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Does SRF offer a genuine diksha?

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Chet McCann

Jul 8, 2002, 12:39:58 AM7/8/02
I'd like to hear everybody's opinion on whether SRF offers a true
empowered initiation (diksha). I'm not looking for answers concerning
formailities. More interested in your experience or careful


... Chet

Steven M. Stoltz

Jul 8, 2002, 6:29:41 AM7/8/02
to (Chet McCann) wrote in message news:<>...

SRF offers a genuine initiation into the guru-disciple relationship
with Paramahansa Yogananda.


Chet McCann

Jul 8, 2002, 11:51:55 AM7/8/02
to (Steven M. Stoltz) wrote in message news:<>...

Okay, in what way does this present a difference from simple exposure
to reading materials and personal and written instruction in technical
practices? Also, how is it different from what it might be like to
simply sit in Yogananda's presence (were he still in the body),
listening to his talks? And how is it different from simple access to
discussion and feedback from his current representatives in the SRF?

Another question: how were you *personally* able to tell all this was
different from a mere mood created by your personal interest in Y and
SRF, on the one hand, and immersion in its teaching media (books,
tapes, info) on the other?


... Chet


Jul 8, 2002, 3:54:53 PM7/8/02
to (Steven M. Stoltz)
wrote in message news:

Yogananda's direct disciples are boring.


Premabrahmananda Swami

Jul 9, 2002, 12:30:51 AM7/9/02
to (yogi) wrote in message news:<>...

Stoltz my friend,

I have to agree with you here. SRF changed some of Yogananda's
teachings and have changed the way initiation is done. Yogananda use
to initiate anyone who was ready when they arrived. He created the
lessons for people who were not ready and still wanted to be in the
affluence of himself, his teachings and the organization he founded.

Now an individual must wait at least a year after beginning the
lessons, and only if they think they are ready. But whatever if an
individual is ready to receive the grace and gift of yoga without
taking the lessons? I do not believe SRF and their ministers have the
correct mindset to judge when a potential disciple is really ready.

For instance, Roy Eugene Davis initiates those who are ready and
truthfully seeking God here and now. He has assumed the role of guru,
whereas SRF ministers renounce the title of guru and place all
guidance in the hands of the dead Yogananda. (Yes, Yogananda does
live in spirit. But he is not physically present to offer darshan).

America has not had a great yogi since Paramhansa Yoganandaji. It is
quite unfortunate. Hopefully all of that will change soon.

Only Love,


Jul 9, 2002, 12:49:56 AM7/9/02
to (Chet McCann) wrote in message news:<>...

I'm not Mr. Stolz, but I have received initiation into kriya yoga
(diksha)through SRF at their Mt. Washington headquarters; which is the
initiation into the guru/disciple relationship with Yoganandaji that
is offered to those of us who've not had the good karma to be with him
when he was here in the physical.

Other's of his direct disciples also offer intitiation into kriya yoga
and that too is considered to be the same initiation into the
guru/disciple relationship with Yoganandaji that SRF offers.

Part of the ceremony the devotee takes Yoganandaji and his lineage of
Masters as one's guru and param-gurus and through that diksha is
conferred. Also part of the ceremony, as I've said, is into kriya
yoga, which is the meditational technique that Yoganandaji brought
here to the west, and which is the main part of the daily sadhana that
each devotee is supposed to perform as part of that relationship.

That relationship is with Yogananda. SRF is a organization he founded
to disseminate his teachings. One cannot have a guru/disciple
relationship with an organization!

Hope that helps.


Jul 9, 2002, 2:58:55 PM7/9/02
Congratulations Premabrahmananda.

You are now a Charter member of the EgoManiacs Club.
What an accomplishment. Your fellow members, Stoltz,
Roy Eugene Davis and Kriyananda welcome you to this
elite membership of superachievers.

Pat yourself on the back now.

Premabrahmananda Swami

Jul 9, 2002, 7:35:18 PM7/9/02


I guess you missed the point of my post, didn't you? No one in the
organization that Yogananda left behind has lived up to his level of
thinking, of his connectedness to the One Great Power.

Did you know Daya Mata lives in a million plus dollar home and rarely
goes to the SRF headquarters? Her sister lives next door to her in
another expensive home.

