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About Leo Zagami
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Sunday, 18 May 2008 02:39

About Leo Zagami and this Website

Leo Zagami, also known as Leo Lyon Zagami, Leo Young, Leo Young Zagami, Leo Robert Zagami (also known as Leo young and Leo Tong) (born March 5, 1970) was born at the Gemelli Hospital in Rome (the same hospital that the Pope uses), and lived in Rome until he was 24,he then spent the next 15 years in England and Norway.[4] Zagami is presently living in Rome,Italy where he is happily engaged with a US citizen of italian origin.

He lived in Norway, where in the summer of 2005 he married a girl from a prominent Sufi family, Fatma Suslu[5][6]. Together they have one son Isak Rumi Zagami (born on July 7, 2006). He adopted a Islamic name khaled Saifullah Khan when he converted from Catholicism to Islam,he had taken the decision to infiltrate islam and become a Muslim in 2003 during a illuminati ritual he made in Egypt under the Great Pyramid of Giza [7]).

 In 2004 during the 100th anniversary of the deliverance of THE BOOK OF THE LAW connected to A.Crowley Leo created in secret a new religion called MATRIXISM. On October 20, 2006 his mother, Jessica Campbell Lyon Zagami also converted to Islam to please Leo's muslim wife[8]. On February 23 2008, Fatma left him, taking with her the son they have together. Consequently Leo Zagami has renounced Islam a religion manipulated and connected to the Jesuits and the evil side of the illuminati he is trying to fight for a better world.[9]


 Leo Zagami's mother, Jessica Campbell Lyon Young, is of the same bloodline as the Queen of England[10]. Her father was Henry Lyon Young, first cousin of the Queen Mother[11][12] This would entail that Leo Zagami is Prince Charles' third cousin. Jessica Lyon's mother, Leo's grandmother, was the author Anne Cummings (also known as Felicity Mason) who came to Italy during the fifties and sixties to work in Italian movies (she has worked with Fellini). It was at such an occasion that Leo's mother and father met. Elio Zagami[13] is a Jungian psychoanalyst who also held a strong interest in magic[7]. Leo's paternal grandfather is the Sicilian senator Leopoldo Zagami[7], and his paternal grandmother is the Marquisa di Gregorio[10]. The Di Gregorio family can trace origins back to Cologne and Frederick II of Hohenstaufen (1090 – 1147),[14] keepers[15] of the Sicilian "Knights of Malta" (which control all other freemasonry globally). When Leo's father married into Scottish aristocracy, he was the first in a long sequence of Sicilian aristocrats to marry outside of Sicilian aristocracy. Leo inherits the title Marqui di Gregorio from his father.[11]


Until his forced departure from Norway in 2008 has been affiliated with people connected with the gnostic congregation in Oslo (Ecclesia Gnostica Norvegia).


Leo Zagami is a high-ranking Illuminati Grand Master, who gained considerable attention in the conspiracy research community between 2006 and 2008 as a defector and whistle-blower. He published his revelations first on and then on the website maintained by a Freemason brother [1]. This website was taken offline around May 1, 2008 to give way to his new website, This site, which was slightly delayed due to technical issues was supposed to go online April 20 but was launched sometime later. Leo has announced in May 2008 that he is back in the Illuminati ranks, or rather, that he now personally controls major parts of the Illuminati, and his agenda while being in exile and a defector has not changed.


For a while Leo Zagami went by the name Khaled Saifullah Khan after having converted to Islam. Since the break-up of his family and consequent departure from Norway in February 2008 however, he now has reassumed his original name.


Leo's plans are directed at organizing a powerful resistance organization against the Dark Illuminati's plans for a united world under their control. The Illuminati Resistance enjoys a strong support, and in addition to Committees of Hope and a Tour of Hope spanning the US continent, it will have the firm support from the chivalric order called the Knights Templars of the Apocalypse, recruited from among other the military, police, FBI, and CIA, and Leo Zagami's own paramilitary security corporation, Green Lyons Security Team manning approximately 12,000 troops.


The reality of humanity's existence now has changed for ever. Mr. Zagami's arrival in Chicago on April 20 2008 a date chosen for its symbolic connotations[2], marks a watershed in the thus far unorganized grassroots resistance against The New World Order.


Leo Zagami was raised a Roman Catholic. However, in connection with his marriage to Fatma Suslu and his secret plans to infiltrate the bloodline of Prophet Mohammed he converted to Islam so he called bring a new possibility of peace and hope to the world with the birth a magickal childe. He has stated that he was affiliated with the Sufi Naqshbandi order under Sheikh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani[17] which is also connected to the Gulen Movement[18][19] (also described by Leo Zagami himself in one of his emails dated March 8, 2008).

