March against Massacre! Stand against Secrecy! 10am and 1pm Sat 8 Sep, Cape Town.

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Mark Weinberg @ AIDC

Sep 3, 2012, 9:13:18 AM9/3/12
to,,,,, Mark Weinberg
March against Massacre! Stand against Secrecy!
Saturday 8 September, Cape Town, 10am and 1pm
Inline images 1
Join us for a day of solidarity and protest at the growing influence of authoritarianism in South Africa. 

WHAT: Marikane Solidarity March to Parliament
TIME: 10am
PLACE: from Keizergracht St, next to the Castle. 
CONTACT: Cape Town Marikana Solidarity Committee, 0828702025/0823683429

WHAT: Right2Know Secrecy Bill Rally
TIME: 1pm
PLACE: Central Methodist Church, Greenmarket Sq, Cape Town. 
CONTACT: Western Cape Right2Know, 0214617211/0782276008

Despite many victories over the last two years, the Secrecy Bill remains a threat to our democracy. While R2K’s impact on the Bill and further ANC proposals is clear, critical issues remain!

Let's keep the pressure on Parliament!

Speakers at R2K Rally include Archbishop Thabo Makgoba (Anglican Archbishop of Cape Town), Mhlobo Gunguluzi (Gugulethu Backyarders), Roegshanda Pascoe (Proudly Mannenberg), Ronnie Kasrils (former Minister of Intelligence), Vuyiseka Dubula (TAC), Ashley Louw (Delft Integrated Network), Zackie Achmat (Ndifuna Ukuwazi),and Mathilda Groepe (Blikkiesdorp Concerned Residents)

RIGHT2KNOW STATEMENT on MARIKANA: R2K joins calls for open, transparent investigation into Marikana massacre

17 August 2012

It has been reported that as more than 30 people died, and many more were injured, after police used lethal force against striking worker at Lonmin mine in Marikana. 

R2K joins the public demands for an immediate and transparent investigation into the apparent extreme use of lethal force against striking miners in Marikana, Rustenburg. Since yesterday, police have failed to answer a number of burning questions about the tragedy, and reportedly forced journalists at the scene to delete photographs. SAPS must open itself to a public inquiry, with all facts laid bare for the public and for the families and friends of those who died. 

South Africa must also demand answers of Lonmin Platinum Mine: as anger and outrage mounts, the role of mining executives in undermining fair labour processes and potentially exacerbating conflict must also be scrutinised.

As the right to know is fundamental to the right to organise, so the right to organise is fundamental to the right to know!


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