Do you know everything about SRF? Do a little research and you will
find disturbing facts.

This is not to say any organization is without fault. I applaud the
efforts of SRF to keep the flame of Kriya Yoga alive in America. They
are doing a good job, but they have no Master, no Guru and the one
they did have has since passed from his body.

How does that make me an egomaniac, providing you information?


Steven M. Stoltz

Jul 9, 2002, 10:59:59 PM7/9/02
to (Chet McCann) wrote in message news:<>...

> Okay, in what way does this present a difference from simple exposure
> to reading materials and personal and written instruction in technical
> practices? Also, how is it different from what it might be like to
> simply sit in Yogananda's presence (were he still in the body),
> listening to his talks? And how is it different from simple access to
> discussion and feedback from his current representatives in the SRF?

Even though Kriya initiation ceremonies are conducted by monastics of
the SRF who serve as Yogananda's representatives, the SRF initiation
is as much a
direct link to Paramahansa Yogananda as it was when Yogananda was in
His body. I am not merely repeating the words on this matter that I
heard from the SRF monastics who conducted my initiation ceremony - it
is something I experience.

While it is true that some NEW SRF Kriya initiates are seemingly
unaware of Yogananda's influence over their life, as one continues to
practice SRF's Kriya - it becomes more and more obvious to the
initiate as time progresses that it is Yogananda who is PERSONALLY
overseeing their life and unfoldment.

> Another question: how were you *personally* able to tell all this was
> different from a mere mood created by your personal interest in Y and
> SRF, on the one hand, and immersion in its teaching media (books,
> tapes, info) on the other?

How am I personally able to tell ?

Chet, if a 500 lb gorilla all of a sudden came out of nowhere and
landed in your livingroom and started tearing up the place- would you
tell people on the internet about it ?

Several years back there was a story that appeared in SRF's
magazine. It was a first hand account from an SRF Kriya disciple who
lived in Florida during one of those severe hurricanes. He said that
he had to evacuate the town like everyone else, but that when he came
back after the storm had passed, his house was the only left standing.
And he was quoted as saying,
"I knew who to thank for that one ..."


Steven M. Stoltz

Jul 9, 2002, 11:19:39 PM7/9/02
to (William) wrote in message news:<>...

> I'm not Mr. Stolz, but I have received initiation into kriya yoga
> (diksha)through SRF at their Mt. Washington headquarters; which is the
> initiation into the guru/disciple relationship with Yoganandaji that
> is offered to those of us who've not had the good karma to be with him
> when he was here in the physical.

I don't agree with your "good karma" statement. When a yoga master is
in the physical, many ignorant people fail to realize the Master's
true stature - for all they see is the physical side of the Master.
This is PRECISELY what makes many religious organizations so flawed -
because in many organizations, the theology revolves soley around the
physical personality and attributes of the Master. In many Christian
sects, for example, Jesus is put on a high status for all the wrong
reasons. Jesus is put on a high status for His miracles and all the
things He did - things that have a clear cut physical observable
associated with them. This is not what Jesus was all about about. He
even said Himself, "He with an ounce of faith will work greater deeds
than this ...".

Yogananda took measure to ensure that the SRF organization avoided
some of these problems. If you follow His SRF teachings, you will see
a side of Yogananda that you don't see reflected in His writings. You
will see that guru Paramahansa Yogananda is not merely the worker of
miracles that can be seen physically (or are bragged about for eons
after His passing), but that He is a being that laughs, cries, plays
pranks, plans .... that He is as real and ever new as you or I.


Steven M. Stoltz

Jul 9, 2002, 11:47:33 PM7/9/02
to (Premabrahmananda Swami) wrote in message news:<>...

> Stoltz my friend,
> I have to agree with you here. SRF changed some of Yogananda's
> teachings and have changed the way initiation is done. Yogananda use
> to initiate anyone who was ready when they arrived. He created the
> lessons for people who were not ready and still wanted to be in the
> affluence of himself, his teachings and the organization he founded.

