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Kriya as taught by Lahiri?

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Kriya Yogi

Jan 14, 2003, 5:33:19 AM1/14/03

Does anybody knows of a _RELIABLE_ source of the Kriya as taught by
Lahiri Mahasaya? I would like to learn more about it, for i know
Yogananda made some variations so it would be easier for the westerns
to learn and practice. In which i find no fault, for unlike many
others, he was a true yogi who had the realization to do it. Even
Lahiri himself modified the original Kriya as Babaji taught it to him,
and divided it into succesive initiations, remember?

There seems to be quite a few disciples or even "gurus" supposedly
from the line of Lahiri or Sri Yukteswar or even Yogananda who have
Kriyas which are different between each other. Surely when Lahiri
conceived his succesive initiations he had a definite technique. I
just want to know it so i know what i am practicing, even though that
may be the kriyas as taught by Master, but with the difference of a
full perspective, if you understand my point.

Besides, has anybody noticed that the mantra of Kriya 3 is not quite
correctly spelled in the SRF lessons? Why do you think that is? It is
supposed to be a sanskrit mantra, but 'sounds' more like bengali,
though not quite.

Thanks to everybody for their posts and their sites.

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Kriya Yogi

Jan 15, 2003, 2:20:57 PM1/15/03
> I noticed that the gist of what you're saying above is plagiarized
> from an original idea presented in

I wasn't aware that group even existed. But thanks for letting me

> > Surely when Lahiri
> > conceived his succesive initiations he had a definite technique.

> No, there isn't. There are of course common practices, but the Yogiraj
> taught each disciple a little differently (sometimes not so little).

I see. It's not the first time i hear this. I find it odd, though.
Particulary when Master was so insistent about practicing it exactly
as instructed.

> > I
> > just want to know it so i know what i am practicing, even though that
> > may be the kriyas as taught by Master, but with the difference of a
> > full perspective, if you understand my point.

> I believe that what Paramhansa Yogananda taught is already sufficient
> to those who were drawn to accept him as their guru. If you're seeking
> for something else other than that given by the guru, I think there is
> some sort of discontent.

You have a point, but actually it's not discontent, i would rather
call it a 'thirst' for deeper knowledge (don't misunderstand me, i
know ultimate knowledge comes through practice alone). Well, in any
case notice you yourself are in a better position even for pointing
out this, for you are at least familiar with the other variations of
the technique. It's not that i want to practice Kriya any other way
than Master's, but rather a matter of personality. I would just would
like to KNOW.

> ... One doesn't play around with these things. And
> it was Yogananda's first Kriya. So anyone who would think that
> Yogananda's first Kriya is insufficient or somewhat watered down is
> mistaken. Yogananda's Kriya was sufficient for his disciples, I can't
> speak about the others.

I know the first Kriya is more than enough. If fact just with the
Hong-Sau one can make incredible progress. Besides, i don't play
around with these things. As a matter of fact, i know all the four
initiations, but i am only practicing the first one, because i know i
am not ready for the others yet.

> ... You are referring to the akshara or the inner letters OWM namo
> Bhagavate Vasudevaya.


> The pronunciation taught by Yogananda was
> perfect, we shouldn't doubt this.

Well, i studied this technique by the lessons. How can a written
transliteration have a 'perfect' pronuncciation? In fact i have seen
this mantra in different languages i am familiar with, and in every
case there were variations. Why not writing at least the correct
transliteration together with the pronunciation? In the lessons in
Spanish (my native language), it even took me a while to figure out it
was the Vasudeva mantra.

>Another thing that we should
> remember is that in this case it doesn't function as a mantra.
> If you
> have truly reached the stage where you became eligible for this Kriya,
> you will know that.

Well, obviously i have not yet ;) However it wouldn't hurt me to be
sure of the correct pronunciation anyway, if there comes a time in
which i feel ready to practice it.
The reason i posted to this group in the first place is that i haven't
received a single reply to my questions written to Mother Center.

Thanks for your polite reply anyway.

Swami Da Prem

Jan 15, 2003, 6:49:49 PM1/15/03
Kriya Yogi wrote:
"I see. It's not the first time i hear this. I find it odd, though.
Particulary when Master was so insistent about practicing it exactly as

As a student and teacher of Brahman-Atman Yoga, I would like to say the
reason why any teacher or Master insists on a student performing the
technique as instructed is because that instruction is what is right for him
to properly evolve.

You say "odd", but really it isn't that much. Not all individuals have the
same karma, amount of karma, have the same life to live, thus different
individuals are sometimes given different instruction.

It is really what the spiritual teacher sees fit for the student.

Hope that helps you to understand this matter a little better.

Thank you,

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Kriya Yogi

Jan 16, 2003, 7:39:18 AM1/16/03
to (Brother Brahman-Atmananda) wrote ...
> How can I be sure that you don't? Merely stating something doesn't
> necessarily make it so.

Well you have the right not to believe me. ;)

> > > > I
> > > > just want to know it so i know what i am practicing, even though that
> > > > may be the kriyas as taught by Master, but with the difference of a
> > > > full perspective, if you understand my point.
> > >
> > > I believe that what Paramhansa Yogananda taught is already sufficient
> > > to those who were drawn to accept him as their guru. If you're seeking
> > > for something else other than that given by the guru, I think there is
> > > some sort of discontent.
> >
> > You have a point, but actually it's not discontent, i would rather
> > call it a 'thirst' for deeper knowledge

> Stop playing with words, boy. That is discontent, plain and simple.

hmm... as i said, good point, though not entirely correct. Things are
not always black and white. For example, according to yourself, you
first received Kriya from SRF, for which you must have made the
pledge, which reads,

"I will practice Kriya Yoga faithfully and regularly to the best of my
ability. I will not reveal its techniques to anyone without written
permission from the Mother Center of Self-Realization Fellowship at
Los Angeles, California. "In my path toward God, l accept you as my
Gurus, O Jesus Christ, Bhagavan Krishna, Mahavatar Babaji, Lahiri
Mahasaya, Swami Sri Yukteswar, and Paramahansa Yogananda. To God, and
to you my Gurus, I offer my unconditional devotion and loyalty. With
this spiritual baptism of Kriya Yoga Initiation I now become a member
of Self-Realization Fellowship and pledge that I will do my best to
exemplify the ideals and promote the aims of this path."

That implies that you were drawn to Master and his path. But according
to yourself, you took Kriya again about 8 more times from different
sources, as i read in some reply you made (i think it was to
nathanael). Now if things were put in black and white, this would
sound like treason. May i ask then, if this was not because of your
thirst for deeper knowledge, what was your reason?

> If you don't know it yet, how can you be so sure that you don't want
> to practice Kriya any other way?

I think so. Because i like to be serious in my practice. For example,
i know the other (SRF) initiations but i don't practice them because
i know i am not ready. In fact i waited about 9 years for an
authorized kriyaban to give me diksha properly to start practicing
Kriya, after i received the first initiation in the lessons. I have
been practicing Kriya only since 1998.

> > Besides, i don't play
> > around with these things.

> I never even implied that you do. Only you know this.

Well i thought you did, as you replied TO me, "One doesn't play around
with these things"...
Sorry i misunderstood you.

> > As a matter of fact, i know all the four
> > initiations, but i am only practicing the first one, because i know i
> > am not ready for the others yet.

> No, what you know are just the bits and pieces of the four Kriyas
> presented by Greek and other unscrupolous people in their websites and
> in the newsgroup. And SRF admitted in the recent versions of the AY
> that they made 3rd and 4th Kriyas out of the traditional third. So
> third Kriya is really the highest Kriya one can get from SRF.

Well, i first studied the 182 lessons (1936-1946 versions) as they
were translated into Spanish by Yogacharya Cuaron, direct disciple of
Paramahansa Yogananda, who apparently was authorized to make this
official translation by SRF and Master himself. Later i learned from
a kriyaban friend who consulted all the techniques with a minister of
YSS in india (since SRF never replied), that some details were not
correctly translated into spanish, and he then let me see some
original english versions. I finally saw the present Kriya lessons,
both in Spanish and English, shorlty after my diksha. I came across
Greek's site a few weeks ago. I must agree with you that his site has
a very cut down version of the Kriya lessons.

So i always took for granted that Lahiri had made 4 progressive
initiations instead of 3. Doesn't it seems strange then that even the
original 1946 edition of the Autobiography says, "Lahiri Mahasaya
carefully graded Kriya into four progressive initiations"? And
presumably this was Master's most revised version. Has SRF really
admitted this about the 3 initiations? That's curious, to say the
least. These are precisely the kind of things for i want to know more
about the original techniques.

