Zoom Kabbalat Shabbat at 6 PM tonight

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Apr 24, 2020, 10:28:35 AM4/24/20
to Altshul
TL;DR: Zoom kabbalat shabbat, Mask making opportunities below.

Upcoming at Altshul 
  • Kabbalat Shabbat and Drash on Zoom with Mishkan Minyan
    Friday, April 24th  6 - 6:40 PM
    Davening led by: Yoshie Fruchter
    Drash by: Amanda Pogany
    Zoom link
    Stay after to greet each other with your drink of choice.

Shabbat Info
  • Shabbat begins at 7:27 pm on Friday, April 24th
  • Shabbat ends at 8:30 pm on Saturday, April 25th
  • Parsha: Tazria-Metzora: all about cleanliness, both in terms of leprosy and in the Tazria haftara, (which we actually don't read this week) where we learn about immersing multiple times in the Jordan river

Altshul Announcements
  • Friday Zoom survey
    We would love to hear your thoughts on how we can make the most of our zoom gathering each week, as well as the start time that you prefer. Take a moment and fill out the Zoom survey. 
  • Beit Midrash with Larry Magarik 
    Sunday, April 26th at 10 AM
    "A Shema of Truth" (Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8968591909)

    This is the 4th of 5 sessions in Larry Magarik's Beit Midrash series on Darchei Tefilah, the meaning - rather than the mechanics - of prayer. This session will be on "A Shema of Truth". (Source sheets available here.) No prior attendance is required. The Beit Midrash is open to community members of all ages.
  • Supporting our Community and Each Other 
    If you have suggestions for community engagement or ideas for neighborly support, we would love to hear from you. Please share them with us at leade...@altshul.org.

Community Announcements
  • Making Masks with Interfaith Communities
    During this challenging time, here's an opportunity to do good and feel good. Please join Women in Faith (WIF)* on an interactive Zoom call to meet people of different faiths and make safety masks for those in need. Wednesday, April 29th, at 7:00 PM Making face coverings requires only a sacrificial T-shirt, and a pair of scissors-- or even just a bandana or scarf. Check out the CDC** mask making written tutorial or video tutorial, and view the list of drop-off locations, where your masks can go to someone in need. Please note: all genders and faith communities are welcome to attend this interactive Zoom call. Additionally, we do not want lack of supplies to hinder your ability to join us. Please join us on the 29th, and view other ways to get involved by volunteering, donating, or sharing these resources with those in need. Feel free to reach out to Sara Pilavin if you have any questions (sara.m....@gmail.com). RSVP if you can attend, and we’ll send you the Zoom call information. Hope to see you soon! *This virtual event is organized by Women in Faith (WIF), a program of the Jewish Community Relations Council-NY, and the NY Board of Rabbis. **We encourage everyone to review the CDC guidelines on cloth face mask coverings regarding sterilization, usage, recommendations, FAQs, and more.
  • Kavod V'Nichum Online program on mourning and loss 
    June 7-10, 2020
    Featuring workshops and teachings on remote funerals and shiva, liturgy for virtual taharah, discussions on grieving, and other subjects. Click here for information and registration. 

  • B'nei Mitzvah Tutoring
    If you are available for b'nei mitzvah tutoring and would like your name included on a community list to be accessed by the Park Slope/Prospect Heights/Crown Heights communities, please fill out this form.  We will put together a list to share with families in the Luria, PHS, CKI, Altshul communities.  Tutors will set their own rates and make arrangements directly with families.
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