There are many aspects of this subject which I don't think you have
given adequate treatment to. For example, when you say they have
changed "Yogananda's teachings", what aspect of the teachings are you
referring to ? If you are implying that the verbatim wording of the
lessons have changed - you are probably right, because SRF does
do some minor editing of the lessons. Whether or not these minor
word changes amount to anything or not is another discussion.

Getting back to what you mean when you say "Yogananda's teachings",
there is an aspect which you did not discuss which is a big factor
in the equation, and that is the direct nature of the guru disciple
relationship. Yogananda's personal oversight over His disciples is
still a big part of "the teachings". To neglect that is to deny the
important aspect of "the teachings".

> Now an individual must wait at least a year after beginning the
> lessons, and only if they think they are ready. But whatever if an
> individual is ready to receive the grace and gift of yoga without
> taking the lessons? I do not believe SRF and their ministers have the
> correct mindset to judge when a potential disciple is really ready.

Although I agree with you that many of the ministers lack the depth of
insight of Yogananda, still - I have become personally aware of some
aspects of how Yogananda oversees the organization. For example,
about 7-8 years ago I met a guy at convocation who said SRF had denied
him Kriya intiation. He explained to me how it was because he told an
SRF minister how he had previously tried (obviously unsuccessfully) to
commit suicide. When I spoke to the guy, he seemed kind of normal and
everything, so I started thinking how bad it was that this SRF
minister turned him in and snitched on him.

Well, shortly after meeting with that guy, I felt Yogananda's presence
come over me - in a way that is very hard to describe. The feeling
that came across
could be crudely verbalized as, "Not everyone's ready for Kriya".

Nevertheless, I did not feel as if Yogananda or SRF had forsaken this
The guy related to me that SRF told him to regard Yogananda as his
guru - and It did feel to me as if Yogananda had actually stepped in
and started to oversee his spiritual progress ....

By the way, wasn't it you who said in a previous post that people
should not get all concerned about having techniques looking for a
reward when they should simply be trying to enjoy the feeling of God's
bliss ? Why don't you read your own posts ?

> For instance, Roy Eugene Davis initiates those who are ready and
> truthfully seeking God here and now. He has assumed the role of guru,
> whereas SRF ministers renounce the title of guru and place all
> guidance in the hands of the dead Yogananda. (Yes, Yogananda does
> live in spirit. But he is not physically present to offer darshan).

Dead Yogananda - no darshan ? That's pure bullshit. Those who have
failed to get a glimpse of Yogananda's "darshan" are plain ass BLIND
and have failed to notice ....


Steven M. Stoltz

Jul 9, 2002, 11:52:45 PM7/9/02


"Thank God I'm not like Stoltz and those other egomaniacs - I'm
better than those guys ..."

Why not pat YOURSELF on the back, after all, you've EARNED it,
right ?



Jul 10, 2002, 2:43:24 AM7/10/02
Okay Bozo Premabrahmananda,
(are you and Stoltz twins?)

Here is the information you need.


Get this: (all quotes Paramahansa Yogananda)

"God has sent you to me, and I shall never fail you...Even when I am
gone my help will always be given to devotees all over the world, if
they keep in tune. Never think for a moment that when I am physically
absent from you all, I am not otherwise with you. I shall be just
deeply concerned for your spiritual welfare when I am no longer in the
body as I am now. I shall always be watching over each one of you, and
whenever a true devotee thinks of me in the silent depths of his soul,
he will know that I am near."

"My body will pass but my work shall go on. And my spirit shall on.
Even when I am taken away I shall work with you all for the
deliverence of the world with the message of God.... Follow the truth
that God has sent through Self-Realization Fellowship and you shall be
forever blessed. God is ever calling you through the flute of my

"Those who will succeed me as representitive spiritual head of this
work are already chosen by God and the Gurus..."

"There will always be at the head of this organization men and women
of realization. They are already known to God and the Gurus. They
shall serve as my spiritual successors and representitives in all
spiritual and organizational matters."

"After the great visitation of Divine Mother I see more clearly how
She wants this work to be directed and therefore I write this
letter....we must remember that in the second or third generation of
our work everything must be centralized here at Headquarters,
otherwise divisions will begin and our work will fall apart. You and
those with me now are of the first generation, and I do not worry
about you for you have had contact with me and know how the work
should be spread, but those who follow after us will make mistakes
unless all the work is centralized under one department- under the
Mother Center."