> Yogananda's mission wasn't to Hindunize America. He doesn't care
> whether people know that it's a pagan mantra or not.

Do you think it is wrong then for people to know the meaning of the
bija they are chanting at each center, as well as the meaning of the
full mantra? Although it seems obvious that each bija is an activator,
one might ask why not use the pranava instead, or even the bija of
each chakra, why Vasudeva?. Therefore this particular mantra has a
specific meaning important to the technique, but the meaning itself
isn't explained anywhere in the teachings from SRF, that i am aware

> > The reason i posted to this group in the first place is that i haven't
> > received a single reply to my questions written to Mother Center.

> They are excruciatingly slow. Slooowww... sloooowwww....

Tell me about it. Not a single reply (to these questions) in almost 12
years. I just don't write to them anymore, is a waste of time.
Whenever they send mail is just either an automatic message, or the
reply of some unexperienced monk who just handles correspondence.

> > Thanks for your polite reply anyway.

> I am not polite.

Heheheh. Sorry. Thanks anyway.

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Kriya Yogi

Jan 17, 2003, 1:56:21 AM1/17/03
> > Well you have the right not to believe me. ;)
> It isn't a question of belief. I know you're stealing an idea.

Notice you said, 'It isn't a question of belief. I know'.
This alone tells me beyond any doubt that your intuition is not
precisely good. (You need to practice more, little brother).

> > > Stop playing with words, boy. That is discontent, plain and simple.
> >
> > hmm... as i said, good point, though not entirely correct. Things are
> > not always black and white.

> Why did you edited out the rest of my reply?

Because i was only quoting the part i was replying to. There is no
need for me to repeat the whole thing, since
the thread is already there for anybody to read.

> When I say you're wrong, you're wrong.

Well, in your opinion.
I respect your opinion, but i don't share it. And please understand
you will not make me change my mind by repeating yourself.

> You cannot rationalize or delete portions of the message
> for your advantage, that is very dishonest. It isn't about being black
> and white but a simple inability on your part to admit a mistake.

Well, notice my wording: 'as i said, good point'. For anybody who can
read, that means that i agree to some point with your line of
thinking. It is true that we humans have a tendency not to accept our
mistakes (though i strive to learn to accept mine every way i can).
But discontent would be an untruthful statement, for the techniques as
taught by SRF certainly work. Still, i would like to know the Kriya
as taught by the Yogavatar, it's rather a matter of interest. I do not
intend to practice Kriya any other way.

> > ... For example, according to yourself, you

> > first received Kriya from SRF, for which you must have made the

> > pledge ...
> Now, I never signed such a pledge.

That explains a few things.

> > That implies that you were drawn to Master and his path.

> It doesn't imply anything because I did not sign any pledge.

It does, even if you didn't sign. Otherwise how would you have learned
anything about the lessons?

> > But according
> > to yourself, you took Kriya again about 8 more times from different
> > sources, as i read in some reply you made (i think it was to
> > nathanael).

> I managed to get them, I did not go through any initiation or made
> formal and binding sishyata vows.

In that case you remind me of the very man in the story you told me,
the one who 'stole' the Kriya, hahahahah. That's fun.

> > Now if things were put in black and white, this would
> > sound like treason. May i ask then, if this was not because of your
> > thirst for deeper knowledge, what was your reason?

> It isn't treason because I did not sign any pledge. Do you understand
> now? Let this be a lesson to you, don't make a conclusion about
> something you know absolutely nothing about and make handful of other
> conclusions based on that first one.

Your slippery evasion to my simple and direct question has been noted.
Maybe you are afraid to recognize it was some sort of treason indeed.
Certainly (and according to you own standards), it is not an example

> > > If you don't know it yet, how can you be so sure that you don't want
> > > to practice Kriya any other way?
> >
> > I think so. Because i like to be serious in my practice. For example,
> > i know the other (SRF) initiations but i don't practice them because
> > i know i am not ready. In fact i waited about 9 years for an
> > authorized kriyaban to give me diksha properly to start practicing
> > Kriya, after i received the first initiation in the lessons. I have
> > been practicing Kriya only since 1998.

> I don't care if you waited 50 years before you practiced kriya. What I
> was saying is simple. Since you wouldn't practice the higher Kriyas,
> and that is because your organization SRF don't see you fit to receive
> the higher Kriyas just yet, I advice you to let it rest because it is
> pointless.

No, SRF has nothing to do with it, actually it's my decision. Besides
i already have them. As you may or may not know, SRF gives no more
dikshas for the higher initiations, just the lessons, and as i said, i
already have these. I am really not interested in practicing the
higher kriyas right now, there is still much to do with the first.
However, i certainly would like to KNOW everything i can about Kriya.

> ... I did not reply to you. It is the nature of newsgroups to reply a
> message for the benefit of everyone interested, not just the person
> who wrote it. If I replied TO you I would have said, "Don't play
> around with these things, anonymous." or something like that.

Noted. ;)

> > So i always took for granted that Lahiri had made 4 progressive
> > initiations instead of 3. Doesn't it seems strange then that even the
> > original 1946 edition of the Autobiography says, "Lahiri Mahasaya
> > carefully graded Kriya into four progressive initiations"? And
> > presumably this was Master's most revised version. Has SRF really
> > admitted this about the 3 initiations?

> Yes, get hold of one of the later editions of AY.

> > That's curious, to say the
> > least. These are precisely the kind of things for i want to know more
> > about the original techniques.

> Practically all are claiming to teach the original techniques. You'll
> just be swayed here and there and end up having Ned Waller as your
> guru, or Satyeswarananda, or Govindan, or any of those gooks. Just get
> your realization from what SRF is giving.

Good advice. There seems to be several false 'gurus' out there. By the
way, why don't you compile the falsehoods of these persons into a
single post or a website, so that people may be alerted? You seem to
know a lot about it.

> > Do you think it is wrong then for people to know the meaning of the
> > bija they are chanting at each center, as well as the meaning of the
> > full mantra?

> Yes, because most minds will tend to dwell on the meaning of the
> mantra instead of the consciousness going through the various centers.

> > Although it seems obvious that each bija is an activator,
> > one might ask why not use the pranava instead, or even the bija of
> > each chakra, why Vasudeva?

> Simply because that is the one that works based on the experience of
> the masters.

> > Therefore this particular mantra has a
> > specific meaning important to the technique,

> Stop building conclusions over other unfounded conclusions, this kind
> of thinking will mislead you.

> > but the meaning itself
> > isn't explained anywhere in the teachings from SRF, that i am aware
> > of.

> That you are aware of, yes.

Well, it's not in the lessons or other supplements, where is it?

> If you can admit that you're discontented and want to re-learn the
> Kriyas, there will always be ways to do it. But with your kind of
> attitude, you deserve what you're getting from SRF.

Since this doesn't concern the newsgroup, i would be thankful if you
sent me an email with your perception of what's wrong with my
attitude. I like working on my faults when someone points them out to

Thanks for everything.

I might be off the newsgroup for a couple of days.

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Kriya Yogi

Jan 18, 2003, 10:56:45 AM1/18/03
Heheheh, sorry BA, you are a looser. You will get nowhere in life. I
sincerely feel sorry for you, for you have a sharp mind. But as Sri
Yukteswarji said, inteligente is like knife and you can use it to cut
your own throat, or others', or to cut your own ignorance, which
evidently you have not done.

Answering your twisted posts is a waste of time, since you are more
interested in arguing than in helping others. You have said some
interesting things, but unfortunately you seem to be way too attached
to your desire to argue.

Fortunately other members of this board can see this thread and reach
their own conclusions about both of us.

If anybody else would like to contribute to this thread, welcome. To
BA i will not waste my time answering, unless he has something
interesting to say.

By the way, when i said "little brother" i meant it with my heart. I
do not feel any remorse for considering you as such, even if you think
i am using this term in an ironic way.

I will pray for you, you seem to need a lot of help.

I guess you will be not very happy with this post, and surely will
have some sort of twisted reply to this, but it does not matter.

There are those who have the eyes to see. They will know.


