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Mar 11, 2014, 12:20:41 PM3/11/14
Sábado, 08 de Marzo, 2014 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)

CEDEMOS A JESÚS A FALLECIDOS Y HERIDOS EN ACCIDENTES: Nuestro amor, condolencias y oraciones son para las familias de las víctimas que desaparecieron súbitamente en terribles accidentes, de las carreteras nacionales del Ecuador, como en Machala, Portoviejo, Loja, Catacocha, y Salinas. Nuestro Padre celestial los recibió en su gloria eterna del reino de los cielos, porque para esto mando a su Hijo Jesucristo al mundo, para que no solamente naciese santo del vientre virgen de la hija de David, para entrar en la vida de todo hombre con su misma vida eterna, sino que también murió por ellos para llevárselos al paraíso.

Y nuestro Señor Jesucristo se los llevó al cielo, porque sólo él vivió la vida santísima de cada uno de ellos delante de nuestro Padre celestial, para que ya no sean vistos con el cuerpo pecador y rebelde de Adán y Eva, sino con su mismo cuerpo santísimo, para que sean santos para siempre en la eternidad venidera del más allá. Insuperablemente, nuestro Señor Jesucristo tiene derecho a la vida de cada uno de ellos, porque los compró con su misma sangre santísima, la cual derramó sobre los árboles cruzados de Adán y Eva sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén, para que sean infinitamente purificados de todo mal eterno y así puedan al fin ascender a la vida virgen del reino angelical.

Su sangre santísima pagó completamente por sus pecados, para que ya no tengan que morir más para el infierno, sino que asciendan a su vida santísima que tiene cada uno de ellos reservada delante de nuestro Padre celestial; porque todos los que mueren en la tierra regresan a su lugar eterno del paraíso, para vivir para Dios perpetuamente, y sin pecado. Visto que, del paraíso descendieron inicialmente con Adán y Eva por culpa del pecado y de la rebelión hacia el fruto de la vida eterna, así pues al paraíso tienen que regresar en sus últimos días de vida en la tierra, por medio de la misma fruta de vida eterna, y ésta es la vida santísima de nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo.

Por eso, nuestro Señor Jesucristo les enseñaba a cada uno de sus discípulos por todo Israel que sólo él es el camino, la verdad, y la vida para regresar a nuestro Padre celestial que está en el cielo; y sin él, nadie jamás podrá acercarse a su Dios y Padre celestial, ni mucho menos verlo tal cual como él es infinitamente. Además, nuestro Señor Jesucristo tiene derecho a bendecir la vida de cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de todas las familias de las naciones, porque con su cuerpo santísimo clavado a los árboles secos y muertos de Adán y Eva (nuestros padres originales) sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén, pagó con su vida por el rescate justo de sus almas eternas.

Y nuestro Señor Jesucristo hizo ésta gran misericordia y acto de amor por todos nosotros, porque no solamente él es nuestro sumo sacerdote y Cordero con la sangre bendita de nuestra única redención, sino porque nos ama desde siempre, y esto es desde mucho antes que naciésemos en la imagen de nuestro Padre celestial para vivir conforme a su semejanza celestial perpetuamente. Sin duda, nuestro Señor Jesucristo es nuestro único sumo sacerdote y Cordero con la sangre santísima que nos limpia de todo pecado a cada hora, para presentarnos delante de nuestro Padre celestial cada día de nuestras vidas por toda la tierra, como si jamás hubiésemos conocido el pecado y la rebelión, sino solamente su amor infinito hacia nosotros, en su Hijo Jesucristo.

Y nuestro Señor Jesucristo nos enseñó que sólo él es el camino, la verdad y la vida en la tierra y así también en el cielo para siempre, porque únicamente él es la puerta para entrar en la presencia santísima de nuestro Padre celestial, libre del pecado y de toda rebelión, como las que Adán y Eva cometieron en el paraíso. Por ello, Jesucristo nos espera siempre a la entrada del Tabernáculo (para reunirnos), donde están la cortina de azul (el cielo), púrpura (el vino) y carmesí (la sangre redentora), adentrándonos hacia el lugar santo, donde está la lámpara de oro con sus nueve candelas encendidas continuamente, y al norte de éste mismo cuarto santo está la mesa con los panes de la presencia.

