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Welcome to ambaa-L

ॐ शिवाभ्यान्नमः ॥ oṃ śivābhyānnamaḥ 

Ambaa-L is a e-mail discussion group comprising of devotees of  Śrīmātā and Lord  Śivaḥ . The principal goal of this discussion group is to study the devotional works on Śrīmātā and Lord  Śivaḥ thereby enabling the members to worship them. Every post sent to this forum should reflect love and devotional attitude towards Śiva-dampatiḥ

List Policies

1) Only devotees of the divine couple Śiva-dampatiḥ i can become a member of this group.

2) Postings sent to the group should discuss only devotional works and related items. 

3) Members of the group should be polite, respectful and courteous to each other during the discussions, especially when errors in understanding the text is pointed out.

4) ambaa-L is a partially moderated forum. Administrator of the list reserves the right to moderate the posts. And all new members are by default under moderation. Based on the posting history, changes to moderation status will applied

5) If you choose to contact other members of the list by personal e-mail or by other means, this is a matter that is solely between you and the other person. List does not recommend these interactions and it does not prohibit them either.

6) Your posts should not violate local and international laws.

7) You are solely responsible for what you post on the list.

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