Jan 18, 2003, 11:26:42 AM1/18/03
Kriya Yogi,
You may find these traditional Kriya resources helpful

1) The website of our dearest friends Swami Vidyabhaskarananda Saraswati
and Sri Sanjay Krishna Maharaj which is called "Kriyatmika"
(Swami and Sri Krishna are of the Kriya line of Sri Panchanon Bhattacharya)

2) The Library website of Yoga Niketan (an online Kriya Library)
(Maintained by a legally formed Trust of Kriyavan followers of late Acharya
Sri Sailendra Bejoy Dasgupta Maharaj, eminent direct disciple of Sri
Yukteshvar Giri and founding trustee of Sevayatan)

The Traditional Kriya Yoga Board at--
(An inspiration board for those who follow the "traditional system" and
others as well. This is not an arguing place but respectful discussion is
allowed although emphasis is on practice alone)

And also the website of our Kriya brother Swami Sadhanananda Giriji Maharaj
(representing Kriya line of Sri Yukteshvar's disciple Swami Bhabananda

(The above sites are not "Kriya Teaching sites". You cannot traditionally
get Kriya over the internet. It must be had in person form the Guru).

These are traditional places. There are others as well if you search the

It is sad for the confusion which reigns here under the banner of a
newsgroup dedicated to the lotus feet of the Param(a)hansa.
These days we even have to spell the Paramhansa's title like this-----
"Param(a)hansa. :-)
Anyone who really understands and speaks Indian languages knows why this
whole "a" argument is completely outlandish! :-)
And...imagine what Paramhansa would say? :-)

My own Master used to say---

"in the amount of time it has taken to argue this way and that over these
things, how many Kriyas could you have performed?"

My Master was a direct disciple of Sriyukteshvar Giriji Maharaj,
Many years ago my Master wrote to me the following words of wisdom in a
letter----he said to me---

"Most who talk about Kriya these days, take it from me, they do not know
what they are talking about, nor do they even understand the basic
principals involved."

Here is an example. One man had written me a letter about something he has
read on the internet from a man claiming to be a "teacher" of Kriya. The
statement had brought great confusion to him and so he wrote to ask me. The
confusing quote from the internet teacher was to the effect of-

"Yogananda introduced modificatons in Kriya. Kriya pranayam was, for
example, traditionally practiced through the nose with the mouth closed.
Breathing through the mouth was used to acquire some level of expertise on
transferring the sensations in the spine."

See? This statement is completely untrue! This is an absolutely false
statement. There is exacting reason for secret breathing which muct be
learned from the Guru and it must be practiced exactly as shown by the Guru
as it was passed exact from Lahiri Baba to Swami Sriyukteshvar ( and to
Swami Kebalananda and others on down the line) to their disciples and to
their disciples and such . No more can be said on a public board. One has
to follow intsructions exact.
One must follow instructions of the Guru exact. (There may be some slight
variation from line to line on this according to what was shown by Lahiri
See? Basic Kriya is to traverse the spine in special way coupled in secret
way with the breath. To this basic "pranayam" various enhancements or
powerful "pranayams" or ways of breathing may be added to enhance the
effect. These have to be learned form Guru)
These days many are not understanding .

Knowledge of Kriya can only be had from one who is authorized to pass Kriya.
This was the rule established by the Mahamuni Babaji Maharaj ,
.............that one can only act as Kriya Guru when allowed to do so by
one's own Guru. This was strict rule established by the Babaji.
To reveal Kriya and set oneself up as a teacher without this authorization
from one's own Guru was spoken of by the Yogiraj Lahiri Baba as "stealing
Kriya Science". ( see Lahiri Baba's commentary on Laws of Manu) and will
lead to confusion as you can see!
One cannot just automatically assume the role of Guru after taking the
Kriya lessons and then perhaps attending an"initiation class" in London
from a teacher professing to teach "original Kriya (which may or may not in
fact be "original Kriya") and then suddenly thinking one now
"understands traditional Kriya Yoga" and begin to go around and discourse on
these matters and set oneself up as a Guru by saying-

"well.such and such siddha appeared to me and told me to teach" and even
giving initiation!
See the confusion it causes?

My Master also used to say-----"Human gullibility knows no limits".

Paramhansa Yogananda came to the west to fulfill his Herculean mission. He
was the greatest of Yogis. Only he was great enough to do what he did!. Out
of mercy in his heart for his western students he "streamlined " the Higher
Kriyas somewhat. Well...he was God Realized and fully capable to do this!
But others are not and so should not alter Kriya.

So nowadays there are two basic ways to practice! Paramhansa's way and the
Traditional way.
Which is better? The way taught by one's Guru...whoever is your Guru!

Some are drawn to Paramhansa's path and some to the old Traditional way. One
is not better than the other.
Among the traditional lines are certain small differences but those
differences are small and insignificant and the basic features of the
Traditonal Kriya lines are the same (but this is complicated by the fact
that these days are many frauds who are teaching many things under the name
of "Original Kriya" which bears no resemblance to what was taught by Lahiri
Baba and Sriyukteshvar, Panchanon Baba, Pranabananda Swami, Swami
Keshabananda Paramhansa and such even though these contemporary teachers
are claiming to be of "original Kriya" )----

Here is discussion of your question----
Basic difference between what was taught by the Param(a)hansa Yogannada
Giri and the traditional system taught by the Yogiraj Sri Sri Lahiri Mahasay
and Swami Sriyukteshvar Giri (and the other saint disciples) is this---

In the traditional system of Kriya the traditional higher Kriyas are based
around science of Kechari mudra and it's various levels. Kechari mudra is
secret science taught by the Guru to take the tongue back behind the uvula
and gradually take it up the nasal passage in the top of the palate. I will
show you from the Gita of Lahiri Mahasay's dear disciple Sanyal

"There are different kinds of Kriya acts, the able master does not teach
them all at a time, only the ones who get well versed in the previous acts
are passed on to the next class of acts. If after the first initiation the
tongue is not risen or elevated ( above the palate) then the second class or
"Vaisya" class is not promoted to, and further lessons are not taught. Yet,
if whatever is known or learnt is dutifully practiced with a concentrated
mind and pran, then the paravastha which is the fruit of such acts will
surely be gained."

..........Sri Sanyal Mahasay's Gita
18:45 (English translationChandrakanta Agarwala published by Sundeep

(I have dear friend who is Kriyavan of this line)

And also this-----

Disciple's letter to Lahiri Mahasay: --

"My tongue does not go up most of the time that I try. After I finish the
First Kriya suddenly it goes up and as per your instruction, I completed 200
Second Kriya. I only sit in the asana; You are the Lord who does everthing."

Lahiri Mahasay's answer: "Good".

and also a quote from Swami Pranabananda Paramhansa (The "Saint with Two

"Sadhaka raises his tongue and enters the nasal cavity, behind the
epiglottis, and reaches behind the nasal cavity and penetrates the sinus
cavity and finally reaches to the Brahmarandhra - the fountain of nectar of
immortality."..................Swami Pranabananda Pranab Gita 9:16

And also------

Jihva dono nakke chedme upar cala aur yo sunya bahar soi bhitar dehkhlai
deta haye

"After crossing both nostrils, the tongue went up, and the void that is
outside is also inside, it was shown".............passage from Lahiri Baba's

And also------

"Putting the tongue into the nostril via the soft palate is called the
practice of Kechari mudra. It brings the state of tranquility and inwardness
to the mind. When the Kriyawita acheives the stabilized state of kechari he
realizes the state of tranquility to some extent and qualifies for the
Second kriya. (Part 1 page 9)

"By the First Kriya the Kriyavan realizes the path of the spinal chord. With
the help of Kechari he stabilizes and becomes ready for the Second Kriya
where he or she realizes each center's position and begins to realize the
inner sound." (Part 11 page 51)
.............................................Swami Satyananda
Giriji Maharaj (eminent disciple of Swami Sriyukteshvar Giri) from the
Bengali book "Acharya Sanglap"

And also-------

"Progressing in Kriya, making inward the mind, the tongue goes increasingly
more upward." .Swami Satyananda Giri from Acharya Sanglap 2
(Translation of this book to be done shortly and it will be placed on the
Yoga Niketan website)

On and on etc. etc.

Just as First Kriya cannot be performed without the ability to take
in-breath and out-breath so the Traditional version of the Higher Kriyas
cannot be performed without the ability to perform the Kechari.

Yoganandaji, perhaps in his compassion for the westerners at the time had
removed the requirement for Kechari for stepping into the higher Kriyas and
thus had made certain adjustments to the higher Kriya to make them "do-able"
without Kechari

Dear Friend, Kechari mudra is not the curling of the tongue. It is actually
placing the tongue in the nasal cavity. One then qualifies for the
traditional 2nd Kriya (providing certain inner conditions are also met---it
is not just Kechari alone which is the qualifier)
Kechari is the uniting of male (the tongue) and female (the breathing hole)
within ones own body

These things must be learned from the Guru or in his absence from someone
who has excelled in these practices and who had been authorized to pass them
But one can only teach them when allowed to do so with permission of one's
own Guru.

