Server possibility + domain

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Martin Meredith

Sep 21, 2007, 8:47:23 AM9/21/07
Ok, so is registered...

Also, a paste of a convo I had a moment ago.

<Mez> Don't fancy sponsoring Radio Amarok do you? we need a UK server
with good bandiwdth on the cheap/free (we have no funding atm :()
<grifferz> how much bandwidth?
<Mez> I don't know at the moment... we're planning to have radioamarok's
main server in UK, then we have an offer of a relay in germany which'll
be on 100Mb/s
<Mez> but I couldn't estimate b/w at the moment... I need one of the
other of the team to provide me with the bandwidth estimates
<grifferz> I can't really spare more than about 1Mbit/s so I don't think
I can help
<Mez> not gonna need much disk space though, just a simple website and
some logs...
<grifferz> more than that and it will cost me actual money, and bitfolk
hasn't yet made a profit
<Mez> ok, well, if that can fit within our projections, are you willing
to offer it?
<grifferz> yes
<Mez> I'll let the rest of the team know
<Mez> thanks dude :D *hugs*
<grifferz> np
<Mez> we may take it up, even if it's onjly just to host the site (and
have the rest going off the germany server)
* grifferz nods
<Mez> but I'm only the lowly Assistant Manager, I'm not allowed to make
decisions like that :D
<Mez> mind if I paste this convo into a group ?

I don't know bandwidth estimations at the moment, but this is a start...
1Mbit/s is enough to get us up on our feet, and coupled with using
Germany as a relay server, might work well for us...

Does anyone have any bandwidth projections?

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