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Jul 23, 2007, 8:01:52 PM7/23/07

relaxed export rules in exchange for
: greater federal control over crypto imports. But
: what he appears to be truly aiming for is a
: full-scale assault on your right to use whatever
: encryption software you want in your own home.
: [snip]
: It's diabolical. Researchers already have to
: comply with a legion of rules to qualify for grants.
: Kerrey's proposed bill, called "The Secure Public
: Network Act," would add yet another provision to
: the fine print. It requires that "all encryption
: software purchased with federal funds shall be
: software based on a system of key recovery" and
: "all encrypted networks established with the use
: of federal funds shall use encryption based on a
: system of key recovery." Key recovery, or key
: escrow, technology enables law-enforcement
: officials to obtain copies of the mathematical keys
: needed to decipher messages. In other words,
: someone else keeps a copy of your secret key
: -- and some proposed bills say that the cops
: may not even need a search warrant to seize it.
: [snip]
: What about the penalties for "unauthorized
: breaking of another's encryption codes?" That
: would criminalize cryptanalysis, the way to verify
: the security of encryption software you buy. "The
: only way to know the strength of a cipher is
: cryptanalysis," says Marc Briceno, a
: cryptography guru at Community ConneXion.
: Then there's Kerrey's statement saying "there
: will be" restrictions on what encryption products
: you're permitted to buy from overseas firms. This
: contradicts Justice Department official

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Jan 23, 2008, 4:28:27 PM1/23/08
_Warrants of Removal and
Detention to the Chinese Refuge_" for girls under sixteen years of
age. He also showed us little tickets (we had already seen them in a
brothel) and said these contained the number and address of the
girls, and if one of these tickets was sent back by a girl to the
Protectorate, by any hand or in any manner, the Protectorate would
immediately send for the girl and listen to her complaint. He showed
us a book of cases, and read us the story of one girl in particular,
Ah Moi, and congratulated himself on the Protectorate being at hand
to rescue this girl. We will give this case in full further on. He
repeated his assertion that he abominated the C.D. Ordinance, and said
that there were now no compulsory examinations, and no Lock Hospital,
and that the Government had nothing to do with examinations in any
form. But we replied that we had already visited the Lock Hospital,
and that there were about fifteen patients there, and asked him how
they came to be there. He said anyone could go there; that it was a
general hospital for women, and that all diseases would be treated
there; that the patients could go away at any time they wished; the
Colonial Surgeon was in charge of it. But we asked him how it happened
that the degraded women knew enough to go there in such numbers; he
said they might be ill, and any doctor in a private capacity would
send them. He had sent them, and would like to send a good many more,
when they were very ill. He told us of going over the records, for
years back, and of finding that the average of time spent i

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