Pesach with our Community

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Apr 8, 2020, 11:48:31 AM4/8/20
to Altshul

We wish you all a Chag Kasher V'Sameach. Below are two opportunities to join together this holiday.

Before the first seder tonight, we'll gather to sing Hallel. Join us!
Today at 5:30 PM
Led by: Eytan Kurshan
Zoom link:
Candle lighting is tonight at 7:10 PM

For more Pesach spirit over chol hamoed, join Altshul on Sunday morning for a joyous Hallel and a moving chanting of Shir HaShirim, Song of Songs, a dialog between HaShem and Am Yisrael as distanced lovers longing to be reunited. 
Sunday, April 12th at 10 AM
Hallel: Milgrom-Elcott-Dorfman Family
Shir HaShirim:  Hillel Gruenberg, Ilanit Helfand, and Rachel Geballe

This year will be profoundly and perhaps painfully different from all previous years. This is meant to be a holiday of multi-generational gathering, shared customs, old melodies, bounteous food, and late-night discussion. There will be palpable absences at nearly every seder this year, and a new element of mourning for loved ones who have passed away. At the same time, there may be flickers of possibility for those who have never hosted before to try out new melodies, new dishes, and new topics of study. This may be a year when new traditions are born. It's a complicated experience in all respects. Altshul was planning to meet on the 7th and 8th days, and we're saddened just thinking about the rows of empty seats in the Chapel.  

So how do we enter this holiday? First by committing to social distancing and refraining from inviting guests to our seders. Difficult as it is, we are keeping our city safer and healthier this way. Second, by being kind to ourselves and our loved ones. This may not be the year for meticulous preparation. We'll try our best and then embrace the holiday as we can. As the chag approaches, let us consider: What can we do to be together as a kahal in uncertain times? What does freedom mean right now? What lessons can we take from our journey out of Mitzrayim? What do we carry with us as we move forward? While these aren't the traditional four questions, let's ask and answer them together this Passover.

Next year may all be free.  לשנה הבאה בירושלים

Our team would like to know if anyone in the Altshul community is ill at this time and needs community support. We would love to help support you. Please email

We wish you and your families a healthy and meaningful Passover.
The Altshul Leadership Team


Altshul Communications Team
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