Kabbalat Shabbat over Zoom this week

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Mar 25, 2020, 9:20:40 PM3/25/20
to Altshul
TL;DR: Altshul was in the Wall Street Journal! zoom services meet again this week

Upcoming at Altshul 
  • This Friday, please join us for a virtual gathering as we welcome Shabbat.  
    Time: 6:20 - 6:50 PM 
    The link is here and everyone is welcome to join: https://zoom.us/j/289749723

Shabbat Info
  • Shabbat starts at 6:58 pm Friday evening 
  • Shabbat ends at 7:58 pm on Saturday night
  • Parsha: Vayikra
    • Highlights: Moshe learns about sin offerings.

Altshul Announcement
  • We welcome Mishkan Minyan to our Kabbalat Shabbat zoom! 
    Kabbalat Shabbat will be led by Talia Milgrom-Elcott, Aaron Dorfman, and family
    Drash by Alex Goldenberg
    Starting at 6:20 PM (zoom link)
    Due to the off-rhythm nature of video conferencing which can make communal singing a challenge, we may opt to feature only the speaker/leader's voice. Thank you to Talia, Aaron, and Alex for lending your skills!
  • Beit Midrash
    Our Beit Midrash with Larry Magarik will recommence online. We'll have dates and times available soon. In the meantime, visit Altshul's learning page to view Larry's source sheets. \

  • Shiva for Fred Blau and David Lowin
    With sadness, we share the news of two community members whose mothers passed away last week: Fred Blau lost his mother, Sarita Blau, and David Lowin lost his mother, Judith Lowin.

    David's shiva and davenning schedule.
    Shacharit daily at 7:30am Mincha/Maariv daily at 7pm (and Friday at 6pm)

    Fred and David will say kaddish together at shacharit and maariv in David's virtual minyanim (accessible through the shiva/davening link above).

    Fred's shiva and davening schedule.
    For Mincha, Fred will have his own minyan with Altshul. Please sign sign up so we can guarantee a minyan each day at 2PM

    Additionally, the Lowins would be grateful for meal support in the coming days before Pesach. PHS set up a schedule for meals and they have added days in April to be covered by Altshul volunteers.  Please consider signing up to arrange a food delivery or home-cooked meal if you are able to do so safely.

  • Supporting our Community and Each Other 
    If you have suggestions for community engagement or ideas for neighborly support, we would love to hear from you. Please share them with us at leade...@altshul.org.

Community Announcements:
  • Wall Street Journal article about virtual prayer
    Altshul was featured in the Wall Street Journal with a quote from Rebecca Park who led our first virtual Kabbalat Shabbat on March 13th.
    Rebecca shared these thoughts: "Normally in Jewish prayer there are relatively few moments where the leader is singing something and the congregation isn’t singing along. But we were worried about everyone’s audio being delayed. So everyone had themselves muted, and they’re singing along in their own space. It was mostly heartwarming but also heartbreaking to see everyone on the screen,” said Ms. Park, “but it was really powerful.”

  • B'nei Mitzvah Tutoring
    If you are available for b'nei mitzvah tutoring and would like your name included on a community list to be accessed by the Park Slope/Prospect Heights/Crown Heights communities, please fill out this form
    .  We will put together a list to share with families in the Luria, PHS, CKI, Altshul communities.  Tutors will set their own rates and make arrangements directly with families.

  • Assisting Immigrants at Deportation Centers
    JFREJ, New Sanctuary Coalition and The Brooklyn Community Bail Fund have coordinated a campaign to raise $180,000 to free 15-20 immigrants at risk of deportation who are imprisoned at an ICE detention center in the New York Tri-State area. This need is even more important now in light of an imminent jail lockdown or bail bond shutdown. The COVID-19 pandemic has shone a light on the ongoing emergency of incarceration: human beings locked up in unsafe, unhygienic conditions with no autonomy over their own wellbeing. Use the link above to learn more and contribute. 

  • Volunteering Opportunity with Met Council
    The Met Council on Jewish Poverty is looking for volunteers to send cards, artwork, and emails to their seniors. We're calling people of all ages to assist! See the attached flyer for details. 
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