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LZ's by Name

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May 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/28/99
This is the one of the pages I was talking about...
It is much better to go to the url, but you get the drift.
LZs, FSBs and Features Sorted by Name
Many of the links are duplicates that go to the same image.
LZ Grid FTP Other Features Notes
LZ Ace BT140446 1, 2
LZ Amy BS475542 Div Arty ORLL BS473526 1, 2
LZ Ann BS655960 (Div Arty ORLL BS655960) 1, 2
LZ Artillery Hill BS515042 DIVARTY ORLL BT434039 Divarty Hill 1, 2
LZ Baldy BT133453 North of Hawk Hill, South of An Hoa. Thirty-five
miles North of Chu Lai. Thirty-two miles from Da Nang. On Highway One
near the coast. BT135305 1, 2
LZ Baldy BT136455 9, 10
LZ Baldy aka Hill 63 BT132453 4
LZ Bass ZA027934 4
LZ Bayonet BT549016 Headquarters of the 198th Brigade. Chu Lai at
the top of 1,000 foot hill 1, 2
LZ Betty 12
LZ Birmingham 15 Miles Northwest of Chu Lai 1, 2
LZ Blue BS6792 3rd Marine operation Starlite. BS6792? Site of first
significant action by Americans in area August 17-19 1965 (573 CKIA
enemy vs 46 Americans). 1, 2
LZ Bols BT245167 1, 2
LZ Bowles AKA LZ Bols Div Arty BT247168 1, 2
LZ Bowman BT3015 Southwest of Tam Ky Approximately BT3015? 1, 2
LZ Bowman BT238140 3
LZ Boxer BT119980 (opened in 1970) (Frederick Hill COAR (BS116979)
1, 2
LZ Bronco BS809384 Home of 11th infantry brigade and sharks was
here. Pilot's guide BS809384 1, 2
LZ Bronco BS812383 West outside of Duc Pho. Base Camp for Eleventh
Infantry Brigade. BS812383 (DivArty ORLLBS812375) 1, 2
LZ Buddha ? 1, 2
LZ Buff BS539824 Renamed to LZ Stinson after Colonel Stinson was
killed on 1st Flt Platoon leader A/123rd Avn Bn., Sergeant Smith'
mission on helicopter "737" Mar 3, 1969. BS539824 1, 2
LZ Buff BS539824 3
LZ Bulldog BS730528 (?BS730528) BS645559 on latest map 1, 2
LZ Bulldog BS730528 3
LZ Cacti BT059479 4
LZ Cacti BT060473 (Div Arty ORL BT 063 470) (named after 4th Inf Div
unit nicknamed "Blue Cacti" in Task Force Oregon) (Also listed at
AT055470 in Frederick Hill COARS). 1, 2
LZ Cacti BT060473 3
LZ Cadet BS562244 Set up 5 July 70 1, 2
LZ Cam BS392505 (Div Arty ORLL BS393502) 1, 2
LZ Carenten BS843371 (abandoned village used for training 11th LIB
in 1967 after they first arrived in-country) 1, 2
LZ Cedar Mountain BS582660 (Div Arty ORLL BS582660) 1, 2
LZ Center BT050250 East of Hiep Duc. In Hiep Duc Valley 1 mile
northeast of Vinh Dong hill. BT050250 (Frederick Hill report BT059351)
1, 2
LZ Center BT050250 3
LZ Charger Hill (Hawk Hill?) 1, 2
LZ Charlie Brown BS928220 Ten miles southeast of Duc Pho. Almost
completely surrounded by water. BS928220 BS9352244 by latest map. Near
American built port Sa Huynh. (Div Arty ORLL BS928220) 1, 2
LZ Checker BS437337 DIVARTY ORLL BS437337 1, 2
LZ Chevy BS429718 (Div Arty ORLL BS428714) 1, 2
LZ CHIC Refugee camp North of Quang Ngai along the river. Over
11,000 kept their from clearing operation on Batangan peninsula.
Combined Holding and Interrogation Center. Chin Sung Southwest of Tam
Ky 1, 2
LZ Chippewa BS485967 Div Arty ORLL BS485968 1, 2
LZ Chippewa BS485967 3
LZ Cindy by Tra Bong BS343882 Big Battle Aug 69. Had 155mm and 175mm
battery near Cinnamon forest. BS343882 (Div Arty ORLL BS342883) 1, 2
LZ Clemson BS480828 DIVARTY ORLL BS480828 1, 2
LZ Clifford BT260135 DivArty ORLL BT259104 1, 2
LZ Cobra BT002371 1, 2
LZ Colt BT113327 4
LZ Colt BT114371 North west of Hawk Hill BT114371 or BT115 371 1, 2