Y pasando por éste cuarto santo, y por otra cortina de azul, púrpura y carmesí, entonces estamos entrando al Lugar Santísimo, en donde están los querubines levitando con sus alas extendidas y sus caras de frente, mirando siempre hacia abajo, sobre la Silla de la Misericordia sentada sobre el Arca del testimonio de la vida santísima de nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo. Y dentro de ésta Arca del testimonio de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, están las dos tablas originales que Jesucristo escribió con su mismo dedo su vida gloriosa de los Diez Mandamientos, para vivirla perpetuamente en la tierra así como la vive en el cielo y, además, está la vara de Aarón con la Jarra de oro del maná del desierto del Sinaí.

Y es aquí, en donde nuestro Padre celestial conoció a Moisés cara a cara, como había conocido inicialmente a Isaac, porque Isaac nació por el Espíritu Santo del vientre estéril de su madre Sarah, consiguientemente, Isaac fue santo y perfecto cuando se presentó delante de nuestro Padre celestial alrededor de la Silla de la Misericordia, en el Lugar Santísimo del cielo. Además, nuestro Padre celestial no solamente conoció cara a cara a Isaac dentro del Tabernáculo de Reunión y del Lugar Santísimo (porque Isaac nació milagrosamente por el Espíritu Santo), sino que también conoció a Abraham, Jacobo, Moisés y a millares más a través de los años (porque todos ellos renacieron milagrosamente del Espíritu Santo en sus días de vida por la tierra).

Y nuestro Padre celestial requería de cada uno de ellos que fuese nacido del poder del Espíritu Santo, a través de la oración y de participar de la Mesa del Señor, al comer del pan y vino de la mano de su Hijo Jesucristo, porque ellos tenían que ser tan santos y tan perfectos como él siempre lo es para siempre. Así pues, nuestro Padre celestial es para con cada uno de todos los hombres, mujeres, niños y niñas de todas las familias de las naciones, para que se acerquen cada día a la entrada del Tabernáculo de Reunión del Lugar Santísimo, porque nuestro Señor Jesucristo es nuestro sumo sacerdote y Cordero con la sangre santísima que nos hace perfectos y santos.

Y al hacernos nuestro Señor Jesucristo perfectos y santos como nuestro Padre celestial es infinitamente, por los poderes de su sangre santísima y del Espíritu Santo, entonces podemos pasar del lugar santo al Lugar Santísimo, donde nuestro Padre celestial nos espera junto a los querubines y a la Silla de la Misericordia, para hablar con nosotros de todo lo que deseemos. Puesto que, éste es el lugar en donde nosotros tenemos que encontrarnos con nuestro Padre celestial en estos días en el Lugar Santísimo del reino de los cielos, para que nos bendiga grandemente con su gran amor imperecedero y con su Espíritu Santo que siempre ha sentido por cada uno de todos nosotros a través de los tiempos y hasta siempre.

Aquí, en el Lugar Santísimo del Tabernáculo de Reunión del cielo, nuestro Padre celestial nos recibe con todo el amor santísimo de su corazón glorioso, para que empecemos a vivir esa vida grandiosa por la cual nos engendró inicialmente en el reino angelical, para que vivamos por siempre conforme a su semejanza celestial con él y con todas sus huestes angelicales. En estos momentos, nuestro Padre celestial aguarda por ti, para que te acerques a él junto con los tuyos, para que sus vidas sean ricamente bendecidas por su palabra santísima, la cual es Espíritu Santo y verdad en la vida de cada uno de todos nosotros, para que nuestros pasos sean desde ahora en adelante hacia las riquezas de la vida eterna.

Ven, acércate a tu Dios que espera por ti, para que te acerques a él confiando, así como se acercó Moisés (un hombre que no era ni religioso, ni menos sacerdote, sino que fue un hombre como los demás de todas las familias de las naciones), y Jesucristo lo llevó al Padre para que converse con él, en perfecta santidad eterna. Ciertamente, nuestro Padre celestial nos ha dado el Tabernáculo de Reunión con el Lugar Santísimo en el desierto del Sinaí por más de cuarenta años, para que nosotros, empezando por Israel, aprendamos no solamente como funciona cada día para entregarnos perfecta santidad eterna a cada uno de todos nosotros, sino también para enseñarnos la fe copiosa de todos sus ángeles santísimos.