Look----we have the greatest respect for the work of the SRF. Paramhansa
Yogananda was great God Realized Yogi given the Herculean mission to bring
Kriya Yoga to the world.
Swami Satyananda Giri, eminent disciple of Sri Yukteshvar had written the
following about Yoganandaji---

"The behavior and perceptions of this being [Yogananda] throughout his whole
life led me to determine that he was a 'Kshanajanma Purush' [that is,a
person born for the needs of the time]."
.........................Swami Satyananda Giriji Maharaj

One will absolutely and certainly attain highest goal via the Kriya
techniques taught by the Param(a)hansa Yogananda and his authorized
channels. There is no doubt of this.
Millions pranams to the Param(a)hansa!
All those practicing Kriya from the true authorized channels are brothers
and sisters in spite of any small difference.
So there can be harmony and peace in the mind of the Kriyavan .
For this Lahiri Mahasay had recommended to practice Kriya exact as was
taught by the authorized Guru.

Kriya Yogi Sir,
Do you love the songs of Mirabai the way I do?

Mira sang:

O my companion,
I have beheld Shyam (Krishna), the Son of Nand.
I have lost all consciousness of my surroundings
And worldly shame has fled.
How beautiful are the crescent moons
Shimmering on His peacock-plume crown!
He wears a tilak-mark of saffron set between His lovely eyes.
His crocodile earrings are glinting by his cheeks,
And His dark locks, playing in the breeze,
Look like fish rising up from a lake
To greet those monsters of the deep.
The Lord wears the garb of a dancer
And His beauty has charmed the whole world.
Mira would sacrifice her all
To every limb of the Lord Krishna.

You are very beautiful!

Friends,I do not care to respond to argumentative replies.
What is true before name calling remains true even after names have been
The calling of names cannot change truth.
So we are brothers here rubbing elbows in love.

Divine Love,

"Kriya Yogi" <> wrote in message

Swami Da Prem

Jan 18, 2003, 12:07:27 PM1/18/03
Hi Ned Waller a.k.a. snake of kriya a.k.a. omkar a.k.a. kashi!

It looks like you are back up to your same old tricks, join the conversation
when you find someone in agreement with you. I thought you retired. Guess
not, cause I can smell you all the way from Portland, Maine.

" yoga" <> wrote in message

Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted

Kriya Yogi

Jan 18, 2003, 8:17:31 PM1/18/03
Thanks a lot yoga/kashi108, i really appreciate that.

By the way if you really are Ned, i would like you to give my thanks
to the group of people supporting the Yoga Niketan site. The letters
from Lahiri and the Yogasutras were particulary inspiring.

Thanks a lot for the other links as well.

Message has been deleted

Swami Da Prem

Jan 18, 2003, 9:33:43 PM1/18/03
Ned Waller is spamming the newsgroup again with his worthless shit. Haven't
we seen this once before? Yes, we have. Now, Ned is account jumping. How

Ned, you're a grown man right? Don't you have better things to do?


"yogi" <> wrote in message

> Kriya Yogi,
> You may find these traditional Kriya resources helpful
> 1) The website of our dearest friends Swami Vidyabhaskarananda Saraswati
> and Sri Sanjay Krishna Maharaj which is called "Kriyatmika"
> (Swami and Sri Krishna are of the Kriya line of Sri Panchanon
> 2) The Library website of Yoga Niketan
> (an online Kriya Library)
> (Maintained by a legally formed Trust of Kriyavan followers of late
> Sri Sailendra Bejoy Dasgupta Maharaj, eminent direct disciple of Sri
> Yukteshvar Giri and founding trustee of Sevayatan)
> The Traditional Kriya Yoga Board at--
> (An inspiration board for those who follow the "traditional system" and
> others as well. This is not an arguing place but respectful discussion is
> allowed although emphasis is on practice alone)

> Second kriya. (Part 1 )

> "By the First Kriya the Kriyavan realizes the path of the spinal chord.
> the help of Kechari he stabilizes and becomes ready for the Second Kriya
> where he or she realizes each center's position and begins to realize the

> inner sound." (Part 2)

> (Kriya Yogi) wrote in message


Jan 19, 2003, 12:00:20 AM1/19/03


>There is nothing "outlandish" with criticizing FORGERY. "<

My comments stand.

Anyone who really understands and speaks Indian languages knows why this
whole "a" argument is completely outlandish! :-)
And...imagine what Paramhansa would say? :-)

My own Master used to say---

"in the amount of time it has taken to argue this way and that over these
things, how many Kriyas could you have performed?"

Yes.....this all stands!

As for the rest of your post---- what is there to say?----it is all complete
untruth. So what to respond to?

Sir, the untruths you speak about the Great Ones such as Acharya Dasgupta
and Satyananda mean nothing. In Bengal they are among the greatest
disciples of Swami Sriyukteshvar Girji Maharaj . They are revered in all the
authentic Kriya circles.
Do you think the untruths told by a young boy on the internet can alter
Sri Dasguptaji had received Kriya from Sriyukteshvarji in year 1929 at age
19 and stayed at his side as one of the most important and beloved disciples
till Swami's passing in year 1936.
Satyanandaji is known everywhere as one of the most revered of all the

The name of these great ones are revered in Traditional Kriya circles all
over Bengal to this day.
Their credentials stand without question. They don't need me to defend them.
Perhaps you should be more concerned with your own credentials?

>"He [Satyananda]was a disciple of Yogananda*, but after that incident, he

Oh, Sir! This is outlandish and completely untrue. Completely false!
Sir, you seem to have almost no correct knowledege of the history of Kriya
in Bengal.
I think that IF those disciples of Paramahansa were saying that it is very,
very sad. They are perhaps trying to respond to the efforts of the Swami
Satyeswarananda not understanding that Satyeswarananda is in fact a more of
a "rogue" Yogi and does not represent the usual traditonal view point at all
and certainly does not represent Satyanandaji.
It is not good to circulate untruths about others. One should know the
I do not know much about Kriyananda but certainly his statements above are
very sad. However, Mr Davis has been very kind and had sent me a whole
package of his books for free and had spoke very lovingly and kindly of our
website work on Yoga Niketan. I think very highly of him.
I find it hard to beleieve your comments about him.
I shall ask Acharya Mr Davis about this at some point to see if you are
telling the truth..

If people are saying this without knowing the facts then they are
completely incorrect and they need to get the facts before speaking ill of
It reflects very poorly on those who say such things. It is very sad for
Everyone from Bengal knows the names of therse saints.

>"Also, it s a widely accepted fact that Swami Sri
Yukteswar's Gita commentaries were also lost. Who did these treachery?"<

Oh no sir! This also is completely untrue.
Those commentaries have not been lost at all! They were all published in
Bengali by his dsicples.
These things are not lost at all.

See? What is the use to respond to such outlandish comments?

How sad for you to critisize the Swami Sriyukteshvar and his great

You should show reverence to the great ones.

Your other comments are not worthy of any response at all.
Just untruth heaped upon untruth.

You spend so much time pointing fingers at people---even great beings.
Sir, when one points and finger at someone esle there are 4 fingers pointing

The name of these great ones are revered in Traditional Kriya circles all
over Bengal to this day.
Their credentials stand without question.
Perhaps you should be more concerned with your own credentials?


Sir, there is nothing to face.
You seem to know nothing about Kriya , nor it's history. Nor it's technique.
What is there to face?
We beleieve in spending our time practicing Kriya.

So we carry on with Kriya

Oh---and sir----

>"Your "Master" (with whom you only spent two months and yet you claim
to have gotten all four kriyas and beyond)"<

Well, sir, I was with my Master long enough to be passed all the Traditional
Kriyas and to be authorized by him to carry on the teaching and to pass
these Kriyas on to others. It is my business if I choose not to initiate
although given the ability and permission to do so. We instead try to serve
quietly by supplying the correct and Traditional information on Kriya by
working as one of the volunteer Librarians at the Yoga nIketan online
Library at

Sir, I see you are a young boy of twenty some years. Your youthful
exhuberance is aprreciated!
You seem to have a very strong desitre to want to serve Kriya. This is
I love you! How beautiful!
Young Sir, why not take all this energy of yours and devote it to finding a
true Guru to practice under his true guidance. How much could be

I will not responmd again to any post you make.
As Lahiri Baba said in his Gita (which also is NOT lost!)--

"Do not hate anyone - what is enmity for drunks? See
everyone as yourself in the form of the Kutastha and
do that which will elevate Kriya - I am nothing,
nothing is mine - just the by work of staying in the
Kriya paravastha the ego is not there - sorrow and
happiness are known as the same in intoxication - if
someone says something, he is forgiven by stating "let
him say it" - meaning, does not care about it, like a
door squeaking 'k(n)yatch k(n)oatch'.".....12:13

Better to follow the advice of the Yogiraj.
Therefore we shall not respond again to you.

