Audio Imaging.

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Martin Meredith

Sep 16, 2007, 8:46:27 PM9/16/07
Regarding Audio Imaging... I think that if this is done, it should be
done correctly and professionally.

For those of you who don't know what audio imaging is. Have you ever
listened to a real station and heard those little stabs, "you're
listening to so and so radio, bla bla bla"

I know a good company, who are cheap, and will probably do a 25%
discount (due to being a Non Profit thing)

The Company is Sound Boy Creations, who are cheap as they are, and very
good at what they do (having worked with them before, I know what I'm on

An example of their work can be found here

They've previously offered me a full station package for £70

> 5x FX Station Identification Sweepers
> 3x DRY Station Identification Stabs
> 2x Station Music Montages/Positioners
> If you have News etc on your station, then maybe also include:
> 1x News Intro (with Optional Talkover Bed)
> 1x Sport Intro (with Optional Talkover Bed)
> 1x Weather Intro (or Talkover "Donut")
> All of this can of course be customised to your needs, but for the
> above I would offer this to you for £70 (Saving £19.30 on usual rates)

FX Station ID's are those station idents (telling you who you're
listening to) with effects int eh background... DRY ones are without the
effects... music montages are a sort of... montage of what music you
play (talking a little,, identifying the station, and playing little
snippets of music tracks to identify the style of the station)

The News/Sport/Weather intros are basically introductions for the
new/weather/sport, with the talkover "beds" being music to talk over to
play in the background (a donut is the same, but can be looped

I'd seriously reccomend having this done proffessionally, and depending
on when the station launches properly, may even be happy to pay out of
my own pocket to do this (the reason for the tmie is cause of the new
job I'm moving to next week, which means I've got to wait a couple of
months before I can pay for things like that due to having to pay moving
fees etc etc)!

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