What do the numbers in files Exp., Counts., and DATASET. mean?

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Apr 20, 2019, 9:50:08 PM4/20/19
to Alternative Splicing and Functional Prediction

Confused on what the numbers in the files of expression input and output actually mean. Also, there are different numbers reported in DATASET and EXP files when comparing the same genes and samples between these file  types.

In the expression input folder:

Say gene  A has a value of 182.9 in sample 1 in the exp file. What does that value mean?

In the expression input folder COUNTS file, the same gene A  for sample 1 has 5183 counts what do the numbers in the counts file represent? What are ISOCOUNTS?

In the expression output folder:

What is are the numbers in the AVERAGE folder? These values are the same as those in the EXP file.

Also, confusing, the values in the DATASET file are different than EXP file, comparing the same gene and same sample (Gene A in sample 1 has value of 7.5), than those in EXP file (Gene A in sample 1 has value of 182.9). Why is that? What are the values in DATASET file?

Please help.



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