other country disperses violent riots and it's
pretty amazing how instead of arresting her she is allowed to continue
disrupting t...
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vor 17 Stunden · Gefällt mir.

Ben Abrahamson
Concerning Israel I think we have suffered two generations of wartime
propaganda. Each side trying to demonize the other. Each side trying
to portray the other side as less than human. I think this situation
was created by secularism. To find our way out of this mess, I think
we need sincere religious leadership, who follow clearly recognized
moral standards. I think all the conflicts should be handled by
religious judges who fear God more than the media or political

vor 13 Stunden · Gefällt mir nicht mehr · 3.

Ben Abrahamson
You who believe! If a deviator [the media: newspapers, television, the
internet] brings you a report, scrutinize it carefully in case you
attack people in ignorance and so come to greatly regret what you have
done. (Surat al-Hujurat: 6)

O You who believe! Show integrity for the sake of Allah SWT, bearing
witness with justice. Do not let hatred for a people incite you into
not being just. Be just. That is closer to faith. Heed Allah SWT
(alone). Allah SWT is aware of what you do. (Surat Al-Maeda 5,8)

We do not know the facts (context, reliability, etc) as they appear to
be presented by this clip. To try and judge either side without
collecting all the facts would not be following the example of the
Prophet (pbuh)

We have become accustom to letting the television be our courtroom,
and public opinion our judge. We let secular, anti-religious media
tell us what the "truth" is, even though we know they only want to
increase conflict. We need true religious, sincere judges, who fear
Allah (swt), to collect evidence, hear testimony, and come to a
righteous conclusion. May Allah SWT speedily reveal the Mahdi (pbuh)
in our days.

vor 12 Stunden · Gefällt mir · 1.

Fernweh Freund
shalom> BEN ABRAHAMSON, your answer is Outbalanced and JUST, so your
ability might qualify you to JUDGE such events, there are worse clips
on Youtube and some are made to increase hatress, others to prevent
hatress by informing. Your statements are similar to ther learned
people, SECULARISM can open a Door to the Satan and neglect the
Longing of the Soul for ALL-mighty. Asking for religious Judges could
solve the problem- in arabic countries too, christians should be in
the hand , of what they believe- and even then not free from mistakes
- see mostly christian HOMS in Syria ?

vor 10 Stunden · Gefällt mir.

Fernweh Freund To ALEXANDER > True , Israel is not a Religious Country
and so not KOSHER - Halal in Arabic. The opposite of KOSHER is Haram (
Forbidden ) ?
vor 10 Stunden · Gefällt mir.

Alexander Popivker · Mit Ben Abrahamson befreundet
Fernweh, I said it's "not religious", not "not Kosher" as you
presume. Secular people are not accountable for Kosher laws. There is
no coercion in religion. And I don't think that religious leaders
would necessarily be better for Israel. If there would be adequate
religious leaders they would be elected to lead, but that's not the
vor 4 Stunden · Gefällt mir nicht mehr · 1.

Alexander Popivker · Mit Ben Abrahamson befreundet
I should clarify that the results of elections are not necessarily
the best option and it's my personal view that secular government is
best at the time for Israel and probably would be better for many
other countries too. Not because I am against religion, but because
people are rarely worthy of it. That time has not yet come, imo.
vor 4 Stunden · Gefällt mir.

Fernweh Freund So , we understand, that Israel does not have many
Believers and it seems to be the same like in neighbour Countries,
where mostly either conservative despoties rule or sleepy parliaments
and Middle-east do far away is from 'Heavenly Kingdom' or the
Theocraty like IRAN tried and the neighbour Islamic Countries do.
vor 2 Stunden · Gefällt mir.

Fernweh Freund
we understand from Alexander> Politics are done best by secualaer
persons, what about the VALUES of Avraham, Judaism, Christians and
<Muslims, if ISRAEL want now forbid the Loud prayer call and to enter
the El Aksa only for People over Forty ? Might it lead to CIVIL WAR or
ISRAEL SPRING, as its called against corrupted Establishment, like The
Praesident of ISRAEL went To Prison because of Rape, during Jewish Law
impose Death Penalty ?

vor 2 Stunden · Gefällt mir.

