SAA Meeting Safety Committee

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Alison Carter

Jan 15, 2021, 12:59:19 PM1/15/21

For AASEAA members who are also members of the SAA: 

Call for Focus Group Participants

The SAA Meeting Safety Committee, in collaboration with Futures Without Violence, is developing a workshop on preventing violence and bullying in archaeological professional spaces, to be presented at the 2021 Annual Meeting and future meetings. As part of that effort, we are conducting a needs assessment process, so that we can create a workshop that addresses the needs of a wide range of archaeologists. Would you be interested in participating in one of these focus groups to share your experiences and perspectives?

We will be holding focus groups for a variety of different sectors of our professional community:

  • U.S./Canada academics (in English)

  • Latin America academics (in Spanish)

  • Archaeology students

  • CRM archaeologists

  • Public sector archaeologists

  • Museum and nonprofit professionals

Each focus group will meet once, for approximately 90–120 minutes, via Zoom. Members of the Meeting Safety Committee will lead these groups, and will ask a variety of questions about your experiences with power dynamics, harassment, and other problems in our workplaces and classrooms, and the policies and practices that create a safe environment for all. We want our groups to include archaeologists with a wide variety of experiences and perspectives. The identities of participants will be kept confidential.

If you would be interested in participating, please fill out this form to express your interest. We will reach out to some people who fill out the form to schedule focus groups.  Depending on the numbers of interested people, we may not be able to include everyone. If you have questions about the process, please contact the Meeting Safety Committee co-chair, Dr. Laura Heath-Stout, at

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