Porque éste Tabernáculo de Reunión con el Lugar Santísimo que nuestro Padre celestial entregó a Moisés y a Israel en el desierto del Sinaí, fue por los poderes asombrosos del Espíritu Santo, para que Israel aprendiese como funciona cada día en el cielo, para que los ángeles reciban su porción de perfecta santidad para el servicio santo a su nombre bendito. Visto que, fue nuestro Padre celestial quien le dijo a Abraham inicialmente: Se perfecto y santo así como yo soy perfecto y santo, en la tierra para con todo hombre y en el cielo para con todos los ángeles.

Entonces, si nuestro Padre celestial le dijo a Abraham, por ejemplo: se perfecto y santo, porque yo soy perfecto y santo, pues entonces él mismo tenia que darle la fuente en donde el hombre puede adquirir ésta gran perfección y santidad para ser tan perfecto y tan santo como sólo él es en la tierra y así en el cielo perpetuamente. Por eso, nuestro Padre celestial invitó a Abraham y a sus amigos a sentarse con él a la Mesa, para comer del pan y vino de su Hijo Jesucristo, para saciar su hambre y sed y así reciban abundantemente de la perfección y de la santidad que él siempre requiere de cada uno de ellos, para ascender al Lugar Santísimo del cielo.

Y ésta Mesa del Señor servida con el pan y el vino de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, nuestro Padre celestial se la entregó a Abraham y a sus amistades y a sus hijos también para generaciones venideras, para que siempre sacien el hambre y la sed de sus almas vivientes al comer cada día de la vida santísima de su Hijo Jesucristo. Por eso, nuestro Padre celestial hizo que el Tabernáculo de Reunión del Lugar Santísimo, el cual Moisés visitó por cuarenta días y cuarenta noches sobre el Monte Sinaí, entonces naciese en el desierto por el Espíritu Santo que le había dado vida al vientre muerto de Sarah para que naciese Isaac, para que entonces en la tierra empiece una nueva vida sin fin.

Dado que, era la voluntad de nuestro Padre celestial que no solamente Israel aprendiese cómo es que cada ángel en el cielo recibe diariamente su perfecta santidad, para servirle a él y a su nombre santísimo, sino que también él mismo quería que cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña reciba igualmente del cielo su porción de santidad cotidiana en toda la tierra. Por cuanto, así como los ángeles reciben diariamente de la santidad perfecta de Jesucristo, cuando él ministra los rituales y ceremonias de santidad intachable delante de nuestro Padre celestial y de la Silla de la Misericordia del Lugar Santísimo, entonces él también desea que toda persona reciba su santidad sin defecto progresivamente para servirle a él y a su nombre bendito.

Es decir, que la misma santidad perfecta que nuestro Señor Jesucristo les entrega a cada ángel, arcángel, querubín, serafín y demás seres muy santos del reino angelical, entonces él también nos ha dado la misma fuente de ésta santidad intachable del Lugar Santísimo del cielo, para que vivamos para él desde ya, infinitamente santos, para amarle y para servirle por siempre. Hoy, nuestro amor, oraciones y condolencias están por cada una de nuestras familias ecuatorianas que han sufrido la perdida inesperada de sus amados, en las carreteras de nuestros pueblos y de nuestras ciudades, para que estos males terribles no les vuelvan a suceder a nadie, sino que sigan por el camino milagroso de cada día de Jesucristo hacia las riquezas celestiales.

Que nuestro Padre celestial los bendiga grandemente en estos mismos momentos, concediéndoles las peticiones que cada uno de ustedes tenga delante de él y de la Silla de la Misericordia, del Lugar Santísimo del reino del reino angelical, en el nombre de su Hijo Jesucristo, para que les envíe ya abundatemente la repuesta adecuada y generosa por medio de su Espíritu Santo. ¡Amén!


I will meet you there, over the Arc-of the Mercy Seat, where the Cherubs are facing each other and hovering over the Arc of the Covenant that holds the two-stone tablets of the Ten Commandments, Aaron's staff and the Golden Jar of the portion of the manna from the Sinai's desert that the Israelites ate each day for forty years. There, at the Mercy Seat, over the Arc of the Covenant, I will meet every Israelite man, woman and child, including the aliens living in your midst, so I may speak to them face-to-face concerning anything that they may desire to present to me thus to receive my blessings.

