No, No, No, lol

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Jul 17, 2019, 5:19:30 PM7/17/19
to alttvOutlander


Jul 17, 2019, 6:10:54 PM7/17/19
to alttvOutlander
Now, that's how old men over 50 looked like back then. 


Jul 17, 2019, 6:21:03 PM7/17/19
to alttvOutlander
I'm curious as to how old they're suppose to be in that pic. They actually aren't looking too bad.


Jul 17, 2019, 6:27:00 PM7/17/19
to alttvOutlander
They aren't. It's just a new trend on SM. There's a new app that makes you look old in your photo. 


Jul 18, 2019, 1:27:39 AM7/18/19
I wouldn't have reconised JQM.  Sam reminds me of someone else, but I can't think who.


Jul 18, 2019, 1:27:41 AM7/18/19
to alttvOutlander
They aren't. It's just a new trend on SM. There's a new app that makes you look old in your photo. 

My sister emailed me a pic of herself yesterday.  She looked like she had no teeth. lol


Jul 18, 2019, 10:21:30 AM7/18/19
to alttvOutlander
Sam look very much like my Uncle Billie which won't mean anything to anyone!  Lol!  Ageing does depend not only on your lifestyle but your genes I think.  Some people just look older (or younger I guess) than they are.  My mother, bless her, just dropped down in the street - the best way to go but a shock for the rest of us.  When I got to the hospital they had to ask me how old she was.  She was 86 which surprised them because they thought she was only in her seventies.


Jul 18, 2019, 10:25:37 AM7/18/19
to alttvOutlander
My mum is 83 and still doesn't have any grey hair, so people are constantly guessing her to be ten or more years younger. I have all the grey hair she should have lol. it's wrong just so wrong.


Jul 18, 2019, 2:04:56 PM7/18/19
to alttvOutlander

My mum is 83 and still doesn't have any grey hair, so people are constantly guessing her to be ten or more years younger. I have all the grey hair she should have lol. it's wrong just so wrong.

My mum was late going grey and so am I.  Unfortunately my eldest sister is as grey as a badger if she doesn't dye it.  It doesn't help that she is dark though and I am fair.  Mum was a sandy brown.


Jul 18, 2019, 4:25:29 PM7/18/19
to alttvOutlander
I had plain old brown hair, but the last time I cut it all off so any of the dyed stuff got cut it was brunette with the grey running through it. Makes it look even worse. So now I just keep it dyed red blonde in hopes of light auburn hair.


Jul 19, 2019, 1:18:06 AM7/19/19
to alttvOutlander
My hair is longer in my 50's than I've ever had it.  One of the benefits of the menopause is my hair is less oily than it used to be.  Blond hightlights help as well.


Jul 19, 2019, 9:56:12 AM7/19/19
to alttvOutlander
My hair is getting thinner by the minute!! At the moment it's very short, too short, hairdresser went a bit off piste!  Don't think the menopause did much for my head hair - however, i used to have very hairy legs which required removal on a regular basis (the hairs not the legs!). However, now I don't have to shave underarm and just the odd hair on my legs. There is a downside though, I have to keep a close watch on my chin!  Ugh! Used to dye my hair for a while but then went on hols to Australia which did funny things to the colour and I saw a picture of myself and thought Help I look as though I have straw on my head. So now it's gray except for the back at the nape of my neck which is still quite dark brown. Weird.


Jul 19, 2019, 11:47:50 AM7/19/19
to alttvOutlander
Yeah that's the problem with getting older, the hair from your legs and armpits move to your chin and lips. Men lose it from their heads and it shows up in their ears and noses.


Jul 19, 2019, 12:33:19 PM7/19/19
to alttvOutlander
I see Sam aging more like this one. In which case he'll still be a hottie.


Jul 19, 2019, 12:52:39 PM7/19/19
to alttvOutlander

My hair is getting thinner by the minute!!

Me too and it used to be so thick as well.  Also being longer it seems to be more noticeable.  I find my hair everywhere.


Jul 19, 2019, 12:53:04 PM7/19/19
to alttvOutlander
There’s something about his eyes and mouth in the “older” pic that puts me in mind of Robert Shaw. (Quint, from Jaws).


Jul 19, 2019, 12:53:10 PM7/19/19
to alttvOutlander

Yeah that's the problem with getting older, the hair from your legs and armpits move to your chin and lips. Men lose it from their heads and it shows up in their ears and noses.



Jul 19, 2019, 12:55:00 PM7/19/19
to alttvOutlander

I see Sam aging more like this one. In which case he'll still be a hottie.

Yeah, I like that one.  In the other, he even looked a bit like a woman to me. 


Jul 19, 2019, 12:55:05 PM7/19/19
to alttvOutlander
The newer pic Sam has a Dick Van Dyke vibe going on.


Jul 19, 2019, 1:02:08 PM7/19/19
to alttvOutlander
Someone aged Tom Holland and he looks like a little old lady.