"As I love you so, so I am writing this -As a son should be loyal to
his father so a disciple to his guru in every way. I never question
your love and loyalty-I feel you nearer and nearer to me- that is why
I venture to ask you to follow;

1) 100 percent Self-Realization and the living link of the gurus, and
not divert your mind to any other teachings or work. Make Praecepta
(SRF Lessons) your whole life with Kriya Yoga.

2) Passing out literature of other teachings confuses and unsettles
the minds of new and even old students. So I shall be happy if you
concentrate minds of students only in SRF.

3) All meetings strictly should be around SRF and practice meditation.

If the above rules are followed you will find the great gurus
showering blessings on you and you will feel a living connection with
the living link of gurus"

(An excerpt from a handwritten letter from Paramahansa Yogananda to a
disciple, 1947.)

"It is the duty of the guru-preceptor and the disciple to be loyal
each other, not only in one life, but for many lives if these are
necessary to reach God. Those who are one hundred percent loyal to a
guru can be sure of ultimate liberation and ascension. One may have
many teachers, but only one guru, who remains as one's guru even in
many different lives, until the disciple reaches the final goal of
emancipation in God. You must remember this, once that relationship is
formed. It is much easier to reach God through the link of true
masters with whom you are connected as a member of the
Self-Realization Fellowship."

"Many will urge that you join other societies and religions. If you
succumb to the temptation of curiosity, you will get confused, and due
to disloyalty to the specific messenger and guru-preceptor sent to you
by God's decree, you will lose wisdom and may not ascend or be
liberated for one or many lives. To dishonor the messenger of God sent
by Him in response to the devotee's prayer call, is to be
disrespectful of God. That is why Jesus said to Peter, "O ye of little
faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?" Remember, you have been told that
Jesus was Eliseus before and his guru-preceptor was Elijah. Then later
Eliseus, through a succession of incarnations, was born as Jesus, and
Elijah was born as John the Baptist. That is why Jesus asked John to
anoint him, saying, "This is the way of all righteousness." That is,
all righteousness, or the right way of finding liberation and God,
lies in following the teachings and discipline of a true

"...When a master is no longer encumbered by incarnate constraints,
his transforming succor continues just the same, but he does not
demean himself and his spiritual effectiveness by seeking gross
expression again through 'mediums.' Having given his divine message
and testimony while on earth, he doesn't have any 'afterthoughts'
requiring revelation by psychics and spiritualists."

" Deeply meditating disciples should concentrate on their guru, or
meditate with him if possible. Those who are spiritually advanced do
in fact meditate with the guru by visualizing him in the spiritual eye
and tuning in with him, whether or not they are in his physical
presence. During meditation the spiritual vibration of a great master
silently works on lesser yogis who may be meditating with him or who
are in tune with him, regardless of distance. It is sufficient for a
disciple to think strongly of his guru before meditation. He will then
find his meditation on God to be reinforced by the Lord's power
flowing though the direct tangible channel of the guru."

Paramahansa Yogananda

Little rabbit

Jul 10, 2002, 6:02:01 AM7/10/02
Hi !

> America has not had a great yogi since Paramhansa Yoganandaji. It is
> quite unfortunate. Hopefully all of that will change soon.

What about Kashi who seems to be behind ?



yoga niketan

Jul 10, 2002, 5:58:22 PM7/10/02
Dear Sirs,
We wish to inform you that "kashi" who works with the others in the Yoga
Niketan team of is not a "great yogi" nor any type of
"Master". He is a librarian to the Yoga Niketan Library only.
Yoga Niketan is not a Kriya teaching group. It is a free online library to
serve the various families of Kriya Yogis.
We do not wish any misunderstanding in this regards.
Thank you kindly.