This is the Tabernacle of Reunion that our heavenly Father had allowed Moses to ascend Mount Sinai, so he may not only speak face-to-face with His anointed Son, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach (Jesus Christ), as His personal high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood to erase sin, but also as the permanent door into the Holy of Holiest in heaven. Our heavenly Father had allowed Moses to meet His Son Jesus Christ regularly over Mount Sinai's summit, because he alone is the supreme celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood shed since Creation day for the angels in heaven, and for humankind on earth, so they may find the necessary perfect holiness worthy to enter into His holy presence anytime of the day in heaven.

For our heavenly Father had in mind to allow also Moses with our Lord Jesus Christ to enter into the entrance of the Tabernacle of the Holy of Holiest, so he may go through the curtain of blue, purple and scarlet yarn leading into the holy place. This holy room holds the Golden Lamp Stand with the nine lights burning all the time on the south side of the room, and the table with the Bread of the Presence sitting on the north side of the room leading into the Most Holy Place through another curtain of blue, purple and scarlet yarn.

This second room is the Most Holy Place, where the two cherubs are facing each other with their eyes looking always with great admiration and amazement over the Arc-of the atonement hovering over the Arc of the Covenant that holds the testimony of the glorious sacrificed life of His blessed Son Jesus Christ. It is here where our heavenly Father needed to meet Moses first with our Lord Jesus Christ standing next to him, as his personal high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood that had washed him clean from all earth's impurities thus to be found worthy immediately by the Holy Spirit's powerful insight, to stand pure-and-holy in our heavenly Father's holy presence.

Moreover, our heavenly Father had Moses with our Lord Jesus Christ walking all over heaven's glory, especial within the Holy of Holiest of the Tabernacle of Reunion, because He needed it to be born within the midst of Abraham's children, by the power of the Holy Spirit in the Sinai's desert, so Israel may learn faith to serve Him into eternity. For this is the faith from the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest that the angels have learned through the years thus to gain perfect holiness from time to time, but also learn to love, serve and glorify our heavenly Father every day of their entire angelic-life in heaven's glory, since the day of their individual creation, by the power of His word.

For this is the home-sweet-home not only of our Lord Jesus Christ as our personal high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood to atone for sin, but also our heavenly Father's perfect home where He can truly enjoy perfect holiness every moment of His very holy life, as angels and every man, woman and child may approach Him in perfect holiness. For this is the holy place of the Most Holy Place on earth these days and in heaven as well forever into all eternity, for every man, woman and child, just as it has always been for the angels, since the day of their individual creation, so they may live in perfect peace with our heavenly Father in heaven's eternal glory.

Therefore, this is a Very Holy Place within the Holy of Holiest in heaven's glory, where every creature most meet our heavenly Father through the supreme celestial sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed since Creation day to create heaven and earth with all things, including every man, woman and child to this day. That is to say, also that every angel, archangel, seraph, cherub and other creatures from heaven above have had to go through the entrance of the Tabernacle of Reunion with our Lord Jesus Christ meeting them there with his sacred-body and atoning-blood to go through the curtain of blue, purple and scarlet yarn ready to enter into the Most Holy Place.

That is why, that our Lord Jesus Christ taught every one within Israel that he alone is the way, truth and life into heaven's glory, and that no one can see our heavenly Father within the Holy of Holiest, of the Tabernacle of Reunion, except is through him only, because he alone is the sacred-body and the atoning-blood that pleases justice everlastingly. That is to say, also that our Lord Jesus Christ taught to every one within Israel that no one will ever see our heavenly Father within the Holy of Holiest, of the Tabernacle of Reunion, in heaven's glory, except they believe within their hearts for justice to confess with their lips for salvation that he is Jesus Christ, God's Son forever.

And the reason that you must believe within your heart for justice to confess with your lips for salvation that Jesus Christ is God's Son, it will be because he was born by the Holy Spirit through David's virgin daughter thus to fulfill Isaac's prophesy, as he was born initially from his mother Sarah's barren-womb by the same Holy Spirit's amazing salvation-power. Therefore, if you believe within your heart for justice to confess with your lips for salvation the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, then you are believing and confessing the Holy Spirit's amazing salvation-powers that gave birth initially to Isaac through a barren-womb then to our Lord Jesus Christ through a virgin womb, so we may have eternal life these days.

