This Thursday: DDD and Beyond...on Rails.

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Michael Ibarra

Aug 19, 2013, 12:36:04 PM8/19/13
Hey Everyone!

Just a reminder that this Thursday is August's Seattle Software Craftsmanship meetup at Getty Images' Seattle office!

This month, the Getty Images' own Richard Morris (@domaindrivendev) tackles Domain Driven Design in Rails apps. In his own words...

"Rails is optimized for problem domains that can be explained more or less with CRUD semantics, but we forfeit the ability to express non-trivial business concepts and rules through code.

DDD provides a powerful set of patterns for tackling complexity in software. It promotes Domain Models that capture areas of the business, are established through continuous discussions with Domain Experts and then implemented in code.

I'd like to explore Domain Modelling and demonstrate ways to apply DDD in Ruby, taking advantage of its inherent, expressive nature.

Furthermore, I'd like to walkthrough some modern aproaches to DDD including Event Sourcing, Command/Query Segregation and a resulting "CQRS-based architecture" that is both elegant and highly scalable."

We will also be giving away two more 1-month subscriptions to Pluralsight training.

Please RSVP at, help spread the word, then join us for pizza, drinks and geeky chatter.

Hope to see you then,

The Seattle SWC Team

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