Yoga Niketan

"Little rabbit" <> wrote in message

Premabrahmananda Swami

Jul 10, 2002, 7:41:48 PM7/10/02
> There are many aspects of this subject which I don't think you have
> given adequate treatment to. For example, when you say they have
> changed "Yogananda's teachings", what aspect of the teachings are you
> referring to ? If you are implying that the verbatim wording of the
> lessons have changed - you are probably right, because SRF does
> aparently
> do some minor editing of the lessons. Whether or not these minor
> word changes amount to anything or not is another discussion.
> Getting back to what you mean when you say "Yogananda's teachings",
> there is an aspect which you did not discuss which is a big factor
> in the equation, and that is the direct nature of the guru disciple
> relationship. Yogananda's personal oversight over His disciples is
> still a big part of "the teachings". To neglect that is to deny the
> most
> important aspect of "the teachings".

SRF has changed minor things here and there, especially in
Autobiography of a Yogi. Go to Ananda's website for their online
version of Autobiography of a Yogi and you will see the original
edition as it was. And do not think they changed it, to make it
theirs. It is in the public domain and can be obtained, if you go
about it the right away, from the copyright offices here in the

> > Now an individual must wait at least a year after beginning the
> > lessons, and only if they think they are ready. But whatever if an
> > individual is ready to receive the grace and gift of yoga without
> > taking the lessons? I do not believe SRF and their ministers have the
> > correct mindset to judge when a potential disciple is really ready.
> Although I agree with you that many of the ministers lack the depth of
> insight of Yogananda, still - I have become personally aware of some
> aspects of how Yogananda oversees the organization. For example,
> about 7-8 years ago I met a guy at convocation who said SRF had denied
> him Kriya intiation. He explained to me how it was because he told an
> SRF minister how he had previously tried (obviously unsuccessfully) to
> commit suicide. When I spoke to the guy, he seemed kind of normal and
> everything, so I started thinking how bad it was that this SRF
> minister turned him in and snitched on him.
> Well, shortly after meeting with that guy, I felt Yogananda's presence
> come over me - in a way that is very hard to describe. The feeling
> that came across
> could be crudely verbalized as, "Not everyone's ready for Kriya".
> Nevertheless, I did not feel as if Yogananda or SRF had forsaken this
> person.
> The guy related to me that SRF told him to regard Yogananda as his
> guru - and It did feel to me as if Yogananda had actually stepped in
> and started to oversee his spiritual progress ....

I never didn't say that Yogananda did not still guide his disciples
and devotees and make the way for them as he say fit. I said that he
is minister may not be as realized as he was. The closest man that
comes to his level in our modern times is Joseph Smith. Yes, Joseph
Smith practiced a form of meditation and yoga.

> By the way, wasn't it you who said in a previous post that people
> should not get all concerned about having techniques looking for a
> reward when they should simply be trying to enjoy the feeling of God's
> bliss ? Why don't you read your own posts ?

I do read my posts. The technique given should be the only one that
is most beneficial. Given that it produces effects for the disciple.
If you taught (which I do not know) or if you do decide to teach
(which you may), then you would know what I am speaking of. A
disciple may try to move too fast, when he or she should move slower,
otherwise important lessons in life will be missed.

Do you even know what darshan means? It means divine sight. Have you
seen Yogananda physically? Not on his books or through a picture. That
is the darshan I speak of. Yogananda acts through different mediums,
such as dreams (if you have a dream with any spiritual personage, make
that Master is warm and solid, otherwise you have run into an astral
demon), through the bliss felt in meditation, in pursuadiong a certain
minister to do this or that.

But we should not fully rely on any Master, because that causes an
dependency that will have to be transcended later on, during moments
of deep, deep, deep meditation.


Premabrahmananda Swami

Jul 10, 2002, 7:48:27 PM7/10/02
> > America has not had a great yogi since Paramhansa Yoganandaji. It is
> > quite unfortunate. Hopefully all of that will change soon.
> What about Kashi who seems to be behind ?

You mean Kashi, who is Ned Waller of Portland, Oregon, a nurse at a
local hospital there, who spreads his garbage through his website you
have mentioned above. If you think this man is as great as
Yoganandaji, then you are more deluded than Ned Waller a.k.a Fred

Ned Waller is on the same playing ground as Marshall Govindan who says
his Babaji's Kriya is far superior than that Yogananda's Kriya Yoga.
He has even publicly defamed Yogananda in What Is Enlightenment?
magazine saying that Babaji took away his spiritual title. Read the
latest issue and you will see.

