New to Online Teaching? Free webinar on ready-made Canvas & Blackboard cartridges!

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Barbara Illowsky

Apr 9, 2020, 5:43:35 PM4/9/20
HI, friends,

Please blast out the info to anyone you know who is going to teach online with Canvas or Blackboard this summer. Thanks! (Please chop off this top part!)

Have a great day!
Barbara Illowsky, PhD
Professor of Mathematics & Statistics, Emerita
          De Anza College
OER & Innovation Fellow
          The Michelson 20MM Foundation

2013 International Educator ACE Award for OpenCourseWare Excellence, Open Education Consortium

"Disabilities don't hold people back. Barriers do."- Haben Girma at MediaX 2016
 "Learning is not attained by chance; it must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence." -- Abigail Adams, 1780

New to online teaching? Canvas and Blackboard course cartridges to adapt and adopt for OpenStax, OER and traditional texts


Are you switching to teach online but know very little about online pedagogy or how to get started? Learn a quick and easy way to get started teaching online if you use Canvas or Blackboard. These prepared course cartridges were developed based upon guidelines that faculty created via the California Community College’s Online Education Initiative. There are cartridges for all of the college level OpenStax texts, as well as a cartridge that you can use any free or commercial textbook with. This webinar is geared for those faculty who are new to online teaching and would like a cartridge that helps them get started.


Free webinar:

Friday, April 17, 9 am PST

ZOOM link: 

Call in (but you won’t be able to see the shells):

 +1 669 900 6833 (US Toll)

+1 346 248 7799 (US Toll)

 +1 301 715 8592 (US Toll)

 +1 312 626 6799 (US Toll)

 +1 646 876 9923 (US Toll)

+1 253 215 8782 (US Toll)

Meeting ID: 639 068 8895



Dr. Barbara Illowsky retired the end of June 2019 after 30-years as a mathematics and statistics professor at De Anza College. She was on loan to many statewide projects and offices. Barbara is co-author of “Introductory Statistics” and “Introductory Business Statistics”, free and open textbooks published by OpenStax College that are used over 700 colleges and universities throughout the country and world. She is a past president of CMC3. Barbara is the first OER and Innovation Fellow for the Michelson 20Million Minds Foundation. In her position as Interim Chief Academic Officer for the California Community College’s Online Education Initiative, she led the project to create the Canvas cartridges. Now, Barbara spends her days advocating for and promoting adoption of OER and zero-cost pathways for students.



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