LZ Colt BT115371 North west of Hawk Hill BT114371 or BT115 371 1, 2
LZ Cork BS448612 High up in the mountains lots of down drafts. West
of Duc Pho. Bad to fly into during monsoon. BS448612? (Div Arty ORLL
BS450612 and BS448612) Supported Iron Mountain and Vernon Lake II
operations. 1, 2
LZ Cork BS450612 3
LZ Crunch BS534515 AKA Minh Long, DIVARTY ORLL BS534515 1, 2
LZ Custer BS5136573 1, 2
LZ Dancer BS682402 1, 2
LZ Dancer BS682402 3
LZ Debbie BS869319 1, 2
LZ Debbie BS870325 BS870325 by latest map, (AKA LZ Thunder) 1, 2
LZ Div Arty Hill BT51580399 1, 2
LZ Don BS7611278 DIVARTY ORL BS764277 1, 2
LZ Donner AT934242 Between LZ West and LZ Siberia 1, 2
LZ Dottie BS630855 twelve miles south of Chu Lai BS630855 AKA Hill
102 and Nui Dong De. East of highway 1 and North of Ham Giang River.
(Div Arty ORLL BS630 856) 1, 2
LZ Dragon BS730529 South of Mo Duc BS730529 (ARVN) (ORLL BS375255)
(Div Arty ORLL BS731528 and BS730528) 1, 2
LZ Dragon Base AT999315 1, 2
LZ East BT13102025 3
LZ East (Hill 488) eleven miles west of Tam Ky. BT132203 (DivArty
ORLL BT13102025) (BT131203 Fred Hill COARS).? 1, 2
LZ English BS875010 4
LZ English BS879005 (173rd Airborne) South along the coast near Bong
Son 1, 2
LZ Fat City BT435079 Close to Chu Lai BT435079 (Div Arty ORLL
BT440077 and BT439075) 1, 2
LZ Fiddlers Green BT215437 Named after 1-1 Cav ditty. BT215437.
Turned over to ARVN troops, then lost by ARVN forces and re-taken by
US troops several times. Set up in January 1969 as part of Operation
Hardin Falls. East of LZ Baldy. 1, 2
LZ Frederick Hill 9th Marine Engineers base? 1, 2
LZ Gator BS578961 South of Chu Lai BS 578961 (Div Arty ORLL BS571963
and BS572965) 1, 2
LZ Gator BS571963 3
LZ George BS478859 DIVARTY ORLL BS470867 1, 2
LZ Gimlet AT858230 1, 2
LZ Gimlet BT858230 3
LZ Goldie BS680657 1, 2
LZ Grunt AT957112 by Frederick Hill COAR. 1, 2
LZ Hardcore (west of Hoi An) AT977501 4
LZ Hawk Hill BT231315 (AKA Hill 29) North of Tam Ky and south of LZ
Baldy West of Highway One. Eight miles south of Thang Binh and seven
miles north or Tam Ky just west of the railroad. BT231315? or BT230315
(Div Arty ORLL BT22431) 1, 2
LZ Hurricane BT515040 (on Div Arty Hill) (BT537033 in 1970 ORLL) 1,
LZ Hustler BS2903 set up 1 April 1970 Vic BS 2903. (DIVARTY ORLL
BT2966031) 1, 2
LZ Ike AT945405 North of LZ Ryder) (Div Arty ORLL AT945405.
(AT938396 in Frederick Hill) 1, 2
LZ Jake ? 12
LZ Jane BS660758 1, 2
LZ Jane BS660758 3
LZ Jeff BS688328 SE of San Juan Hill BS688328 (Div Arty ORLL
BS689323) (New LZ used April 22, 1969 to support operations in the
southern Song Ve Valley) 1, 2
LZ Judy AT961015 seven miles west of LZ Mary Ann. (AT014863 by
Frederick Hill COAR) 1, 2
LZ Karen AT955238 Between LZ West and LZ Siberia (Hiep Duc area)
AT955238 (38 mi NW of Tam Ky) (AT924236 Oper Fred. Hill) 1, 2
LZ Leslie AT979307 in Que Son valley? (AKA Hill 138) 1, 2
LZ Leslie (Hill 138) AT979307 9, 10
LZ LIBBY YU426060 11
LZ Lion BS715300 (ORLL) 1, 2
LZ Liz BS743435 lowland five miles Northwest of Duc Pho was bad
place at times. BS757432 BS743435? (Div Arty ORLL BS753434 and
BS753432) 1, 2
LZ Liz BS751436 4
LZ Liz BS757432 lowland five miles Northwest of Duc Pho was bad
place at times. BS757432 BS743435? (Div Arty ORLL BS753434 and
BS753432) 1, 2
LZ Lonely Boy 1, 2
LZ Lowboy ? 1, 2
LZ Lurch AT926238 1, 2
LZ Lurch AT926238 3
LZ Manassas BS551663 BS551663? (Div Arty ORLL BS552666) 1, 2
LZ Manchester BS302882 (DIVARTY ORLL BS302882) 1, 2
LZ Marge 2-1 Infantry re-established it 16 January 1971. North of