We love you deeply, young sir!
God Bless you!

By the way, before closing I see that your Internet Service provider , like
most ISP's forbids it's customers --" to send a message or communication
which is offensive, abusive, indecent, obscene, a nuisance or hoax;"

As in their statement--

Nobody may use the Services:

(i) to send a message or communication which is offensive, abusive,
indecent, obscene, a nuisance or hoax;
(ii) to cause annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety; or
(iii) fraudulently or in connection with a criminal offence;

As well as any other rights we may have, if in our reasonable opinion, we
believe the Services have been used in breach of this Condition, we may
suspend the Services, terminate this Agreement and/or retain the whole or
any part of any deposit.

and that they give an abuse email for people to contact if this occurs and
that abuse reporting address is---

Same applies to the serviuce provider of the man who posts as "Da Prem".
The abuse reporting address for that ISP is--

This may be of interest and use to the readers of this newsgroup and others.

"Brother Brahman-Atmananda" <> wrote in message
> " yoga" <> wrote in message

> > It is sad for the confusion which reigns here under the banner of a
> > newsgroup dedicated to the lotus feet of the Param(a)hansa.
> > These days we even have to spell the Paramhansa's title like this-----
> > "Param(a)hansa. :-)
> > Anyone who really understands and speaks Indian languages knows why this
> > whole "a" argument is completely outlandish! :-)
> > And...imagine what Paramhansa would say? :-)

> Ned Waller you ignorant bastard, here you are again spewing nonsense.
> There is nothing "outlandish" with criticizing FORGERY. We don't care
> if they inserted the extra "a" if Paramhansa Yogananda himself gave
> his permission for them to do it that way. The problem is that
> Paramhansa Yogananda never signed his name with an extra "a" and they
> even have to forge his signature just to justify it. Everyone go here
> and here
> to see the
> details on how they forged Yoganandaji's signature. Now, if you find
> forgery as outlandish, then that's your own thing. But you need to
> learn to shut up regarding matters that your puny little brain can't
> comprehend.

> >
> > My own Master used to say---
> >
> > "in the amount of time it has taken to argue this way and that over
> > things, how many Kriyas could you have performed?"
> >
> > My Master was a direct disciple of Sriyukteshvar Giriji Maharaj,
> > Many years ago my Master wrote to me the following words of wisdom in a
> > letter----he said to me---

> Your "Master" (with whom you only spent two months and yet you claim
> to have gotten all four kriyas and beyond) was a disciple of Swami
> Satyananda who got kicked-out of Yogananda's Ranchi School for
> attempting to usurp the property, it is written in Mejda: The Family
> and Early Life of Paramhansa Yogananda. This why Swami Kriyananda said
> that Satyananda was a man who has no reason to love Yogananda. He was
> a disciple of Yogananda*, but after that incident, he backslided**.
> Roy Eugene Davis also told a similar story in an email reply he sent
> to Ted Robert Self. Then he, together with your stupid "guru" who
> wrote a book that no one wants to buy, and a few others established
> Sevayatan.
> "It was written by my disciple, Swami Satyananda, who for many years
> has been the acharya (spiritual preceptor) at our Vidyalaya in Ranchi.
> I have translated a few passages from his book and have incorporated
> them into this section devoted to Lahiri Mahasaya." - Paramhansa
> Yogananda, taken from chapter 32 of Autobiography of a Yogi, 1946
> edition
> "Dhirananda seems to have claimed to be the author of several of
> Yogananda's books. I myself had occasion to interview Swami
> Satyananda, a man who had no reason to love Yogananda (against whom he
> did considerable mischief during his lifetime-motivated, one assumes,
> by envy)." - Swami Kriyananda, taken from
> You praise Yogananda up to the high heavens only after you criticize
> him. This kind of DOUBLE-TALK is hypocrite. This is what your "guru"
> said about Yogananda.
> "In his methods of initiation into Kriya also Swami Yogananda added
> innovations. Perceiving that the average American found it difficult
> to sit in lotus posture, he taught that he could sit erect on a
> straight-back armless chair, legs hanging, and practise Kriya;
> initiation was also a mass affair. Instead of direct contact between
> the teacher and the taught - the Guru and the novice - the whole
> affair was reduced to something like an indoor class. Another
> startling innovation was that second or the third Kriya was allowed to
> be practised without having to do Kechari Mudra. ALL THESE INNOVATIONS
> Gupta, taken from chapter 5 of Kriya Yoga and Sri Yuktesvar

> >
> > "Most who talk about Kriya these days, take it from me, they do not know
> > what they are talking about, nor do they even understand the basic
> > principals involved."

> Basic "principals"? Maybe he meant *principles* Anyway, it is recorded
> in Mejda that when Sri Yukteswar died somebody stole his navaratna.
> This was why C. Richard Wright was scolded, for leaving Swami Sri
> Yukteswar's corpse for a brief period of time (enough for the thief to
> sneak in). Also, it s a widely accepted fact that Swami Sri
> Yukteswar's Gita commentaries were also lost. Who did these treachery?
> What could be the motive. The person (or party) who did these horrible
> thefts obviously didn't want the nine-jeweled bangle and the Gita
> commentary to end up in Yogananda's hands.
> "Sri Sailendra Bejoy Dasgupta . . . had found the final nine Chapters
> of Swami Maharaj's Gita, wrapped in linen and carefully put away in a
> corner of the iron safe in Swami's office after the Great One's demise
> in year 1936. These notes on the final nine chapters were turned over
> to revered Swami Satyananda for eventual publishing in Bengali at
> Sevayatan, Jhargram along with the original first nine chapters." -
> Ned "Kashi" Waller, taken from
> When things became somewhat obvious, you changed your words to this:
> "Sri Sailendra Bejoy Dasgupta, revered and beloved Kriya disciple of
> ORGANIZING DUTIES OF THE SWAMI'S OFFICE had found the final nine
> Chapters of Swami Maharaj's Gita, wrapped in linen and carefully put
> away in a corner of the iron safe in Swami's office after the Great
> One's demise in year 1936."

> >
> > Here is an example. One man had written me a letter about something he
> > read on the internet from a man claiming to be a "teacher" of Kriya. The
> > statement had brought great confusion to him and so he wrote to ask me.
> > confusing quote from the internet teacher was to the effect of-
> >
> > "Yogananda introduced modificatons in Kriya. Kriya pranayam was, for
> > example, traditionally practiced through the nose with the mouth closed.
> > Breathing through the mouth was used to acquire some level of expertise
> > transferring the sensations in the spine."
> >
> > See? This statement is completely untrue! This is an absolutely false
> > statement. There is exacting reason for secret breathing which muct be
> > learned from the Guru and it must be practiced exactly as shown by the
> > as it was passed exact from Lahiri Baba to Swami Sriyukteshvar ( and to
> > Swami Kebalananda and others on down the line) to their disciples and to
> > their disciples and such . No more can be said on a public board. One
> > to follow intsructions exact.

> I was the one who wrote that. You simply said, "that statement is
> completely untrue", that doesn't disprove it. Prove me wrong! FACE ME
> DAMN IT! Stop crying like a sizzy girl, Waller! Stop pretending to
> speak to the wall when I am here. You are hitting me below the belt. I
> will be going to the US sometime soon, will you face me? Or if you
> want we can just settle this in a fist fight.


Jan 19, 2003, 12:07:37 AM1/19/03
Kriya Yogi,
Thank you for your kind words.
We are truely bothers in Kriya.

"Kriya Yogi" <> wrote in message

Message has been deleted

Brother Brahman-Atmananda

Jan 19, 2003, 8:34:03 AM1/19/03
" yoga" <> wrote in message news:<EhqW9.24839$>...

> Brahman-Atmanand,
> >There is nothing "outlandish" with criticizing FORGERY. "<
> My comments stand.

No they don't. That is the reason why you deleted the rest of my
message and supplant them with this silly old diatribes.

This was what I said: (Brother Brahman-Atmananda) wrote in message news:<>...

