Meeting with Pete Kelly was excellent!

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Aug 16, 2008, 10:51:27 PM8/16/08
We had about 20 people at the Flint meeting which we were happy with in the middle of the summer with only ten days notice. Thanks to Dean, Jason, and Bob for getting and setting up the room. Thanks to Tiffany from Labor Notes for doing a mailing from the Labor Notes mailing list for the meeting.

Pete took us back to his experiences starting in the 1950's. Even back then because the UAW had already developed a one party system, he was harassed for chosing to disagree on issues.

He spoke of when Victor Reuther started speaking out in disagreement over the creation of Saturn and how he was harassed. This made Victor re-evaluate the caucus that he had helped create with his brother Walter which continues to be the source of a lack of democracy in the UAW which continues to this day. The leadership has gotten worse the further away from the 30's we get.

Pete pointed out that victories have been won, even when started by small groups of people. He challenged us to come up with three issues that could be used to build support for making changes in the UAW for the next Constitutional Convention in 2 years. We came up with: plant closings, 2 tier and organizing. He argued strongly that we have no choice but to try to change the UAW from within. Also present was Pete's long timer ally from L. 160, GM Tech Center Bill Carr.

We talked of the importance of UAW activists reaching out to the community and Pete pointed out that has been the UAW's stance in the past. A committee was sent up of Flint activists to organize a meeting for the UAW Flint locals that would talk about preparing for ther next Convention and reaching out to the Flint community. We hear that the next Constitutional Convention will be held in Detroit instead of Las Vegas due to expenses. This would make it easier for the rank and file to participate. There was discussion also of organizing a meeting for Saginaw UAW members.


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