Dragon Valley. (COARS Frederick Hill BT185?74). 1, 2
LZ Mary Ann AS961998 (38 miles west of Chu Lai. Also 962999 from
1970 Americal ORL (Frederick Hill COAR has AS959999.) 1, 2
LZ Mary Ann AS961998 4
LZ Mary Lou BT132203 named after 4th Infantry Colonel Kimmel's wife
(He was killed in Vietnam). 1, 2
LZ Mary Lou BT132203 4
LZ Maude AT835757 Northwest of LZ professional. Opened up with a
10,000 lb daisy cutter around August 1970? 1, 2
LZ Max BS759469 (DIVARTY BS760471) 1, 2
LZ Mellon AT804184 In Que Son Valley. AT804184 or AT805184 blocked
infiltration route from Kham Duc. (DivArty ORLL AT805183) AT803181 by
Frederick Hill COAR. 1, 2
LZ Mellon AT805184 In Que Son Valley. AT804184 or AT805184 blocked
infiltration route from Kham Duc. (DivArty ORLL AT805183) AT803181 by
Frederick Hill COAR. 1, 2
LZ Mildred at (Old) Hau Duc. 1, 2
LZ Mile High YA937931 4
LZ Mimosa ZC1801344 ZC 1801344 by Frederick Hill COARs. 1, 2
LZ Minuteman BS786857 (First LZ built on Batangan peninsula. Fifteen
mi S of Chu Lai.) 1, 2
LZ Mitt BS730358 (Div Arty ORLL BS730358) 1, 2
LZ Moore BT431985 1, 2
LZ No Slack ZB997067 4
LZ Nong Son AT814383 1, 2
LZ North BS725907 Bad times real close to an old 2nd NVA division
headquarters. (Div Arty ORLL BS725907) 1, 2
LZ Oasis Americal artillery working in 4th Division AO. 1, 2
LZ O'Connor AT935243 Near Antenna Valley. AT935243 Named after 1st
Cav pilot who later became POW near DMZ in February 1968. (AT934242
Div Arty ORLL) 1, 2
LZ O'Connor AT935243 3
LZ OD (Olive Drab) BS786368 4
LZ Paradise BS705972 1, 2
LZ Paris BS480828 (Div Arty ORLL BS480828) 1, 2
LZ Patch BS436635 (Div Arty ORLL BS436635) 1, 2
LZ Pepper BS491729 BS491729? (Div Arty BS496716) 1, 2
LZ Pepper BS496716 3
LZ Phoenix BS567878 1, 2
LZ Pineapple BS371966 1, 2
LZ Pinkville BS730775 Near My Lai on Batangan Peninsula. My Lai also
known as Pinkville massacre, or Song My massacre. BS730775 1, 2
LZ Pleasantville BT051049 1, 2
LZ Pleasantville BT224311 3
LZ Polar Bear AT897472 1, 2
LZ Polar Bear II AT939211 1, 2
LZ Pratt temporary firebase set up by 4-31 November 1970 North of
LZ Siberia by requesting extension into Marine AO 1, 2
LZ Prep BT0008148 CIA helicopters and Nung mercenaries hung out
here. (DIVARTY ORLL BT0008148) (Fred Hill COAR BT009147) 1, 2
LZ Professional BT176070 Twenty miles northwest of Chu Lai. BT176070
(Div Arty ORLL BT173076) (John Wills visited here March 1995. He
believes the coordinates are wrong. Upper part of hill has eroded and
placed about two feet of mud on helipads. 1, 2
LZ Professional BT176070 Top of hill is much smaller than before.
Area had been scavenged. All he could find were old sandbags. 1/46 Inf
left 22 Aug 70 and base was closed. (Frederick Hill COAR BT172078). 1,
LZ Professional BT173076 3
LZ Ranger BT287998 1, 2
LZ Richards AT866214 1, 2
LZ Rock Crusher BT108428 rock quarry for engineers, had civilians
working here 1, 2
LZ Ross AT025043 4
LZ Ross BT027342 Refueling point between LZ Baldy and Hiep Duc area.
BT027342 (BT028341 and BT027341 Div Arty ORLL) 1, 2
LZ Ross BT028341 3
LZ Ross (2) (in Que Son) BT029341 4
LZ Ryder AT952355 West of LZ Ross. Queson Mts Highest Peak (closed
down then rebuilt) Thirty miles west of Tam Ky. (invalid reference?
BS948346?) AT952355. (Div Arty ORLL AT946342 Frederick Hill AT949345)
1, 2
LZ Ryder BT947345 4
LZ Sally YD 13
LZ Saloon Opened 6-14-71 1, 2
LZ San Juan Hill BS634380 Five miles northwest of Duc Pho. Mortar
attacks on incoming helicopters. BS634380 (Div Arty ORLL BS634380) 1,
LZ Sharon 12
