Call for ALTA Mentors

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Nov 1, 2022, 11:21:16 PM11/1/22
to ALTA Announce

ALTA is calling for mentors who are willing to share their wisdom with mentees (e.g., students, postdocs and early career researchers) within ALTA community. 

What is Mentoring?

Mentoring is generally considered to be a voluntary relationship that gives people the opportunity to share their skills, knowledge and experiences, both personal and professional. 

Three Key Benefits for Mentors

1. Improve interpersonal skills in counselling, listening, modelling and leading.

2. Access to new perspectives, information and knowledge.

3. Enhance professional relationships and networks.

How does it work?

To initiate a mentoring session, a mentee should proactively organise a meeting with an ALTA mentor in advance during or after the ALTA workshop.

Step 1: A mentee choose a mentor from the ALTA mentor list.

Step 2: A mentee contact the ALTA mentor via an email

Step 3: A mentee organise a mentoring session either virtually (e.g., Zoom) or in person (e.g., during the ALTA workshop).

More information including the current ALTA Mentors can be found at

 How to Register?

You can register to be an ALTA mentor from HERE:

 Thank you for your great support for ALTA community.

Maria Kim

ALTA President

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