Phoenix 2021 ITLC Theme Session Call for Proposals!

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Dec 24, 2020, 12:38:18 AM12/24/20

Dear Colleagues,

For the upcoming AMATYC Annual Conference 2021 to be held in Phoenix, AZ, the Innovative Teaching and Learning Committee (ITLC) is hosting a Themed Session focused on assessment issues!
Here is a description of the themed session:

Assessment is currently one of the biggest challenges faced by instructors. From worries about cheating to concerns around equity issues, faculty are looking for answers to difficult questions about ensuring academic integrity. Come! Learn about alternative assessments that go beyond skill and drill tests. Hear about free programs designed to improve online assessment. Learn how to write questions where students can’t just google the answer. Consider questions around authentic assessment and find ways to improve student assessment whether you teach in person, online, or with a hybrid format.

ITLC is inviting proposals to be considered for this session. Please note that the presentation will consist of six 15-minute presentations that can touch on any aspect of assessment that arise when discussing mathematics education.

To formulate this session, the committee requests that each individual interested in presenting in this themed session provide the information required in this Google form (link included below) by the deadline of January 8, 2021. The review process will be a blind peer-reviewed process by ITLC members (Regional Representatives and any additional volunteers, as needed). All ideas and insights are welcome - feel free to challenge us!

The following information is being collected by the following link:

Contact Information 

Primary Presenter’s First Name: 

Primary Presenter’s Last Name:

Primary Presenter’s Email: 

College/University Name (if retired or not from a college/university, please include information in Primary Affiliation below): 

Contact Information (address, city, state, zip, country): 


Is this number work, home, or mobile?: 

Alternate Contact Information (required only if correspondence should not be directed to the above address/phone) 

Have you presented at AMATYC before? Yes ____    No _____

You must be available to attend the conference at 8am on Thursday October 28 to present in this Themed Session.

Presentation Information for Presenter:

Title of Presentation (limited to 70 characters including spaces): 

50-Word summary of your presentation for the program. This is the only information that will be printed in the program book to describe your presentation if it is selected (edits will be possible after acceptance as well), so be descriptive but concise. Use complete sentences. Do not exceed 50 words.

Proposals are reviewed by ITLC Regional Representatives and/or volunteers.

Thank you for the interest expressed in our Themed Session and support of the committee's proposal!

Jennifer Ackerman

Jan 8, 2021, 11:23:29 PM1/8/21
Dear ITLC, - I posted this information in, but not everyone is part of that community yet!
Have a great idea about assessments? Do you use alternative assessments, especially during the pandemic? Have experiences with virtual proctoring that have worked well?
Here's a friendly reminder asking you to submit a proposal for our ITLC Themed session in Phoenix! Assessment is an incredibly important topic, espiecially in this new, virtual world we've been experiencing. I hope you can come and share your ideas!
We'll be in touch with everyone who submits a proposal - please submit by Monday 1/11/21 and we'll contact everyone about their submissions shortly after 1/15/21.

Jan 16, 2021, 9:49:11 PM1/16/21
Thanks to those of you who submitted a proposal! At this point, we only have 5 speakers and we need one more to fill our 6 speakers for the themed session. Please consider submitting a proposal for a 15-minute talk on some aspect of assessment. This topic is in great demand, particularly in light of the pandemic and challenges with assessment in a virtual setting. Thanks for considering this request - please let me know as soon as possible if you're interested as our final proposal is due January 21.

Best wishes for a safe, healthy, and inspiring Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday weekend!
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