LZ Sheryl BT302192 1, 2
LZ Sheryl BT302192 3
LZ Shirley BS382700 (also known Ha Thanh Special Forces Camp) (COARS
Frederick Hill established by 2-1 Inf 3 December 1970; AT873385) 1, 2
LZ Siberia AT901232 West of Tam Ky? 35 miles northwest of Chu Lai.
Overlooked the resettlement village for Hiep Duc. AT901232 or
AT903232. (Div Arty ORLL AT903232) (Newly opened and used April 19,
1969 per artillery ORL) 1, 2
LZ Siberia AT901232 4
LZ Siberia AT903232 West of Tam Ky? 35 miles northwest of Chu Lai.
Overlooked the resettlement village for Hiep Duc. AT901232 or
AT903232. (Div Arty ORLL AT903232) (Newly opened and used April 19,
1969 per artillery ORL) 1, 2
LZ Snoopy BS705612 BS705612? (Div Arty ORLL BS705610) 1, 2
LZ Sooner AT87367 (Div Arty ORL AT869359) 1, 2
LZ South BS700830 11th Infantry Brigade BS700830 (Div Arty ORLL
BS702827) 1, 2
LZ Sparrow Knob BT200387 1, 2
LZ Stinson BS538824 Was LZ Buff renamed (21 May 1969) for LTC
Stinson killed on A/123d Avn Co. Helicopter #737 on March 3, 1969 in
Hau Duc area. LZ Stinson is West of Quang Ngai City along Song Tra
Khuc river. 1, 2
LZ Stinson BS539824 Renamed from LZ Buff after Colonel Stinson was
killed on 1st Flt Platoon leader A/123rd Avn Bn., Sergeant Smith'
mission on helicopter "737" Mar 3, 1969. BS539824 1, 2
LZ Stud 12
LZ Sue BS554674 (Div Arty ORLL BS 566 877) 1, 2
LZ Sue BS567877 4
LZ Thunder BS872325 South of Chu Lai. BS872325 (AKA LZ Debbie) (Div
Arty ORLL BS 870321) 1, 2
LZ Thunder BS874325 4
LZ Tiger BS478478 BS638552 and BS478478 opened in early 1970 1, 2
LZ Tiger BS638552 BS638552 and BS478478 opened in early 1970 1, 2
LZ Tinville North BS595810 1, 2
LZ Tinville South BS610797 1, 2
LZ Two Bits 1, 2
LZ Uptight BS720780 Five miles east of LZ Dottie and four miles
North of My Lai (4). Aproximately BS720780? (Div Arty ORLL BS726857
and BS728850) 1, 2
LZ Uptight BS731840 4
LZ Volunteer BS348593 (Div Arty ORL BS 348593) 1, 2
LZ Warrior BS400540 1, 2
LZ West AT990250 3
LZ West AT990251 Was 196th Brigade headquarters. Nineteen miles west
of Tam Ky. (The mountain is known as the mountain of leeches to the
Vietnamese). LZ Karen was just the next hill west of LZ West. 1, 2
LZ West AT990251 To the south was the Song Chang River. In the
valley to the north was the Song Lau River and the Old French Road. To
the east was the Nui Lon Mountain. AT990251/990250 (Div Arty ORLL
AT988249) (Fred Hill Oper report AT990250) 1, 2
LZ Young BT182146 Four or Five miles west of Tam Ky. Really bad
place to go in 1968. Was area near NVA Divisional headquarters at one
time. BT182146 ??BT188168?? 1, 2
LZ Young BT188168 (DIVARTY ORLL BT188157 and BT187155) (BT188157
Fred HillCOAR report) NVA division headquarters found 22 miles west of
Duc Pho. 1, 2
LZ#1 YD2974 12
LZ#2 YD2773 12
1. Information from Mr. Les Hines
2. Americal Locations in Vietnam
3. Courtesy of Frank Jodaitis. From "Operational Report- Lessons
Learned, Headquarters, 3rd Brigade 4th Infantry Division, Period
Ending 30 April 1968.
4. U.S. Army Landing Zones & Fire Bases
5. Major Bridges
6. Special Forces Camps
7. FOG Ngok Tavak
8. VC/NVA Operational Areas
9. U.S. Marine Corps Bases From USMC CAAR & Comd Chrono's
10. F. T. Jodaitis, 28 March 1993 From Dan Gillotti - 30th Artillery
11. 1st Cavalry Division Fire Support Bases in and around Tay Ninh
1969-1970 Based on Artillery ORLLs
12. Vietnam Veterans Home Page Map Team
13. Ray "Blackie" Blackman and Mike "M-60" Kelley
14. Dr Robert M. Blackburn, Vietnam Veterans Home Page Platoon
15. J. Watkins