Alexander Popivker · Mit Ben Abrahamson befreundet
‎"many Believers"? How do you count "belief"? I don't see
transparency in politics of Muslim countries and the people who
protest are killed as has been witnessed during this "spring". It's
not that secularism is better, it's that it's simpler. Religion often
clouds the minds of man. Any power can be used for good or evil. The
greater the power the greater the good, or the evil.
vor 2 Stunden · Gefällt mir.

Alexander Popivker · Mit Ben Abrahamson befreundet
The only death penalty in Israel was Adolf Eichmann on the charge of
genocide. There is no capital punishment in Israel for regular crimes.
vor 2 Stunden · Gefällt mir.

Fernweh Freund
BELIEF: Confirming Religion is to say, we depend to This and That,
Belief means to act according to it, Judaism is not known, because
belief in so many sects? Christianity is without BELIEF nothing, means
to does NOT act with LOVE and MERCY by following his Director can not
be Christian, judging himself by Doing. Muslim still has his> La Ilaha
Illalah - Muhammadun Rasullulah, means to certify his Believe or TO
WITNESS > There is only ONE God - and Muhammad is his Prophet ? And
some of other Duties to Fulfil. So how is Belief for YOU, BEN
ABRAHAMSON or Judaism in general ?

vor 2 Stunden · Gefällt mir.

Fernweh Freund so still open the question : Will the GAP between or
Extremist and the ruling government lead to civil war like happened in
GAZA between the on religious principles established HAMAS and the
seculaer-Socialistic-commu​nistic FATAH, especially if ISRAEL attacks
now on Human rights of RELIGIOUS PRACTISE in ISRAEL, maybe next in the
Occupied areas and then to take over EAST - BANK by Radicals ?
vor etwa einer Stunde · Gefällt mir.

Alexander Popivker · Mit Ben Abrahamson befreundet
Your descriptions of "belief" seem very superficial to me. I don't
think people can be judged on their belief at all. It's beyond words
and ideas and it's only actions that are revealed to us. You call
Hamas "established on religious principles". I highly doubt that. What
religious practice is Israel attacking?
vor etwa einer Stunde · Gefällt mir.

Fernweh Freund This needs nearer studies , of what ISRAEL is, and what
HAMAS is , why , who pays, so we sing the song of , who feeds. The
fate of GAZA, most people from Ashqalon, where the head of Hussein was
buried after coming from Karbala , Kufa , Damascus and Jerusalem, and
finally brought to CAIRO, might be a Key for to understand that.
vor etwa einer Stunde · Gefällt mir.

Alexander Popivker · Mit Ben Abrahamson befreundet
So what religious practice is Israel attacking?
vor etwa einer Stunde · Gefällt mir.

Fernweh Freund
HAMAS is based on IKHwan ul Muslimin from Jordan and Egypt and before
from Kuwait / Saudia, its a religious stream with Political structure
or other way. Now they might become powerful neighbours because they
confirm SHARIA as religious Law, what is a powerful tool to rule
masses on Level of Souls and the future might show. They might or have
according to Sharia to protect the believing Jews; with ISRAEL as a
secualer state they do have NO contract, until they are treated like a
state, maybe GAZA - State-so with West-bank, maybe Palestine State,
which is on the way after more then sixty years. Since ISRAEL survived
the Forty and the SIXTY years, there might be hope to survive further,
maybe there is a Mission, at least with the Name ISRAEL, which is
accepted by the Muslims in Quran. East-germany did not survive the

vor etwa einer Stunde · Gefällt mir.

Fernweh Freund
shurely both , <JEWISH and ARAB attack - The ZEALOTS of the Jewish-
and the Power-longing from the Arabs. ISLAM is made to restore Justice
like Judaism and Christianity. It failed quick, when the SPIRIT of
ISLAM - ahl i -bayt (House of Muhammad ) was forgotten and the POWER
went from ISLAM again to ARABS under MUAWIYA, who took ower out of
hands from ALI and so the part of Syria-Israel -Gaza /Parts of Lebanon
is under the curse of that people from Type SADDAM, means seculaer,
ARABIC first and creating seculaer Regimes, this might be a part of
the curse on Palestine and Ashqalon / GAZA and the Hamas might be near
to it.

vor etwa einer Stunde · Gefällt mir.