> There is nothing "outlandish" with criticizing FORGERY. We don't care
> if they inserted the extra "a" if Paramhansa Yogananda himself gave
> his permission for them to do it that way. The problem is that
> Paramhansa Yogananda never signed his name with an extra "a" and they
> even have to forge his signature just to justify it. Everyone go here
> and here
> to see the
> details on how they forged Yoganandaji's signature. Now, if you find
> forgery as outlandish, then that's your own thing. But you need to
> learn to shut up regarding matters that your puny little brain can't
> comprehend.

> As for the rest of your post---- what is there to say?----it is all complete

> untruth. So what to respond to?

If there is nothing to repond to, Ned, then why do you keep on
responding to it? Is this what you get from your Kriya? Senility? You
contradict yourself a lot, that is your history.

> Sir, the untruths you speak about the Great Ones such as Acharya Dasgupta
> and Satyananda mean nothing. In Bengal they are among the greatest
> disciples of Swami Sriyukteshvar Girji Maharaj . They are revered in all the
> authentic Kriya circles.

You see? You said, "What is there to say? ... What is there to respond
to?" And yet you're responding! And responding with great zeal, like a
man who has just been poured cold water. You are attempting to trim me
down in the eyes of others, but you yourself finds me as a boulder in
the head.

> Do you think the untruths told by a young boy on the internet can alter
> history?

Ooohhh, poor Ned, descriminating another person by his age. Did you
even finish high school, Ned? What history are you talking about?

"Dhirananda seems to have claimed to be the author of several of

Yogananda's books. I myself had occasion to interview SWAMI
BY ENVY)." - Swami Kriyananda, taken from

> Sri Dasguptaji had received Kriya from Sriyukteshvarji in year 1929 at age

> 19 and stayed at his side as one of the most important and beloved disciples
> till Swami's passing in year 1936.
> Satyanandaji is known everywhere as one of the most revered of all the
> disciples.
> The name of these great ones are revered in Traditional Kriya circles all
> over Bengal to this day.
> Their credentials stand without question. They don't need me to defend them.
> Perhaps you should be more concerned with your own credentials?
> >"He [Satyananda]was a disciple of Yogananda*, but after that incident, he
> backslided**."<
> Oh, Sir! This is outlandish and completely untrue. Completely false!
> Sir, you seem to have almost no correct knowledege of the history of Kriya
> in Bengal.

Oh, Sir! This is outlandish and completely untrue. Where did you take
acting lessons from, Ned? It sucks. I thought you're not going to
reply, but still you're going. You're just like the Energizer Bunny,
you just keep on going and going and going and going ...

Satyananda was indeed Yogananda's disciple as Yogananda said so

"It was written by MY DISCIPLE, SWAMI SATYANANDA, who for many years

has been the acharya (spiritual preceptor) at our Vidyalaya in Ranchi.
I have translated a few passages from his book and have incorporated
them into this section devoted to Lahiri Mahasaya." - Paramhansa
Yogananda, taken from chapter 32 of Autobiography of a Yogi, 1946

You are implying that Yogananda was a liar.

> I think that IF those disciples of Paramahansa were saying that it is very,
> very sad. They are perhaps trying to respond to the efforts of the Swami
> Satyeswarananda not understanding that Satyeswarananda is in fact a more of
> a "rogue" Yogi and does not represent the usual traditonal view point at all
> and certainly does not represent Satyanandaji.

How dare you criticize Satyeswarananda. You do not even deserve to
wipe his arse after he has taken a dump. Satyeswarananda is a lawyer
by profession. A truly ordained Swami and advanced Kriya practitioner
who lived with Swami Satyananda for twenty years. A true renunciant
who dwelled in a thatched hut in the Himalayas for twelve years where
he performed his sadhana. What "rogue" Yogi are you talking about?
Shame on you, Pap.

> It is not good to circulate untruths about others. One should know the
> facts.

Yes, quit crying and apply that principle to yourself.

> I do not know much about Kriyananda but certainly his statements above are
> very sad.

Sad for you but not for us. You are sad because your idol has been

> However, Mr Davis has been very kind and had sent me a whole
> package of his books for free and had spoke very lovingly and kindly of our
> website work on Yoga Niketan. I think very highly of him.
> I find it hard to beleieve your comments about him.
> I shall ask Acharya Mr Davis about this at some point to see if you are
> telling the truth..

Yes, ask him. I thought you were unaffected by what the "young boy
from the Internet" is saying, but it seems its just an ugly facade,
one that you can't even maintain.

> If people are saying this without knowing the facts then they are
> completely incorrect and they need to get the facts before speaking ill of
> others.
> It reflects very poorly on those who say such things. It is very sad for
> them.
> Everyone from Bengal knows the names of therse saints.

Ned, you only lived in India for two months. You do not know
*everyone* from Bengal.

> >"Also, it s a widely accepted fact that Swami Sri
> Yukteswar's Gita commentaries were also lost. Who did these treachery?"<
> Oh no sir! This also is completely untrue.
> Those commentaries have not been lost at all! They were all published in
> Bengali by his dsicples.
> These things are not lost at all.

Of course, that is actually what I was driving at. Something that is
lost may be lost because it was stolen. To the person who lost it, it
is lost. But to the person who stole it, it isn't. It was widely
accepted as a fact but then what really happened is contained in the
next lines of my message which you advertently deleted. (Brother Brahman-Atmananda) wrote in message news:<>...

> Basic "principals"? Maybe he meant *principles* Anyway, it is recorded
> in Mejda that when Sri Yukteswar died somebody stole his navaratna.
> This was why C. Richard Wright was scolded, for leaving Swami Sri
> Yukteswar's corpse for a brief period of time (enough for the thief to
> sneak in). Also, it s a widely accepted fact that Swami Sri
> Yukteswar's Gita commentaries were also lost. Who did these treachery?
> What could be the motive. The person (or party) who did these horrible
> thefts obviously didn't want the nine-jeweled bangle and the Gita
> commentary to end up in Yogananda's hands.
> "Sri Sailendra Bejoy Dasgupta . . . had found the final nine Chapters
> of Swami Maharaj's Gita, wrapped in linen and carefully put away in a
> corner of the iron safe in Swami's office after the Great One's demise
> in year 1936. These notes on the final nine chapters were turned over
> to revered Swami Satyananda for eventual publishing in Bengali at
> Sevayatan, Jhargram along with the original first nine chapters." -
> Ned "Kashi" Waller, taken from
> When things became somewhat obvious, you changed your words to this:
> "Sri Sailendra Bejoy Dasgupta, revered and beloved Kriya disciple of
> ORGANIZING DUTIES OF THE SWAMI'S OFFICE had found the final nine
> Chapters of Swami Maharaj's Gita, wrapped in linen and carefully put
> away in a corner of the iron safe in Swami's office after the Great
> One's demise in year 1936."


> See? What is the use to respond to such outlandish comments?

See? How you contradict yourself by repeating over and over again that
there is no use to respond to my comments.

> How sad for you to critisize the Swami Sriyukteshvar and his great
> disciples.

You stupid idiot, Ned Waller! When did I criticize Swami Sri
Yukteswar??? What in the heck are you talking about??? Are you on
drugs, Pap???

> You should show reverence to the great ones.

I always show reverence to the "great ones." Its just that your "guru"
boy Bijoy wasn't one of them.

> Your other comments are not worthy of any response at all.
> Just untruth heaped upon untruth.

Merely stating something doesn't necessarily make it so.


> You spend so much time pointing fingers at people---even great beings.
> Sir, when one points and finger at someone esle there are 4 fingers pointing
> back.

No, they are curled and tucked inside the fist, there is a joint
between the metacarpals and phalanges. They do not point back at me,
maybe that's true in your case if you have rheumatoid arthritis.

> The name of these great ones are revered in Traditional Kriya circles all
> over Bengal to this day.
> Their credentials stand without question.
> Perhaps you should be more concerned with your own credentials?

Energizer Bunny keeps on going and going and going and going...

> Sir, there is nothing to face.
> You seem to know nothing about Kriya , nor it's history. Nor it's technique.
> What is there to face?
> We beleieve in spending our time practicing Kriya.

Really? So what are you doing here writing all this stuff? How many
Kriyas could you have done but instead its either you are here or on
your MSN board copying and pasting. Walk your talk, Pap.

> So we carry on with Kriya
> Oh---and sir----

Oh---and sir----? Why don't you audition for the next Star Wars movie?
Your acting skills are not that bad.