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May 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/28/99
Nice list of LZs - anybody have details on a few others - Ranch, Bronco, and
Corral in Cambodia, Green and Ramada in Vietnam?


May 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/28/99
In article <b2G33.1$>, says...

> Nice list of LZs - anybody have details on a few others - Ranch, Bronco, and
> Corral in Cambodia, Green and Ramada in Vietnam?
Also I seem to remember LZ Uplift and it wasn't listed.

Craig Thompson

May 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/28/99
Nor was LZ Pony or LZ Groovy.

It's a tough project, there were a lot of LZs and FSbs

Perry wrote in message ...

May 29, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/29/99
On Fri, 28 May 1999 20:40:02 -0700, "Craig Thompson"
<> wrote:

>Nor was LZ Pony or LZ Groovy.
>It's a tough project, there were a lot of LZs and FSbs

I think the only one on that list I remember for sure is LZ Blue, it
was hot going in and we named it mof__ker, but even that was done
later on, after Starlite was over.

In comparison, Helicopter Valley was so hot, we didn't pay any
attention to anyone elses names for the place. I got renamed Baby
Huey that day. I got real big time pissed off on that one and since
I am a big guy anyway, I tried to lift something by a combination of
swearing at it and tugging, shit flying all over the place and I
decide to get stubborn! It moved just enough to get the job done and
from then on till I rotated out they called me Baby Huey, forever
banishing my other nickname to the scrap heap of history.

Until that day, I was always known as Mojo.


May 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/30/99
Former homes of JoeDoc!