Alexander Popivker · Mit Ben Abrahamson befreundet
vor etwa einer Stunde · Gefällt mir.

Fernweh Freund
The split is historical, Madinah of Muhammad saw his Arabs maybe from
Type SADDAM or more Jewish mixed > GADDAFI, Man by Man very poor
seekers came to join in , called Ahl i- Suffa. From That persian
influenced Man named SALMAN, maybe you visit him on MOUNT OLIVES came
a stream later called SUFIYA, from SAF - Pure and SUF-wool, because
they had only a SKIN of sheep around, later integrated in the HOUSE of
ALI and HUSSEIN, called Sufis, a esoteric Stream within the much
LARGER EXOTERIC stream of 'Muslims', who just seek the Outside of
Islam as a new Definition of ARAB, which was Nothing after MUHAMMAD.

vor etwa einer Stunde · Gefällt mir.

Alexander Popivker · Mit Ben Abrahamson befreundet
So what religious practice is Israel attacking?
vor etwa einer Stunde · Gefällt mir.

Fernweh Freund Zealots, maybe the spelling not correct, something like
JIHADIS, means militants, search maybe WIKI or ask BEN ?
vor etwa einer Stunde · Gefällt mir.

Alexander Popivker · Mit Ben Abrahamson befreundet
I know what it means. Still don't see your answer.
vor etwa einer Stunde · Gefällt mir.

Fernweh Freund so why you test me ? what is Zealots ?
vor etwa einer Stunde · Gefällt mir.

Fernweh Freund
shalom - salam, if you want results from this DIALOG about Knowledge
and real Knowledge we need to find some terms for understanding: maybe
you oversee in the Fb-crossings the answer>

shurely both , <JEWISH and ARAB attack - The ZEALOTS of the Jewish-
and the Power-longing from the Arabs. ISLAM is made to restore Justice
like Judaism and Christianity. It failed quick, when the SPIRIT of
ISLAM - ahl i -bayt (House of Muhammad ) was forgotten and the POWER
went from ISLAM again to ARABS under MUAWIYA, who took ower out of
hands from ALI and so the part of Syria-Israel -Gaza /Parts of Lebanon
is under the curse of that people from Type SADDAM, means seculaer,
ARABIC first and creating seculaer Regimes, this might be a part of
the curse on Palestine and Ashqalon / GAZA and the Hamas might be near
to it.

vor etwa einer Stunde · Gefällt mir.

Fernweh Freund If you are Russia from , you have very different back
ground from Oriental Jews, wich neither LOVE the newcomers nor the
vor etwa einer Stunde · Gefällt mir.

Alexander Popivker · Mit Ben Abrahamson befreundet
I am not testing you. What background do russian Jews have? What are
you talking about when you write "ISRAEL attacks now on Human rights
vor etwa einer Stunde · Gefällt mir.

Fernweh Freund
If ISRAEL wants to fill, fulfill its MIssion to be MASHAYK for
mankind, it needs to respect the Principles of Mankind and to be the
HEAVENLY JERUSALEM in reaity,maybe it was in the 70 TH. and 60 th
because of success in the wars, otherwise the JESUS -isa, which you do
not follow, will not come and if - negative. So the Muslims waiting
the MAHDI to come Ben Abrahamson refers to and too he might be
NEGATIVE for the Mass of Israelis, who follow the DEVIL ?

vor etwa einer Stunde · Gefällt mir.

Alexander Popivker · Mit Ben Abrahamson befreundet
‎"Oriental Jews don't love newcomers nor the ASHKENAZI" - that would
be completely against Judaism which teaches to love all creation
especially your fellows and the newcomers. It's repeated many times in
the Torah. So I really have no clue what you are talking about.
vor etwa einer Stunde · Gefällt mir.

Fernweh Freund we asked the RABBI in SFAD about <mashayk, why not
coming from the JEWS another one, and they said, out of fear, could be
another STALIN or HITLER , the latter was influenced from BUDDHISM and
later from palestinian Islam.
vor etwa einer Stunde · Gefällt mir.

Alexander Popivker · Mit Ben Abrahamson befreundet
The State of Israel is simply providing a home for jewish people. The
only jewish country in the world. It doesn't want to " be MASHAYK for
mankind", etc....
vor etwa einer Stunde · Gefällt mir.