That is to say, also that every time you enter through the entrance of the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest, then you are entering into the holy room through the curtain of blue, purple and scarlet yarn that leads into the Holy of Holiest, where our heavenly Father is waiting for you, because of the Holy Spirit's power that granted you faith initially. For this is the faith that Abraham was called by our heavenly Father to believe within his heart for justice to confess with his lips for salvation His Son Jesus Christ, who was waiting for him already to return from the battlefield with his people and the goods recovered, to receive the tenth that belong to our Father, in the Most Holy Place.

Divinely, because Abraham gave the tenth of the goods that he had recovered from the battlefield, because he had to defeat his enemies that had ransacked his hometown taking with them all the goods along with his people, then, he had to go after them with three-hundred of his men to recovered everything that belong to him with our heavenly Father's divine-help. Immediately, our heavenly Father invited him with his friends to sit with Him at the Lord's Table served daily by His Son Jesus Christ, so they may eat bread and wine together to welcome a new life born through the Holy Spirit's seed, leading peoples from all the nations into heaven's glory, by only believing in His Holy Spirit's born Son.

For our heavenly Father's Covenant of Life with Abraham and his friends from everywhere is to eat first from His Son's bread and wine over the Lord's Table, so a newly born by the Holy Spirit's seed Isaac may be embraced by Abraham wife Sarah's barren-womb, and later His Son Jesus Christ born by the seed embraced by Israel's virgin daughter's womb. Inasmuch as, if Isaac is born by the powers of the Holy Spirit through his mother Sarah's barren-womb, then, our heavenly Father can confirm His promise to love and be faithful to Abraham and to Israel on earth and in heaven forever as well, since the birth of His Son Jesus Christ by the same Holy Spirit's powers was possible and well-timed.

Meaning also, that through this eternal Covenant of Life then every man, woman and child could be born again by the same seed of the Holy Spirit that gave birth initially to Isaac through his mother Sarah's barren-womb, finally to grant us His Son Jesus Christ as our divine-seed for eternal life on earth these days in heaven forever into eternity. Certainly, because Abraham obeyed our heavenly Father's words then his son Isaac was born initially from his wife Sarah's barren-womb later to grant us the perfect seed of eternal life within the Promised Land, our Lord Jesus Christ, so the moment that he is buried underground to destroy sin, immediately on the third day resurrected with everyone's eternal life forever.

This was the only way possible that our heavenly Father could truly destroy Satan's seed, sin, from every man, woman and child, so we may go into the Tabernacle's holy place leading into the Must Holy Place where He is waiting for us to stand before Him with His Son Jesus Christ, as our high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood. Therefore, it was important for Jesus Christ to be born on earth by the Holy Spirit through one of David's virgin daughter, so through her virgin womb then grant us not only eternal life but also the sacred-body, unbroken-bones and atoning-blood for each of our individual divine-bodies to live eternal life with our heavenly Father in heaven, always enjoying His amazing abundant-goodness.

Because, the sinful and rebellious body that each one has received by default from Adam and Eve, as we are born on earth from our mother's womb, then this awkward-body cannot ascend into Mount Sinai's summit much less enter into the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest as Moses did in his days, for example, because Satan's seed, sin, fails to exist in heaven's glory. Therefore, it was important for our heavenly Father to have His Son Jesus Christ born from David's virgin daughter through the Holy Spirit, so His Son may grant us the Holy Spirit of eternal life along with the sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones and atoning-blood to ascend into heaven's glory anyday now, so we may live with His holy angel in eternal peace and endless happiness.

Thereafter, it was our Lord Jesus Christ not only the door wide open for Moses to ascend Mount Sinai but also to enter through the entrance of the heavenly Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest, so he may stand before our heavenly Father within the Most Holy Place, where the Mercy Seat is with the Cherubs hovering over the Arc of the Covenant of Life. Furthermore, it was exactly here where Moses pleaded to our heavenly Father for the liberation of Israel from Egypt's captivity, because it was time for Israel to escape their eternal oppressors, since they had been there for more than four-hundred and thirty years, serving Pharaoh and his people, according to the words that our heavenly Father had manifested to Abraham initially.

Therefore, the time that Israel had to spend within Egypt serving Pharaoh and his people, it had been prophesied by our heavenly Father to Abraham in due time, so he may know how his children were going to suffer for many years before they could march on their way to possess the Promised Land thus to receive the King Messiah ultimately. Meaning also that although Israel had rejected His Son Jesus Christ as the King Messiah, high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood to atone for sins at the entrance of the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest above Mount Sinai's summit, and Jerusalem's holy hill, then the day will come eventually to receive him as what he truly is for them forever.