> LZ Siberia AT901232 West of Tam Ky? 35 miles northwest of Chu Lai.
> Overlooked the resettlement village for Hiep Duc. AT901232 or
> AT903232. (Div Arty ORLL AT903232) (Newly opened and used April 19,
> 1969 per artillery ORL) 1, 2
> LZ Siberia AT901232 4
> LZ Siberia AT903232 West of Tam Ky? 35 miles northwest of Chu Lai.
> Overlooked the resettlement village for Hiep Duc. AT901232 or
> AT903232. (Div Arty ORLL AT903232) (Newly opened and used April 19,
> 1969 per artillery ORL) 1, 2

> LZ West AT990251 Was 196th Brigade headquarters. Nineteen miles west

> of Tam Ky. (The mountain is known as the mountain of leeches to the
> Vietnamese). LZ Karen was just the next hill west of LZ West. 1, 2
> LZ West AT990251 To the south was the Song Chang River. In the
> valley to the north was the Song Lau River and the Old French Road. To
> the east was the Nui Lon Mountain. AT990251/990250 (Div Arty ORLL
> AT988249) (Fred Hill Oper report AT990250) 1, 2

The above is not exact but it was 4/31, 196th LIB BN HQ!
Hit on more times than an unattached woman at a Marine Corps Ball!

JoeDoc :-)

May 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/30/99
On Sun, 30 May 1999 17:20:10 -0500, JoeDoc <>

I remember with great fondness going to Navy events as a Marine.
Those were the days. A Westpac Widow, a $2.00 Gallon of Red Mountain
Wine, some 7UP and Grunion Hunting til dawns early light!

Paul Edwards

May 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/30/99

<> wrote in message>

> I remember with great fondness going to Navy events as a Marine.
> Those were the days. A Westpac Widow, a $2.00 Gallon of Red Mountain
> Wine, some 7UP and Grunion Hunting til dawns early light!

Patrick reckon everyone knows what a "WestPac Widow' was.:)
Semper Fi
The Doc

Paul Edwards

May 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/30/99
Former homeof the Doc
Hill 55
Chu Lai
Dong Ha
The RockPile
Con Thien
Leatherneck Square
The Razorback
Mutters Ridge
Hill 881S
Hill 861
Ashau Valley

Bill Langston

May 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/30/99
Pat, don't forget the law, you can only hunt those 'Grunion' with your bare
hands! <G>

Semper Fi, Bill Langston.

<> wrote in message

> On Sun, 30 May 1999 17:20:10 -0500, JoeDoc <>
> wrote:

> I remember with great fondness going to Navy events as a Marine.
> Those were the days. A Westpac Widow, a $2.00 Gallon of Red Mountain
> Wine, some 7UP and Grunion Hunting til dawns early light!
> >

May 31, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/31/99
On Sun, 30 May 1999 22:34:09 -0700, "Paul Edwards"
<> wrote:

You have to be among The Chosen to rate such an honor I would think.
Never heard of a doggie getting his own little pond to play such
wonderful games in, did you?

Neener, neener

><> wrote in message

>> I remember with great fondness going to Navy events as a Marine.
>> Those were the days. A Westpac Widow, a $2.00 Gallon of Red Mountain
>> Wine, some 7UP and Grunion Hunting til dawns early light!

Bill Clarke

May 31, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/31/99

JoeDoc wrote in message <>...

>The above is not exact but it was 4/31, 196th LIB BN HQ!
>Hit on more times than an unattached woman at a Marine Corps Ball!
>JoeDoc :-)

The “written government record” reporting the locations of our units can be
very frustrating to those of us who were there and incorrect to the
unknowing. For example, Stanton’s “Vietnam Order of Battle” shows the 196th
LIB to have been at Chu Lai during the time I was a member of the 196th.
This is wrong as hell because they were on Hawk Hill for my entire tour.
These mistakes are self-propagating; the 196th LIB Association makes the
same mistake in their literature. I wrote them about the mistake and was
informed that they had used Stanton’s book and if I would do the research
they would change the mistake. Hell, I was there. What kind of research
can beat that? I was required to attend the 196th briefings when I was back
on the Hill, I saw everybody from the CO to the S5 and it looked like the
196th to me.