Since 2009 Leo proclaimed himself the Prophet of Matrixism: Neo Leo Lyon Zagami

The symbol of Matrixism on display in Darjeeling, India.

Matrixism or The path of the One is a new religious movement inspired by the motion picture trilogy The Matrix. Conceived by an anonymous group in the summer of 2004 it has attracted over 16,000 adherents.

Matrixism is described as a syncretic or ecumenical religion. Though Matrixists cite references to "the matrix" from an obscure text of the Bahá'í Faith, called "The Promulgation of Universal Peace", to make a connection with broader world religious history, The Matrix trilogy, along with related mass media products such as video games, is generally considered to be the "sacred text" of the movement.

Matrixism carries with it four main beliefs that are described as "The Four Tenets of Matrixism". Briefly these are: belief in a messianic prophecy, use of psychedelics as sacrament, a perception of reality as multi-layered and semi-subjective, and adherence to the principles of at least one of the world's major religions.

The Matrixism website indicates April 19th as a holiday known as Bicycle Day. This day marks the anniversary of Albert Hofmann's 1943 experiment with LSD. Matrixism also observes the anniversary of the passing of Aldous Huxley, John F. Kennedy and C.S. Lewis, November 22nd 1963, as a holy day called the Day of Remembrance and Reflection.

Religious laws specific to Matrixism include; The abrogation of the use of the human image in advertising, the legalization of file sharing, the abrogation of pornography, the legalization of same-sex marriage, the abrogation of professional sports and the legalization of both polygyny and polyandry.

The adopted symbol for Matrixism is, ?, the Japanese Kanji symbol for "red". This symbol was used in the video game Enter the Matrix. The color is a reference to the redpill, which represents an acceptance of and ability to see truth, as established early in the first Matrix film. 


Spiritual, Occult and other associations
Leo Zagami is born into one of the most prominent Italian Illuminati families. Furthermore he was chosen to be the heir to the Italian Illuminati hierarchy after Licio Gelli (as well as the right-hand man of the lodge's cashier, Ezio Giunchiglia).[20] Before he defected he was a member of the infamous P2 lodge of Monte Carlo, which is the only surviving P2 lodge after the big scandal some 20 years ago, Leo maintains.[11] He also holds the 90th and 95th degrees of the Memphis-Misraïm order.[11] In Monte Carlo he was also a member of the "Masonic Executive Commitee". The masonic-friendly (but less accurate) website masonicinfo states, however, on their page dedicated to Leo that no such Executive Commitee is likely to exist. The site names one masonic lodge in Monte Carlo (and the whole of Monaco) which supposedly is the only one.[21] Note however, that absence of evidence is not evidence of absence and it would be naieve to suppose that all masonic bodies carry a website, or of which existence can be verified through the Internet.


Leo was initiated into the 33 degree of Scottish Rite freemasonry at the age of 23 in Rome(Italy) by Prince Alliata di Monreale. At that time he also performed the extremely testing magical ritual which is described in The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage, an effort that nearly cost him his life.[7] His interest in magic he had acquired from his father already before the age of ten, who possessed a large library of magical literature which Leo secretly studied (his father had forbidden him to read the books which he felt Leo was still too young to be able to deal with).


Leo Zagami states that he has come under fierce attack after he decided to come out as a defector with information which uncovers corruption within the Vatican and masonic organizations leading all the way up to the White House. In connection with several Illuminati summit meetings in Italy in the beginning of June 2006, he became privy to orders given by Francesco Cossiga (former Italian president and a lackey for the Jesuits) to Commandante Giorgio Hugo Balestrieri of Gladio/P2 to have him killed if he didn't follow orders given to him on June 4.[22] On June 6, 2006 he was back in Oslo and started to speak out against his Illuminati superiors.


Stalked by Norwegian authorities under OTO/Illuminati directives 
In a radio interview with Greg Szymanski, Leo explains how the Norwegian authorities, which he claims are in collusion with the Illuminati, have attempted to brand him as mentally unstable and threatened to take away his children.[23] According to Leo, the police stated that some of his "anonymous friends" had contacted them and expressed concern for his mental well-being and the welfare of the children. Leo has stated before that he had been hospitalized in psychiatric hospitals on multiple occasions previously.


