There is a fixed version for the Geoff Terminal that i put out.
the Geoff Terminals Graphics modes do not have a function to erase one element at a time.
So for example If you draw a pixel you have to clear the entire screen to remove it which is very slow.
I added additional escape codes so you could
place a pixel, erase a pixel
place a circle, erase a circle
place a circle fill, erase a circle fill
place a box, erase a box
place a box fill, erase a box fill.
Draw a line ESC [Z1;;;;Z
Draw a box ESC [Z2;;;;Z
Draw a filled box ESC [Z3;;;;Z
Draw a circle ESC [Z4;;;Z
Draw a filled circle ESC [Z5;;;Z
Erase a line ESC [Z6;;;;Z
Erase a box ESC [Z7;;;;Z
Erase a filled box ESC [Z8;;;;Z
Erase a circle ESC [Z9;;;Z
Erase a filled circle ESC [Z10;;;Z
if you have the patch on your terminal it will show my name as a john galt graphics patch on start up.
The problem with the Geoff terminal is VT-100 support is terrible.
the board included with the pro also supports the SD card and the serial port so you want to keep them.
a much better terminal exists in the FABGL VGA32 Ansi Terminal which also has full VT-100 support in addition it supports many other vintage terminals.
the terminal also supports 64 colors characters and graphics including Sprite and sound support.
in order to use it you need to use up a Serial port, the stock Altairduino pro comes with one 9pin Serial port. the USB ports provided are slave ports.
in order to really use them with external devices outside of a laptop or desk top you have to construct a USB server to 9DB, which i did create, however its not perfect and has issues with many usb devices.
the best solution is to Hack the DUE main board and install another serial port using the TX and RX Leds, then wire up ground and 3.3V power to a 9DB converter, update the Firmeware to support the new serial port
you will then have two 9DB serial ports you can map how you like. i installed the FABGL Ansi Terminal on the new second 9DB serial port and mapped it as primary.
now i have color and graphics support along with full VT-100 escape code support. this allows me me to view color pictures on my Altair and go to BBS over my Wifi modem and see the ASCII Art in color.
i can also view HTML websites and see color pictures through IMP 2.45.
I stopped using my Geoff terminal about 3 years ago now.