relaxed export rules in exchange for
: greater federal control over crypto imports. But
: what he appears to be truly aiming for is a
: full-scale assault on your right to use whatever
: encryption software you want in your own home.
: [snip]
: It's diabolical. Researchers already have to
: comply with a legion of rules to qualify for grants.
: Kerrey's proposed bill, called "The Secure Public
: Network Act," would add yet another provision to
: the fine print. It requires that "all encryption
: software purchased with federal funds shall be
: software based on a system of key recovery" and
: "all encrypted networks established with the use
: of federal funds shall use encryption based on a
: system of key recovery." Key recovery, or key
: escrow, technology enables law-enforcement
: officials to obtain copies of the mathematical keys
: needed to decipher messages. In other words,
: someone else keeps a copy of your secret key
: -- and some proposed bills say that the cops
: may not even need a search warrant to seize it.
: [snip]
: What about the penalties for "unauthorized
: breaking of another's encryption codes?" That
: would criminalize cryptanalysis, the way to verify
: the security of encryption software you buy. "The
: only way to know the strength of a cipher is
: cryptanalysis," says Marc Briceno, a
: cryptography guru at Community ConneXion.
: Then there's Kerrey's statement saying "there
: will be" restrictions on what encryption products
: you're permitted to buy from overseas firms. This
: contradicts Justice Department official
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