In a posting to the usenet discussion group alt.freemasonry, Leo claims that he was arrested by Norwegian police on three occasions and tortured. Norwegian military intelligence is also alleged to have been active in these assaults.[24] Zagami accuses Norwegian liberal-conservative politician Per Christian Krogh of being a member of the OTO (Ordo Templi Orientis, a paramasonic body), and for having orchestrated the harassment and assaults on him and his familiy by the authorities. Krogh has previously been secretary to Norway's defense minister. Another accomplice, according to Zagami, is the Freemason Trond Kaare Westby[25], who is employed by the Norwegian defense head-quarters.


Also the secretary of the Norwegian OTO, John Faerseth (who also was seen in the gnostic milieu in Oslo) is alleged to be an active part of what Zagami describes as a satanist conspiracy orchestrated by the OTO on behalf of the Illuminati. In the discussion forum Conspiracy Central, Zagami has made accusations against Faerseth. Maintaining that he, among other things, has threatened his former web hosting service ( into closing down his account. Correspondence surrounding this particular incident retrieved by others do not, however, support Zagami's version of what has happened.[26]


In May 2008 Zagami was notified by Norwegian whistle-blower Khaqan Khan that the Norwegian Police Security Agency are prepared to arrest him if he were to show up in Norway.[27]

On July 22 2008 Leo Zagami showed up for a court hearing in Oslo (having arrived in Norway the day before) in his motion to be allowed to have access to his son. 5 minutes before the proceedings are about to start, Leo Zagami is arrested outside the courtroom by the PST the Norwegian Secret Police as he steps out of the elevator. The court session does take place still, but Zagami is impelled to renounce "any possibility of seeing my son ever again". Then he is taken to a police station and interrogated for five hours, first by the security police, then by officers from the local precinct where he used to live together with his wife and children. The police accused Zagami of organizing a coup d'etat to overthrow the Norwegian Gorvernment, and, in the words of Leo Zagami himself: "plus the fact I was organizing for them the murder of your demented Prime minister" The police also questioned him about me (Halvor), the Xiandos website, Phil Jonkers and Scott Bruno (the two people who maintain Zagami was also confronted with alleged threats against Fatma Suslu and Isak Rumi, however as it turned out, the core of these were concerns about their safety should Fatma and her family choose to bring Leo's son with them to Turkey or another Muslim country this summer, which Leo through several intermediaries have implored Fatma and her family to acknowledge. Leo Zagami left Norway again on July 24. Since then Leo can't go back to Norway because the PST threatened him with 15 years of jail and accused him of espionage.


Questions of Leo Zagami's credibility
On December 18, 2007, Norwegian blogger Ole Peter Galaasen wrote on his blog page "I have met this man several times and can confirm that he is neither crazy nor a phony. The man is nothing less than the closest we have come to an Illuminati defector in more recent times.[28] Others assert that Zagami may have had a culture shock coming to Norway and attempted to interpret Norwegian society on the basis of his experiences with the Italian society.[29]


On several occasions, inquiries have also been made into the authenticity of the diplomas and certificates of which Leo has displayed photocopies on his web site. Several people have observed that these are marked by spelling errors that are completely compatible with Leo's accent and English language errors in speech, one such being Halvor in the Consiracy Central forums, another being the site admin of the forum[30]


In a radio interview[31] with Henry Makow on March 23, 2008, Makow gives the following assessment of Leo Zagami's credibility: "You speak with an authority and you are very convincing." And more: "You do have the ring of truth, you do pass the smell test, as far as I'm concerned. I can recognize a fellow idealist and a good man. And I want to thank you for standing up for humanity."


Reality researcher and blogger Troy of the Troy Space blog makes the following statement about the credibilty of Leo Zagami: "...after much research based upon studying Zagami’s revelations & following further communication with him, it is my firm conclusion that in no way is he a fantasist regarding his having an Illuminati bloodline background & has more knowledge on the true inner workings of the many different aspects of the Illuminati than any “researcher” out there is capable of."[32]


Club DJ and house music producer 
Already at the age of 13, in 1983, Leo Zagami began his career as a musician with the starting up of a local radio station under the auspices of a local catholic priest. Leo is a pioneer of the house music scene, having an impressive career to show for himself, both as a music and event producer and as an international club DJ. Ha staged Italy's first rave, he is credited with discovering the DJ Bushwacka, and he also organized The Prodigy's first show ever outside the UK.[33] Under various aliases such as Leo Young and Leo Tong he has performed as a club DJ. He has also produced house music since 1988.


