Sociology-Amandla! Forum: Wikilleaks, June 7

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Mark Weinberg @ AIDC

Jun 1, 2011, 2:39:57 AM6/1/11

The Amandla! Forum (Johannesburg)

in conjunction Wits University Department of Sociology invites you to




Tuesday 7 June

Venue: Senate House Basement 2 lecture theatre

 Wits University Main Campus

Time: 17h30


The South African government is cracking down on information disclosure through new Information legislation. The documentary WIKILEAKS shows how all attempts by states, including the powerful US, cannot veil in secrecy what has to be known by local and global publics.  This documentary takes us behind the personality of Julian Assange to understand the origins, purpose and role of WIKILEAKS. It shows how the power of information disclosure can be used to hold the most powerful accountable, how the impunity of 21st century hi-tech wars  can be revealed and how democracies best weapon is an informed public sphere. In this regard the importance of  information and cyber activism is extremely important to defend an empowered democracy. The right to know campaign is the best demonstration of this in our current battle against the increasing authoritarian nature of contemporary South African state power.


Parking available at Yale Road or in Wits Theatre Parking Garage, entrance in Jorissen street, Braamfontein (parking garage entrance is immediately after the pedestrian entrance to Senate House, take the lift or stairs to floor B1).

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