> >"Your "Master" (with whom you only spent two months and yet you claim
> to have gotten all four kriyas and beyond)"<
> Well, sir, I was with my Master long enough to be passed all the Traditional
> Kriyas and to be authorized by him to carry on the teaching and to pass
> these Kriyas on to others. It is my business if I choose not to initiate
> although given the ability and permission to do so. We instead try to serve
> quietly by supplying the correct and Traditional information on Kriya by
> working as one of the volunteer Librarians at the Yoga nIketan online
> Library at

Energizer Bunny, you just lived with Bijoy for two months. What kind
of an acharya was he to give all the kriyas to someone for such a
short period of time? Or was it due to his excitement because finally
there is a Westerner who took notice of him? That would compensate a
lot to his book that no one wanted to buy, wouldn't it? A big ego
boost for him. Tsk tsk tsk, poor chap.

> Sir, I see you are a young boy of twenty some years. Your youthful
> exhuberance is aprreciated!

Aaahhh, thank you, Pap. Would you care to autograph my R2D2 action

> You seem to have a very strong desitre to want to serve Kriya. This is
> laudable!

Very good observation, I give you one star.

> I love you! How beautiful!

Don't propose, I'm not interested in same sex relationship.

> Young Sir, why not take all this energy of yours and devote it to finding a
> true Guru to practice under his true guidance. How much could be
> accomplished!!

Aaahhh, you finally let the malice out eh? Are you shaking in anger,
Old Sir? Get rid of that counterfeit face, it just makes you more

> Sir,
> I will not responmd again to any post you make.
> As Lahiri Baba said in his Gita (which also is NOT lost!)--

Who told you its lost. So you'll not respond eh? Go and run, Waller!
Run Waller! Run Forest ... urgh, I mean, Waller!

> "Do not hate anyone - what is enmity for drunks? See
> everyone as yourself in the form of the Kutastha and
> do that which will elevate Kriya - I am nothing,
> nothing is mine - just the by work of staying in the
> Kriya paravastha the ego is not there - sorrow and
> happiness are known as the same in intoxication - if
> someone says something, he is forgiven by stating "let
> him say it" - meaning, does not care about it, like a
> door squeaking 'k(n)yatch k(n)oatch'.".....12:13
> Better to follow the advice of the Yogiraj.
> Therefore we shall not respond again to you.

Why didn't you follow it from the very beginning then? What's with all
these grandstanding?

> We love you deeply, young sir!
> God Bless you!

What "we"? Who do you think you represent? Speak for yourself. I
thought you don't have a cult, and yet you seem to slip into admitting
that you speak for a whole lot of people other than yourself.

> By the way, before closing I see that your Internet Service provider , like
> most ISP's forbids it's customers --" to send a message or communication
> which is offensive, abusive, indecent, obscene, a nuisance or hoax;"

By the way again? Alzheimer's? So what are you driving at, Mr.

> As in their statement--
> Nobody may use the Services:
> (i) to send a message or communication which is offensive, abusive,
> indecent, obscene, a nuisance or hoax;
> (ii) to cause annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety; or
> (iii) fraudulently or in connection with a criminal offence;
> As well as any other rights we may have, if in our reasonable opinion, we
> believe the Services have been used in breach of this Condition, we may
> suspend the Services, terminate this Agreement and/or retain the whole or
> any part of any deposit.
> and that they give an abuse email for people to contact if this occurs and
> that abuse reporting address is---
> Same applies to the serviuce provider of the man who posts as "Da Prem".
> The abuse reporting address for that ISP is--
> This may be of interest and use to the readers of this newsgroup and others.

Aaahhh, so now Nedy Wallery is going to tell Mommy! Poor Nedy Wallery,
I thought the "young boy in the Internet" doesn't bother him at all.
Cooo cooo... Why don't you quit this act and be man enough to admit
your true feelings about me in this newsgroup? This kind of show only
works on fools like yourself, Ned Waller. Are you shaking?

Message has been deleted

Brother Brahman-Atmananda

Jan 19, 2003, 3:00:07 PM1/19/03
Oh, I thought that according to you I am just "a young boy on the
internet"? I am not aware that you are so affected by what I write, so
much so that you even included my name in your most famous MSN board
and reported all that I said in detail tearfully. You wish to turn me
into a celebrity;-)) Sorry I don't need a manager. Manage your own
acting career. Below is a sample of theatrical acting Ned Waller

" yoga" <> wrote in message news:<EhqW9.24839$>...

> Do you think the untruths told by a young boy on the internet can alter
> history?

> Oh, Sir! This is outlandish and completely untrue. Completely false!

> Everyone from Bengal knows the names of therse saints.

> Oh no sir! This also is completely untrue.
> Those commentaries have not been lost at all! They were all published in
> Bengali by his dsicples.

> See? What is the use to respond to such outlandish comments?

> So we carry on with Kriya
> Oh---and sir----

> Sir, I see you are a young boy of twenty some years. Your youthful
> exhuberance is aprreciated!

> Sir,
> I will not responmd again to any post you make.

> Better to follow the advice of the Yogiraj.
> Therefore we shall not respond again to you.

> We love you deeply, young sir!
> God Bless you!

> By the way, before closing I see that your Internet Service provider , like
> most ISP's forbids it's customers --" to send a message or communication
> which is offensive, abusive, indecent, obscene, a nuisance or hoax;"

> This may be of interest and use to the readers of this newsgroup and others.

I believe that was your faithful imitation of a raving lunatic, wasn't
it? What happened to the paravastha that you are relentlessly blabbing

Poor Nedy Wallery cannot get over the words of "a young boy on the
internet." You need to do more Kriya, Pap. And not boy Bijoy's Kriya
but the real Kriya.;-))

"yoga" <> wrote in message news:<QVxW9.24846$>...
> Email Letter from India---
> Pranam Kashiji.
> How are you?
> I am writing to you about an important matter. Please reply. My Guruji Swami
> Sadhanananda Giri Maharaj himself asked me to procure exact & all details
> about this matter & inform Him.
> I noted the following lines in one of the email of the group.
> Tuesday, December 31, 2002 4:44 PM
> "things written by Brahman Atmananda"
> "because Ned's guru Das Gupta (another nut who
> claimed to be a direct disciple of Swami Sri Yukteswar) was very
> jealous of Yogananda's accomplishments and kept a personal when he and
> his guru Swami Satyananda was kicked-out of Ranchi School for trying
> to usurp the property."
> Sadhanananda-ji was simply furious when He heard of it. He wants to protest
> this matter officially. There are many discilpes of Satyananda-ji, He said,
> who will certainly protest if they hear these remarks about their Guru.
> Please give us some informations on this matter or state from where we can
> procure them. I have already gone through the website link with the
> messages.
> with pranam
> Soumitra

Kriya Yogi

Jan 19, 2003, 6:23:04 PM1/19/03
BA, that was interesting reply. Harsh, but interesting.
I'll think carefuly on your words.
Thanks for speaking out your mind anyway.


Jan 19, 2003, 8:24:01 PM1/19/03
Dear Sir,
Yes---just a boy.
Hence the need for those who represent the authentic, authorized lines of
Kriya to begin to band together and establish true information
and it is beginning to happen now and it is a beautiful thing! Talk and
planning is going on and sites are being planned and built and prepared and
will be linked together. All because of the true kriyavans becoming aware of
your antics, misinformation and untruths and exploitation of Kriya and
coming together to provide the correct information!
So Lord and nature work through you, good sir. So we are indebted to you.

Sir, do you love Mira?

"Dwell in my eyes O! Nandlal (Krishna).
Enchanting looks, dark complexion and large eyes.
The flute which flows nectar of thy lips.
The victor's garland embellishing the broad chest.
O lord!, bestowing bliss over the sages.
Thou art the protector of devotees "

My friend Meera Ma had translated this for me.
Isn't it beautiful!

Pranam for now dear friend.
Thank you!

"Brother Brahman-Atmananda" <> wrote in message

Swami Da Prem

Jan 19, 2003, 11:27:27 PM1/19/03
> sites................

Hey Ned,

Whats up with all those dots? Couldn't make up your mind if you were going
to continue, stop or what?


Swami Da Prem

Jan 19, 2003, 11:28:48 PM1/19/03
> Harsh, but interesting.

Harsh? Nah.

Direct and to the point? Yesss!!!

Brother Brahman-Atmananda

Jan 20, 2003, 4:38:40 AM1/20/03
Oh, if it isn't the overacting frustrated actor Ned "Kashi" Waller,
hypocrisy oozing from his swollen head again. I smell a false modesty
rat somewhere. Everyone, note how he vowed never to respond to my post

" yoga" <> wrote in message news:<EhqW9.24839$>...