Norwegian house music scene 
Since 1989 he has performed at various clubs in Oslo, such as Sikamikanico and Nomaden where he does his «Electronic Voodoo» concept. He has released the Norwegian duo Trulz & Robin. He has appeared with Norwegian DJs Strangefruit on NRK radio (national) and G-Ha on The Voice 104,8 MHz in Oslo.



  1. ? Illuminati Confessions archived at
  2. ? On May 10th Leo Zagami issued "Official statement of the Ordo illuminatorum Universalis and the Monte Carlo Executive Masonic Committee on legalization of cannabis" which elaborates the main reason for this being that the number "420" is a symbol for the cannabis legalization movement, which he strongly supports, and also in occult circles this has been an important date due to it being Adolf Hitler's birthday
  3. ? 2008 04 15: RE: CHICAGO ARRIVAL… forwarded email from Leo Zagami including communation between him, Benjamin Fulford and Greg Szymanski
  4. ? To Leo Young, could you explain yourself a little better? by Leo Zagami, forum entry on October 31, 2006 on the web site Conspiracy Central
  5. ? Leo Zagami Illuminati Insider by Leo Zagami, forum entry on February 27, 2007 on the web site Conspiracy Central
  6. ? Leo Zagami Illuminati Insider by Halvor, forum entry on March 8, 2007 on the web site Conspiracy Central
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 AN INTRODUCTION TO CONFESSIONS OF AN ILLUMINATUS (10/6/2006) by Leo Lyon Zagami, on the web site Illuminati Confessions
  8. ? Illuminati Restrictions Start Against My Web Site, CLOSING DOWN OF ILLUMINATI CONFESSIONS by Leo Zagami, forum entry on December 6, 2006 on the web site Conspiracy Central
  9. ? see Subject: URGENT :Betrayed by my wife and the muslim community
  10. 10.0 10.1 Leo Zagami Illuminati Insider by Leo Zagami, forum entry on January 22, 2007 the web site Conspiracy Central
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 Phone interview with Hesham Tillawi onCurrent Issues (Google video – 55 min)
  12. ? The information about the maternal grandfather is given in the Hesham Tillawi interview
  13. ? Biography of Leo Lyon Zagami aka Leo Young from the web site Illuminati Confessions
  14. ? This reference may be erroneous. In the Current Issuesinterview Leo states emphatically that he descends from Frederik Barbarossa of Sicilia. This Frederik is referenced with the ordinals "the second" and "the third" (Frederik II/III) and lived 1272 – 1337
  15. ? It remains unclear what exactly is meant by the term keepers in this context
  16. ? D'Arte Sofienberggata 55, Oslo
  17. ? To Leo Young, could you explain yourself a little better? by Leo Zagami, forum entry on October 21, 2006 on the web site on Conspiracy Central
  18. ? Leo Zagami forum entry on May 21, 2007 on the web site Sunniforum
  19. ? Leo Zagami Illuminati Insider forum entry on December 24, 2007 on the web site Conspiracy Central
  20. ? This Just in: Leo Zagami by Greg Szymanski, October 26, 2006
  21. ? Leo Zagami masonicinfo's information page about Leo Zagami
  22. ? Interview with Leo Lyon Zagami by Ronnie Wilson @ archived version ( of a now deleted article on the website Northern Resistance
  23. ? Illuminati Restrictions Start Against My Web Site, CLOSING DOWN OF ILLUMINATI CONFESSIONS by Leo Zagami, forum entry onDecember 6, 2006 on the web site Conspiracy Central
  24. ? Warning to all corrupt freemasons (12/5/2006) Posting to alt.freemasonry
  25. ? Magazinet freemason register appears to be down
  26. ? Illuminati Restrictions Start Against My Web Site, CLOSING DOWN OF ILLUMINATI CONFESSIONS by Leo Zagami, forum entry on December 6, 2006 on the web site Conspiracy Central
  27. ? Historien til en Illuminati-avhopper (Norwegian)
  28. ? Leo Zagami belazert de kluit - controversies en commentaren, occurring in a Dutch forum entry on The information is written in English however, in a quote from the David Icke forum entry attributed to "Ed the Shed" – a person who resided in Norway between 2000 and 2004
  29. ? Leo Zagami belazert de kluit - controversies en commentaren, see first posting
  30. ? summary, partly in Norwegian, partly in English Leo Zagami interviewed by Henry Makow on Republican Broadcasting NetworkMarch 23, 2008
  31. ?, April 25, 2008 on a page introducing opening the separate blogspace
  32. ? L e o Y o u n g > the Magickal Childe from

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