Fwd: ParseTree 3.0 release

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Chris Wanstrath

Oct 22, 2008, 8:42:08 PM10/22/08
to ambit...@googlegroups.com
FYI :)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ryan Davis <ry...@zenspider.com>
Date: Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 9:24 PM
Subject: ParseTree 3.0 release
To: Ryan Davis <ryand...@zenspider.com>

I'm mailing you because you are listed an a gem owner that is
dependent upon ParseTree. The next release of ParseTree, 3.0, will NOT
be backwards compatible with the currently released version. Changes
are listed below the dependents list.

Please see my article on rubygem dependency specs here:


And let me know if/when you can fix up your gem and re-release so that
I don't break your package when I release. I'd like to release
soonish, so please get back to me as soon as you can.

If you'd like to test against the new code that I'll be releasing, it
is available here:


RubyToC- - > 0.0.0
SuperCaller-1.0.0 - ~> 2.0
ZenHacks-1.0.1 - > 0.0.0
ambition-0.5.2 - = 2.0.1
argible-0.1.1 - >= 2.0.0
flog-1.1.0 - >= 2.0.0
merb-action-args-0.9.8 - >= 2.2
protocol-0.8.0 - >= 2.0.2
red-3.5.0 - >= 2.2.0
reek-0.2.3 - >= 2.2.0
rogue_parser-1.0.1 - >= 0
roodi-1.3.0 - >= 0
ruby2ruby-1.1.9 - >= 0
ruby_diff-0.2 - ~> 2.1
ruby_parser-1.0.0 - >= 0
rubyjs-0.8.0 - >= 2.1.1
sake-1.0.15 - = 2.1.1
scrubyt-0.3.4 - = 1.7.1
thorero-action-args-0.9.4 - >= 2.2

ParseTree Changes:

=== 3.0.0 / ????-??-??

* 3 major enhancements:

* Split out sexp_processor project.
* ParseTree#process outputs a UnifiedRuby parse tree.
* Switched all ParseTree tests to RawParseTree tests.
* Added ParseTree tests.
* Added UnifiedRuby#process.

* 28 minor enhancements:

* PTTC: Added a comprehensive suite of tests for every combo of defn args.
* PTTC: Added a ton of new tests.
* PTTC: Added extra tests for mri verbose flag testing (horrid horrid bug imhf
* PTTC: Don't generate tests if class has "TestCase" in the class name.
* PTTC: Made self.previous more overridable.
* PTTC: Now all tests that have "mri_verbose_flag" activate $VERBOSE
* PTTC: Officially added clone_same phase to generate_tests
* PTTC: Refactored test generation to make subclasses more flexible.
* PTTC: Refactored to use new add_tests. Much much cleaner.
* PTTC: Removed Unique from PTTC... subclasses need to deal with this
* PTTC: Removed some stupid tests.
* PTTC: Renamed a bunch of tests to be more uniform.
* UR: Added rewrite_attrasgn to normalize arg array into arglist.
* UR: Added rewrite_op_asgn1 to ensure the arglist is an arglist.
* UR: Flattened resbodies in rescue node.
* UR: Flattened super and yield args yet, deal with array arg properly.
* UR: Handle yield(*ary) properly.
* UR: Nuked argspush.
* UR: Removed begin node from unified sexps.
* UR: Removed block from rewritten resbody if only 1 element.
* UR: Removed dasgn, dasgn_curr, and dvar nodes.
* UR: Removed s(:block_arg, :block) in favor of :"&block"
* UR: Rewrote argscat to be a splat inside an array.
* UR: Rewrote block_pass into arglist of inner call/super.
* UR: Rewrote call to ALWAYS have an argslist (no more splat as arglist).
* UR: Rewrote rewrite_resbody from scratch... MUUCH cleaner.
* UR: zarray -> array
* Used Hoe#add_include_dirs to clean up rakefile.
* Moved PT dependent code from ruby2ruby to here (eg Proc#to_sexp & friends).

* 2 bug fixes:

* UR: Fixed a bug with resbody that starts with an lasgn.
* UR: Fixed args for attrset

SexpProcessor Changes:

=== 3.0.0 / ????-??-??

* 2 major enhancements:

* Released as its own project, splitting from ParseTree
* Added Environment to SexpProcessor and built it in. YAY!

* 6 minor enhancements:

* Allowed CompositeSexpProcessor to be more ducktypey.
* Refactored Sexp#method_missing into find_node and find_nodes.
* Removed Sexp#for and other PT specific code.
* SexpProcessor#process now runs rewriters before everything else.
* SexpProcessor#rewrite context only for subs, EMPTY for top level rewrites.
* SexpProcessor#rewrite will stop iterating if the result isn't another Sexp.

Chris Wanstrath

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