It is far better to stick with SRF, because Yogananda was an actual
part of it.

But maybe you are a member of the kriya internet cult known as
yoganiketan, trying to raise your leader above Paramhansa Yoganandaji.
Do you even know why Yoganandaji earned the proper title
"Paramhansa"? Because he used his discrimination in all situations
and was able to see through the mud and piss of frauds and false
spirituality. How many Masters did Yogananda go through? If it was
not for his spiritual discrimination no one would have heard of Kriya

Please tell me you are not suggesting Kashi (Ned Waller) is far
superior than the great Paramhansa Yoganandaji???


yoga niketan

Jul 10, 2002, 9:32:50 PM7/10/02

"Do not hate anyone - what is enmity for drunks? See
everyone as yourself in the form of the Kutastha and
do that which will elevate Kriya - I am nothing,
nothing is mine - just the by work of staying in the
Kriya paravastha the ego is not there - sorrow and
happiness are known as the same in intoxication - if
someone says something, he is forgiven by stating "let
him say it" - meaning, does not care about it, like a
door squeaking 'k(n)yatch k(n)oatch'."

...............Yogiraj Sri Sri Lahiri Mahasay Gita
Commentary 12:13
(English translation by Amitava
Chatterjee copyright 2002 Yoga Niketan)

"Premabrahmananda Swami" <> wrote in message

Little rabbit

Jul 11, 2002, 4:16:38 AM7/11/02
hi !

> local hospital there, who spreads his garbage

Crikey !!

> If you think this man is as great as
> Yoganandaji,

I think nothig. I was just asking.

> then you are more deluded than Ned Waller a.k.a Fred
> Flinstone.

a.k.a Fred Flinstone ? What do you mean ?

> Ned Waller is on the same playing ground as Marshall Govindan who says
> his Babaji's Kriya is far superior than that Yogananda's Kriya Yoga.
> He has even publicly defamed Yogananda in What Is Enlightenment?
> magazine saying that Babaji took away his spiritual title. Read the
> latest issue and you will see.

This does'nt necessarily Ned Waller is doing the same thing.

> But maybe you are a member of the kriya internet cult known as
> yoganiketan, trying to raise your leader above Paramhansa Yoganandaji.

No, I am not. But I intended to try to get in touch with him.
But before I want to know the point of view of a wide range of people
practicing Kriya Yoga.

> Please tell me you are not suggesting Kashi (Ned Waller) is far
> superior than the great Paramhansa Yoganandaji???

I written above, I am suggesting nothing at all :)

Best regards


Brother Brahman-Atmananda

Jul 11, 2002, 6:05:37 AM7/11/02
Below is a good example of reverse psychology ala Ned Waller a.k.a.
kashi (of Portland, Maine) False Humility Realization Assholeship:

"yoga niketan" <> wrote in message news:<262X8.3242$>...

> Dear Sirs,
> We wish to inform you that "kashi" who works with the others in the Yoga
> Niketan team of is not a "great yogi" nor any type of
> "Master". He is a librarian to the Yoga Niketan Library only.
> Yoga Niketan is not a Kriya teaching group. It is a free online library to
> serve the various families of Kriya Yogis.
> We do not wish any misunderstanding in this regards.
> Thank you kindly.
> Yoga Niketan

For more of this garbage please go to:


Premabrahmananda Swami

Jul 12, 2002, 12:24:04 AM7/12/02

> > then you are more deluded than Ned Waller a.k.a Fred
> > Flinstone.

> a.k.a Fred Flinstone ? What do you mean ?

Fred Flinstone will know that this means. It really doesn't concern
you. Maybe him and a few others will know what this is a reference

> > Ned Waller is on the same playing ground as Marshall Govindan who says
> > his Babaji's Kriya is far superior than that Yogananda's Kriya Yoga.
> > He has even publicly defamed Yogananda in What Is Enlightenment?
> > magazine saying that Babaji took away his spiritual title. Read the
> > latest issue and you will see.
> This does'nt necessarily Ned Waller is doing the same thing.