Jul 19, 2019, 2:37:44 PM7/19/19
to alttvOutlander

On Thursday, July 18, 2019 at 7:25:37 AM UTC-7, broughps wrote:
My mum is 83 and still doesn't have any grey hair, so people are constantly guessing her to be ten or more years younger. I have all the grey hair she should have lol. it's wrong just so wrong.

I had a grandmother who had almost no gray hair when she died in her mid-nineties. My aunt, her daughter, had hair that got darker and thicker after menopause.  And my other grandmother was white in her 40s. Guess which one I took after? Grrrr...That darker, thicker hair sure didn't happen to me! I color my hair but kind of wish I'd never started that because I just think I'll look so old with gray hair. I have/had very dark brown hair so the gray really stands out. If I'd just let it go gray naturally it wouldn't be such a huge change and I'd have gotten used to it. But now...I don't want to be that woman who dyes her hair forever and looks odd. But quitting is hard. My sister quit and I think she looks fine with gray hair. I think everyone else looks fine with gray hair, and I don't think they look old. I just don't think I would look fine! I would look old!


Jul 19, 2019, 3:10:23 PM7/19/19
to alttvOutlander
“They” say that as we age, if we’ve been dying our hair, we should start to go back to the color we were as a child. Most of us, well, at least me, had lighter hair when we were younger and it got darker as we got older. Now, I’m a medium brown with reddish highlights and grey, but had very light brown hair that would go platinum blonde around my face, in the summer. Now, to hold off Father Time, I do a plain light brown and get blonde highlights. Hides the smoke on the roof very nicely.


Jul 19, 2019, 3:54:06 PM7/19/19
to alttvOutlander
One of the gals in our church always dyed her hair brunette. She came in one Sunday with white hair. She had dyed it white but then it stayed that way permanently. She looked fantastic with the all white hair.

I don't feel like 59 so I refuse to look like 59. I'll stick with the red blond hair dye until I go white or some day I may just dye it all white and pretend I'm a blond.


Jul 19, 2019, 4:48:22 PM7/19/19
to alttvOutlander
If I knew my hair would be that beautiful silvery white, Miss Clairol would see the last of me! My hair guy says I could dye it, but I’d have to wear more makeup because I’m on the pale side (took after the Irish side instead of the Greek side.). I stopped wearing makeup when I retired, unless I’m going “out” so looks like I’ll have to hope it happens naturally and my skin tone goes along with it. 😉


Jul 19, 2019, 5:23:47 PM7/19/19
to alttvOutlander
I'm glow in the dark white, eyeliner is it for me even "dressing up". So long as I wear bright colors I look ok.


Jul 20, 2019, 5:23:54 AM7/20/19
to alttvOutlander

 Most of us, well, at least me, had lighter hair when we were younger and it got darker as we got older.

I was very blonde as a child, but dark blonde now.  My sister was very blonde too (it was difficult to tell us apart on child pics) but her hair darkened into a brunette in her teens. 


Jul 20, 2019, 5:25:18 AM7/20/19
to alttvOutlander

I don't feel like 59 so I refuse to look like 59.

Me, on the other hand, feel every one of my 54 years.  But then I have fibromyalgia and as well as the pain it tires me out.  I went out for a meal with some of my colleagues last night but was back home by 10.30pm.  Knackered.  lol


Jul 20, 2019, 9:47:30 AM7/20/19
to alttvOutlander
I love going to bed early now, but only because I want to read undisturbed longer.


Jul 20, 2019, 2:13:16 PM7/20/19
to alttvOutlander
Jamie and Claire both aged.


Jul 20, 2019, 2:37:09 PM7/20/19
to alttvOutlander
Lookin’ good after all these years!


Jul 21, 2019, 3:48:01 AM7/21/19
to alttvOutlander
Yikes to Jamie.  Claire looks good though.


Jul 21, 2019, 9:56:44 AM7/21/19
to alttvOutlander
I don't think Jamie looks bad for someone who's lived their whole life basically roughing it. I'd like to know what age the app user put them at.


Jul 21, 2019, 10:12:18 AM7/21/19
to alttvOutlander
He kind of looks like Richard Branson’s (slightly) older brother.


Jul 21, 2019, 10:18:47 AM7/21/19
to alttvOutlander
He does a little bit.


Jul 21, 2019, 10:23:17 AM7/21/19
to alttvOutlander


Jul 21, 2019, 5:38:48 PM7/21/19
to alttvOutlander
OK - so let's see a pic of you all when young.  This is about the youngest I have - dressed in my cousin's sailor outfit. I think he was a sea scout or something like that. He was about 15 years older than me so I think they must have kept his uniform because it's not that much bigger than me!  I think I must have been about two and a half or three at the most.



Jul 21, 2019, 6:21:57 PM7/21/19
to alttvOutlander
How adorable!
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