Bill Clarke
F Troop, 17th Cav

Bill Clarke

May 31, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/31/99

Paul Edwards wrote in message ...
This is not a list of “places I must see on my vacation” that I would have
chosen. Someone smiled on the old Doc to get him home from all these
terrible places. I salute you and the many other good Doc’s I have been
fortunate enough to know.

Ray and Linda

Jun 2, 1999, 3:00:00 AM6/2/99
Hello JoeDoc,

I was in Vietnam from March 3, 1968 to March 3, 1969. I was in a unit
called GOER (Government Operational Experimental Research) Trans. I was
anywhere from just south central to just south (15 miles) of the DMZ in a
place called Utah Beach. I was in country about a month when our company
got there. When we got to Utah Beach everything (supplies) that came on
shore was just piled up as there wasn't any place to store it.

Chu Lai was just one of about 50 places I had been.

I'm also looking for the guys that was in this unit as it was the only one
of it's kind.

If you or anyone else that's reading this and have other friends that was
over in this God forsaken place please pass this on I'd like to hear from

I'm also in a club called In-Country Vets Brotherhood here in Lakeland,
Florida. We have the largest traveling WALL that stands 8 1/2 feet high by
380 feet wide and it's 80% scale of the WALL in D.C. We just had it on
display here at Fantasy of Flight in Polk City, Florida for the Memorial Day

In the next 2 weeks I'll be creating a Web site with the pictures I have
taken in VN of the guys that was there with me. I'll have a list of all the
places (most with pictures) I have been that I can remember. It's been 30
years last March, man haw time flies by.

Ray Ivey

JoeDoc wrote:

> Former homes of JoeDoc!

> > LZ Siberia AT901232 West of Tam Ky? 35 miles northwest of Chu Lai.
> > Overlooked the resettlement village for Hiep Duc. AT901232 or
> > AT903232. (Div Arty ORLL AT903232) (Newly opened and used April 19,
> > 1969 per artillery ORL) 1, 2
> > LZ Siberia AT901232 4
> > LZ Siberia AT903232 West of Tam Ky? 35 miles northwest of Chu Lai.
> > Overlooked the resettlement village for Hiep Duc. AT901232 or
> > AT903232. (Div Arty ORLL AT903232) (Newly opened and used April 19,
> > 1969 per artillery ORL) 1, 2

> > LZ West AT990251 Was 196th Brigade headquarters. Nineteen miles west
> > of Tam Ky. (The mountain is known as the mountain of leeches to the
> > Vietnamese). LZ Karen was just the next hill west of LZ West. 1, 2
> > LZ West AT990251 To the south was the Song Chang River. In the
> > valley to the north was the Song Lau River and the Old French Road. To
> > the east was the Nui Lon Mountain. AT990251/990250 (Div Arty ORLL
> > AT988249) (Fred Hill Oper report AT990250) 1, 2

Aug 23, 2016, 12:30:17 AM8/23/16

Aug 23, 2016, 12:30:37 AM8/23/16

Aug 23, 2016, 12:33:01 AM8/23/16
I was on Ranch when it war overrun. Also on Bronco and Coral. Have Ranch photos and survivor accounts on my website medic in the You can reach me at

Marc 'Doc' Levy D 1/7 Cav '70


Aug 23, 2016, 9:03:03 AM8/23/16

On Mon, 22 Aug 2016 21:33:00 -0700 (PDT), in alt.war.vietnam wrote:

>I was on Ranch when it war overrun. Also on Bronco and Coral. Have Ranch photos
>and survivor accounts on my website medic in the You can reach
>me at
>Marc 'Doc' Levy D 1/7 Cav '70

Welcome to AWV. It looks like you're following up on a deeply
archived post by Patrick T. from early 1999; he has moved over to
Facebook and no longer monitors this group.

It's a good list; however, it's missing quite a few names from the
III-Corps area around An Khe. I suppose it's tough to get them all

What was the *official* difference between an "LZ" and a "firebase"?
I'm going to guess that an LZ was a more permanent installation with
real shitters.


Armenian War Library

Aug 23, 2016, 9:27:42 AM8/23/16
from the dumb radio/refueler/wrecker operator...I though An Keh was the
Cav site where the Golf Course was (as well as the Cav patch painted on
the hill) what say a man whose mother-in-law dog may have caused a
nervous tic

good to be home as long as it ain't the nursing home..."they called him
'big nuts' and he warn't from around here."