In words he has not defamed Yogananda. But by not placing Yogananda
with the other great yogis on his website, excluding Yogananda from
the shrine on the website is defaming him. How can you not recognize
the man that brought yoga to the world, and recognize his Masters,
which he introduced too? That is like eating the fruit and hating the
tree. Or hating the fruit and eating the tree.

Silly Ned Waller believes his guru, "Bijoy" was a disciple of Sri
Yukteswar, whne "Bijoy" was really a disciple of Yogananda who wanted
to have the fame and never succeeded. Now Bijoy had passed away and
left Mr. Waller in the world to distract truth seekers from really
finding the One Great Power.

If you do not believe me, read more closely into his library of trash,
that offers praises and then put downs, allowing for the praises to
neutrelazie the put downs. You will see this more and more if you use
your discrimination while reading his supposedly translated works.
How many of his translations can be trusted?

> > But maybe you are a member of the kriya internet cult known as
> > yoganiketan, trying to raise your leader above Paramhansa Yoganandaji.

> No, I am not. But I intended to try to get in touch with him.
> But before I want to know the point of view of a wide range of people
> practicing Kriya Yoga.

You should come to know of the kriya cults out there. There is more
than you may know of. Do some research. Continue to do that
research. Use discrimination to weed out what is real and what is not


Little rabbit

Jul 12, 2002, 4:42:06 AM7/12/02

> In words he has not defamed Yogananda. But by not placing Yogananda
> with the other great yogis on his website, excluding Yogananda from
> the shrine on the website is defaming him. How can you not recognize
> the man that brought yoga to the world, and recognize his Masters,
> which he introduced too? That is like eating the fruit and hating the
> tree. Or hating the fruit and eating the tree.

Yes, very pertinent point of view.

> Silly Ned Waller believes his guru, "Bijoy" was a disciple of Sri
> Yukteswar, whne "Bijoy" was really a disciple of Yogananda who wanted
> to have the fame and never succeeded

This could explain why bijoy wrote that Yogananda did'nt reveice the fourth
kriya form Sri Yukteswar.

> If you do not believe me, read more closely into his library of trash,
> that offers praises and then put downs, allowing for the praises to
> neutrelazie the put downs. You will see this more and more if you use


> You should come to know of the kriya cults out there. There is more
> than you may know of. Do some research. Continue to do that
> research. Use discrimination to weed out what is real and what is not
> real.

Ok :)


Premabrahmananda Swami

Jul 12, 2002, 1:29:47 PM7/12/02

I am not sure if you are a kriyaban or seek to receive initiation from
a verifable ministry, but if you do, choose very carefully. It is a
big commitment for anyone. It is something that should not be taken

Some people are ready for it and some are not. Some come and some go.
It is the "cult" thinking of "leaders" that makes them think they
must hold onto students, knowing their livelihood as a teacher depends
on it. These "leaders" believe they must gather as many students as

But Yogananda had this attitude about spreading yoga throughout the

He felt that it was necessary to tell as many people as possible. I
am sure he would have used the Internet (he used and SRF still does
use mail to send lessons and correspondence) to spread the word of
kriya yoga. This is the quantity aspect that he talked about with his

He also saught to work with dedicated disciples, who were rapidly
advancing on the path. They were the real ones who were reaping the
benefits of continuous practice as Yogananda taught. This is the
quality aspect he spoke about.

Quantity and quality is what is required to spread yoga throughout the
world. But a teacher should not think he can teach everyone.
Yogananda did not. He turned people away who were not ready.

May you and your loved ones be blessed by the One Great Power,


"Little rabbit" <> wrote in message news:<agm4or$699$>...

Brother Brahman-Atmananda

Jul 12, 2002, 5:20:01 PM7/12/02
Little Rabbit, Kindly email me about this matter, there is a lot more
to it than what Swamiji said.

The light in me bows to the light in you,

Brother Brahman-Atmananda

"Little rabbit" <> wrote in message news:<agm4or$699$>...

Feb 10, 2015, 1:12:20 PM2/10/15
Just found these posts from long time ago, but I thought maybe someone could still help,
I want to be initiated and I am in such state of confusion with many things I am not only reading but perceiving as well, and want to be very careful with all that. Can someone help me? Thanks in advance, millie
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