Alexander Popivker · Mit Ben Abrahamson befreundet
What are you talking about when you write "ISRAEL attacks now on
vor 57 Minuten · Gefällt mir.

Ben Abrahamson I think enough has been said on this topic
vor 55 Minuten · Gefällt mir.

Fernweh Freund
Attack ISLAM, means to infere in Destroying the Mughrabi - Bridge and
planning to Forbid the Call for prayers, that is all against ISLAM and
HUMAN RIGHTS and will isolate ISRAEL completly from mankind, as its on
the way. the article i posted already on that page and will do to end
of conversation. If ISRAEL does not want to fulfill its religious
Function for mankind, it might be destroyed like in time of ROME -
again ? that time JESUS-Isa warned and the Followers left to EAST -
BANK of Jordan and survived until Iran - Farzi came ?

vor 53 Minuten · Gefällt mir.

Alexander Popivker · Mit Ben Abrahamson befreundet
The bridge is used for Jews and tourists. There are many gates to the
Temple Mount that are used by Muslims. You believe in lies spread by
Hamas. How could religious people spread lies and hate? They are not
religious imo.
vor 51 Minuten · Gefällt mir.

Fernweh Freund But where will you go , if ISRAEL collaps ? Since USA
has no more money and EU, who will support that country with ten
billion for daily needs to survive and ISRAEL has no Oil ? I am Not
involved in Politics, but Religions and Practise i studied and i am
more salam-shalom and DIALOG than seculaer scientist.
vor 51 Minuten · Gefällt mir.

Alexander Popivker · Mit Ben Abrahamson befreundet
It would seem it's the tyrant countries of the region that are either
collapsing or living off the charity of that secular scientist
vor 48 Minuten · Gefällt mir.

Fernweh Freund Thanks for being welcomed by BEN ABRAHAMSON and his
Student Alexander or he is just a bypasser, we have talked about
religion and its boarder to the problems of the world, the other
articles at the end
vor 46 Minuten · Gefällt mir.

Fernweh Freund TYRAN was nothing bad in old time- ALEXANDER THE GREAT
made up a Kingdom of THE BELT from Morocco to Afghanistan and Muhammad
or its people inherited it, maybe that why they modernize so slow ?
Collaps might be ahead in the world, but foremost hit the
Overdeveloped countries and the Ones- deoend on Electronics . And
Allah knows best.
vor 42 Minuten · Gefällt mir.

Fernweh Freund Incoming from 'west-Bank' today >


vor 41 Minuten · Gefällt mir · .

Alexander Popivker · Mit Ben Abrahamson befreundet
It would seem to me that you are a victim of many fallacies. Try to
be more objective in forming your views. Good luck!
vor 38 Minuten · Gefällt mir.

Fernweh Freund Same Good Luck to Alexander , BEN ABRAHAMSON and our
Israeli and hebrew Friends, we have asked the BELIEVING ones to leave,
before its too late, welcome in EAST-Germany, there is enough place ,
to re-settle, if it is will of the Almighty...
vor 36 Minuten · Gefällt mir

Fernweh Freund Same Good Luck to Alexander , BEN ABRAHAMSON and our
Israeli and hebrew Friends, we have asked the BELIEVING ones to leave,
before its too late, welcome in EAST-Germany, there is enough place ,
to re-settle, if it is will of the Almighty...
vor 25 Minuten · Gefällt mir

Ahmad SorgenFrei Explaining the Violations of religious Rights In
ISRAEL by neglecting , that all religious activities and property is
on behalf of FOUNDATION- Waqf-Stiftungen, so not property of ISRAEL
nor has a secualaer State, who has nothing to do with RELIGION and
littlke with God-Almighty wants to forbid the CHRISTIANS the BELL to
ring and Muslims the CALL to prayers by LOUDSPEAKER ?
ISRAEL und Buergerkrieg ? Deutsch von Tagesschau und Englisch Kommentiert
ISRAEL wants to forbid CALLS to PRAYERS and to destroy its Bridge from

THE CALL for prayers daily Five times is a DUTY in ISLAM. In old
times it was done by standing on roof, later by building with help of
christians a Tower. ...
Von: Ahmad SorgenFrei

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