> Sir,
> I will not responmd again to any post you make.

So, Mr. Inconsistent Par Excellence, can't resist the itch eh?



I met many narcissists who were modest – even overly so. This seems to
conflict with your observations. How do you reconcile the two?


"The "modesty" displayed by narcissists is false. It is mostly and
merely verbal. It is couched in flourishing phrases, emphasised to
absurdity, repeated unnecessarily – usually to the point of causing
gross inconvenience to the listener. The real aim of such behaviour
and its subtext are exactly the opposite of common modesty. It is
intended either to aggrandise the narcissist or to protect his
grandiosity from scrutiny and possible erosion. Such modest outbursts
precede inflated, grandiosity-laden statements made by the narcissist
and pertaining to fields of human knowledge and activity in which he
is sorely lacking. Devoid of systematic and methodical education, the
narcissist tries to make do with pompous, or aggressive mannerisms,
bombastic announcements, and the unnecessary and wrong usage of
professional jargon. He attempts to dazzle his surroundings with
apparent "brilliance" and to put possible critics on the defence.
Beneath all this he is shallow, devoid of real knowledge, improvising,
and fearful of being exposed as deceitful. The narcissist is a
conjurer of verbosity, using sleight of mouth rather than sleight of
hand. He is ever possessed of the inner sensation that he is really a
petty crook about to be unearthed and reviled by society."

"This is a horrible feeling to endure and a taxing, onerous way to
live. The narcissist has to protect himself from his own intimation,
internal on-going trial, guilt feeling and anxiety. One of the more
efficacious defence mechanisms is false modesty. The narcissist
declares himself unfit, unworthy, lacking, not trained and not
(formally) schooled, not objective, cognisant of his own shortcomings
and vain. This way, if (rather, when) exposed he could always say:
"But I told you so in the first place, haven't I?" False modesty is,
thus, a hedging mechanism. The narcissist "insures his bets" by
placing a side bet on his own fallibility, weakness, deficiencies and
proneness to err."

"Yet another function is to extract Narcissistic Supply from the
listener. By contrasting a belittling and reducing statement about
himself with a brilliant, dazzling display of ingenuity, wit,
intellect, knowledge, or beauty – the narcissist intends to secure an
adoring, admiring, approving, or applauding protestation from the
listener. The person to whom the falsely modest statement is directed
is expected to vehemently deny the narcissist's claims: "But, really,
you know much more than you pretend to know", or "Why did you say that
you are unable to do (this or that)? Truly, you are very gifted at
it!" The narcissist then shrugs his shoulders, smirks, blushes and
moves uncomfortably from side to side. This was not his intention, he
assures his correspondent. He did not mean to fish for compliments
(exactly what he did mean to do). He really does not deserve the
praise. But the aim has, thus, been achieved: the Narcissistic Supply
has been granted and avidly consumed. Despite the narcissist's
protestations, he feels much better now."

"The narcissist is a dilettante and a charlatan. He glosses over
complicated subjects and situations in life. He sails through them
powered by shallow acquaintance with rapidly acquired verbal and
behavioural vocabularies (which he then promptly proceeds to forget).
False modesty is only one of a series of false behaviour patterns. The
narcissist is a pathological liar, either implicitly or explicitly.
His whole existence is a derivative of a False Self, a deceitful
invention and its reflections. With false modesty he seeks to
implicate others in his mind games, to co-opt them, to force them to
collaborate while making ultimate use of social conventions of
conduct. The narcissist, above all, is a shrewd manipulator of human
character and its fault lines. He will never admit to this. In this
sense he is verily modest." - Dr. Sam Vaknin, taken from his book
Malignant Self Love - Narcissism Revisited


"Dearest Very Great Brother, Yes! Good! I have told you about the many
differences in Kriya even in India!!! Do you know---Yogiraj would say
over and over again ---'One must practice according to the
instructions received from the achraya!' You see, he was well aware of
these differences even in his lifetime. Can I tell you of Pantravali?
Pantravali is a collection of 108 letters written by Yogiraj ..."

<snip more hair-raising acting>

"I wish all this talk of the 'correct' way would really stop. [Note:
Only Ned 'Kashi' Waller makes a big fuss out of this, he originated
this 'traditional way' issue, then he's saying it should stop]. Look,
you and I even spell our Paramguru's name differently! You say Sri
Yukteswar as that is the way your Guru spelled it. I say Sri
Yukteshvar as that is the way my Master liked to spell it. Do we fight
over this? NO! Of course not! We recognise this as unimportant. What
is important in kriya is daily practice---intense and one pointed. My
feeling is to just ignore this talk of 'the one authentic Kriya'. Just
dont respond to it and let it go away."

<snip more hypocrisy and nonsense rantings of a retarded>

"I bow to you and take the dust off your feet 1008 times."



> Why would you say such a thing? Is this your teaching to others?
> Your statement is completely untrue. It is falsehood against another
> great man who did nothing but serve your master selflessly to the end,
> in fact, probably more than any of you American disciples did AND HE
> WAS NOT EVEN A DISCIPLE OF YOUR MASTER! Just an admirer who wished to
> help like many of the disciples of Sriyukteshvar and Kebalananda, and
> so worked his fingers to the bone for the cause without ANY
> recognition at all. - Ned "Kashi" Waller, taken from

Paramhansa Yogananda says otherwise:

> "It was written by MY DISCIPLE, SWAMI SATYANANDA, who for many years
> has been the acharya (spiritual preceptor) at our Vidyalaya in Ranchi.
> I have translated a few passages from his book and have incorporated

> them into this section devoted to Lahiri Mahasaya." - taken from chapter 32 of

> Autobiography of a Yogi, 1946 edition

Swami Kriyananda's words:

"I learned a little more about Dhirananda's role in the authorship of
The Science of Religion during the early 1960s, when I lived in India.
I had occasion there once to speak with SWAMI SATYANANDA, ANOTHER OF

What Swami Kriyananda says about Ned Waller's idol and his guru's guru
Swami Satyananda

"Dhirananda seems to have claimed to be the author of several of
Yogananda's books. I myself had occasion to interview SWAMI

ASSUMES, BY ENVY)." - taken from

" yoga" <> wrote in message news:<RcIW9.25007$>...

> Dear Sir,
> Yes---just a boy.
> Hence the need for those who represent the authentic, authorized lines of
> Kriya to begin to band together and establish true information
> sites................

Ha ha ha! But this was what you said, Pap:

> > " yoga" <> wrote in message
> news:<EhqW9.24839$>...
> > > Do you think the untruths told by a young boy on the internet can alter
> > > history?

> and it is beginning to happen now and it is a beautiful thing! Talk and

> planning is going on and sites are being planned and built and prepared and
> will be linked together. All because of the true kriyavans becoming aware of
> your antics, misinformation and untruths and exploitation of Kriya and
> coming together to provide the correct information!
> So Lord and nature work through you, good sir. So we are indebted to you.

So the "young boy on the Internet" shook you to the core eh, Pap?
Don't sugarcoat it, Ned Waller. Stop projecting this humble but tough
and knowledgeable image. You are shit, you will always be shit.

> Sir, do you love Mira?

Of course I do.

> "Dwell in my eyes O! Nandlal (Krishna).
> Enchanting looks, dark complexion and large eyes.
> The flute which flows nectar of thy lips.
> The victor's garland embellishing the broad chest.
> O lord!, bestowing bliss over the sages.
> Thou art the protector of devotees "
> My friend Meera Ma had translated this for me.
> Isn't it beautiful!

But when you use it on your hypocrite postings you make it sound shit
like you.

> Pranam for now dear friend.
> Thank you!

Pranam your face. You're welcome!


Swami Da Prem

Jan 20, 2003, 10:05:44 AM1/20/03
> Oh, if it isn't the overacting frustrated actor Ned "Kashi" Waller,
> hypocrisy oozing from his swollen head again. I smell a false modesty
> rat somewhere. Everyone, note how he vowed never to respond to my post
> again:

Maybe, he is just acting the part of a liar and hypocrite who broke his
promise not to post again.


Message has been deleted

May 5, 2014, 12:06:28 PM5/5/14
Dear one;
I have all the original lessons and kriyas.I have the kriya as taught by Sri Lahiri Mahashaya.If you are interested,pl mail me at
I am also on facebood as Ashutosh Ghuley.You are welcome.
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