Giving Tzedakah this Pesach AND Zoom this Friday

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Apr 14, 2020, 3:56:57 PM4/14/20
to Altshul

Dear community,

We hope you've had a nice and healthy Pesach and that your seders offered moments of joy and poignancy. As we enter yom tov again, we hope that your chag, although altered by difficult circumstances, will incorporate warmth and celebration.

One milestone we will miss this year is sharing yizkor together. In saying yizkor, we pledge to give tzedakah to honor the memories of our loved ones. This yizkor, though we're apart, we encourage the Altshul community to give tzedakah together. In this way, we honor our loved ones' memories, celebrate the strength of our community, and support those who have been impacted by the current crisis.

Altshul's Ben Thomases is the Executive Director of Queens Community House, which includes locations in or near Corona and Elmhurst, some of the hardest hit neighborhoods in New York. Queens Community House provides emergency support to people in need, including those who are undocumented or otherwise unable to access unemployment and other benefits. The organization is expanding its food pantries, making emergency grants to help people pay their bills and advising families on their children's remote learning. They recently received a $50,000 challenge grant from a Jewish philanthropist, so all contributions from the Altshul community will be matched.

Please consider joining us in honoring the memories of loved ones with a donation to Queens Community House.

The link to donate is here: 
The main QCH website is here:

This Friday, we'll return to our weekly Kabbalat Shabbat zoom with Mishkan Minyan. We hope to see you all there! 
Davening led by: Sienna Lotenberg
Drash by: Rabbi Micah Kelber 
6:30 PM  (zoom link to come on Friday)

Chag Sameach and best wishes,
Altshul's Leadership Team


Altshul Communications Team
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