Aug 23, 2016, 9:43:52 AM8/23/16

On Tue, 23 Aug 2016 08:27:38 -0500, in alt.war.vietnam Armenian War
Library <> wrote:

>from the dumb radio/refueler/wrecker operator...I though An Keh was the
>Cav site where the Golf Course was (as well as the Cav patch painted on
>the hill) what say a man whose mother-in-law dog may have caused a
>nervous tic

There wasn't *really* a golf course; it was a decoy golf course like
the fake airfields they'd build in England during WWII with the
aircraft painted on canvas on the ground. The idea was to confuse the
Russian satellites monitoring from orbit.

The big First Cav patch was there to communicate with space aliens.


Armenian War Library

Aug 23, 2016, 3:28:20 PM8/23/16
you've been cleared to disclose that information? the 9th green was
big enough you could park a Chinook in...well a dozen or so with a few
Cranes sprinkled in for good measure. tinker toys all over the place.
the hill/mountain with the patch on it was demolished I think to make
gravel after the south caved in. I've heard that Tropo Hill in Pleiku
was leveled for agricultural purposes but more like to remove any hint
of what was the largest Tropo Scatter site in the world at the time.
my radio put out 1000 watts. the big boys were like 100Kw. I may not
have had any offspring due to us playing volley ball underneath one of
the feedhorns. I mean who's gonna pay attention to those silly Warning
Radiation signs???

Apr 19, 2020, 1:54:54 PM4/19/20
On Friday, May 28, 1999 at 3:00:00 AM UTC-4, Marvin wrote:
> Nice list of LZs - anybody have details on a few others - Ranch, Bronco, and
> Corral in Cambodia, Green and Ramada in Vietnam?

I was on Ranch when it was overrun. Also on Corral and Bronco. Prior, in Vietnam, Compton, Green, Francis, then Ramanda. Many photos of Ranch with first person accounts of it being hit are on my website, Medic in the Green

Marc "Doc" Levy
Delta 1/7 '70

Aug 6, 2020, 2:36:41 AM8/6/20
> > > LZ Siberia AT901232 West of Tam Ky? 35 miles northwest of Chu Lai.
> > > Overlooked the resettlement village for Hiep Duc. AT901232 or
> > > AT903232. (Div Arty ORLL AT903232) (Newly opened and used April 19,
> > > 1969 per artillery ORL) 1, 2
> > > LZ Siberia AT901232 4
> > > LZ Siberia AT903232 West of Tam Ky? 35 miles northwest of Chu Lai.
> > > Overlooked the resettlement village for Hiep Duc. AT901232 or
> > > AT903232. (Div Arty ORLL AT903232) (Newly opened and used April 19,
> > > 1969 per artillery ORL) 1, 2
> >
> > > LZ West AT990251 Was 196th Brigade headquarters. Nineteen miles west
> > > of Tam Ky. (The mountain is known as the mountain of leeches to the
> > > Vietnamese). LZ Karen was just the next hill west of LZ West. 1, 2
> > > LZ West AT990251 To the south was the Song Chang River. In the
> > > valley to the north was the Song Lau River and the Old French Road. To
> > > the east was the Nui Lon Mountain. AT990251/990250 (Div Arty ORLL
> > > AT988249) (Fred Hill Oper report AT990250) 1, 2
> >
> > The above is not exact but it was 4/31, 196th LIB BN HQ!
> > Hit on more times than an unattached woman at a Marine Corps Ball!
> >
> > JoeDoc :-)

Hi, Did you ever get around to creating that website for your VN photos???

Aug 6, 2020, 2:39:22 AM8/6/20
One not on the list is LZ Bayonet, near Chu Lai.

Colonel Edmund J. Burke

Aug 6, 2020, 2:18:07 PM8/6/20
Stoopid asshole!
And fuck yer landing zones.

Gilbert M

Feb 10, 2022, 1:05:09 AM2/10/22
Someone was asking about LZ Oconnor. In 68 it had been abandonned the location was just west of LZ West aka hill 245
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