Moreover, every Israeli man, woman and child will eventually receive our heavenly Father's begotten Son Jesus Christ, because they will finally become reborn from the same Holy Spirit that gave birth initially to Isaac through his mother Sarah's barren-womb, and lastly the Holy Spirit gave birth to Jesus Christ through Israel's virgin daughter thus to enter into the Most Holy Place forever blessed. For the reason that, it is here that our heavenly Father has called Moses and every one of his brothers and daughters, including all the families of the nations, so they may stand with our Lord Jesus Christ's sacred-body, unbroken-bones and atoning-blood as holy and perfect as He will ever be eternally, so He may receive them as His legitimate children forever.

For the Tabernacle's Most Holy Place is our heavenly Father's heart in heaven with the angels and on earth with every man, woman and child from Israel and the nations as well, so they will meet Him there in the perfect holiness of His high priest and Chosen Lamb that washes them from sin to live right now forever blessed in heaven's glory. Certainly, our heavenly Father will meet every man, woman and child from Israel and the nations within the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest, because this is the heart of heaven's glory and for the nations on earth, starting with Israel, since it was within the Sinai's desert that our heavenly Father gave birth to the Tabernacle for Israel to possess it forever.

Now, the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest is in heaven's glory these days, and one of their own is ministering nonstop as high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood from David's lineage and from the tribe of Judah, so natives and aliens may enter through the entrance of the Tabernacle into the Most Holy Place to meet our Father in person right now. That is why, that our heavenly Father gave birth to the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest in the Sinai's desert for Israel to learn faith, as one of their own would go in and out from it just about anytime needing to enter into the Most Holy Place to speak to Jesus Christ and our heavenly Father, concerning anything, and this was Moses.

Meaning that, just as Moses could go in and out from the Tabernacle's Most Holy Place, because he had a need to speak to Jesus Christ and our Father in heaven concerning important issues, then, since the atoning-blood had been shed already since Creation day and lastly over Jerusalem's holy hill, today we may also enter freely into the Most Holy Place. That is, the call that our heavenly Father gave to Moses and to everyone within Israel was to live around the Tabernacle, by sitting three tribes to each side of its area, summoning the twelve tribes of Israel, then He was showing them how His Son Jesus Christ could meet them anytime at the entrance to enter into the Most Holy Place.

For it was important for our heavenly Father to have every Israelite tribe living right next to the Tabernacle (including aliens), so they may see how His Son Jesus Christ would meet every one approaching Him through the Holy of Holiest with the animal sacrificed lamb's atoning-blood, moreover let them feel the great love that He feels for them always. For the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest was not only our heavenly Father's heart living within Israel in the Sinai's desert but also the manifestation of His great love that He feels for every man, woman and child from Israel and the nations, because His Son Jesus Christ was always there to grant the perfect holiness that would bless their lives each day forever.

Therefore, every Israelite man, woman and child experienced every day of their lives within the Sinai's desert, the powerful unfailing love that our heavenly Father feels through His Son Jesus Christ's perfect righteousness and divine power for them, so they may learn that they need to love Him constantly through the rituals-and-ceremonies of perfect holiness within the Holy of Holiest in heaven. Meaning that, by our heavenly Father causing the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest to be born through the Holy Spirit from heaven's glory in to the Sinai's desert, then it was because He needed every child from Abraham lineage to learn love, truth and justice, so their faith may never fail in His Son Jesus Christ, as he ministers nonstop in heaven for their well-being.

Today, if you have not been to the Tabernacle of Reunion to live next to it, as the ancient Israelites did in the Sinai's desert, then, surely you have failed to enter through the entrance of the Tabernacle's holy place leading into the Most Holy Place, sadly you have failed again to learn love, truth and justice that leads to eternal life. You are still in the spirit of error that has nothing to offer you much less save you from Satan's hidden lies that come against you and your loved ones thick and fast to influence you, until you are destroyed completely, because you are not born yet from the Holy Spirit thriving daily within the Holy of Holiest in heaven's glory.

This means that to this day, since the day you were born from your mother's womb on earth, Satan has been attacking you left and right, and you never know from where the attacks are coming against you, because you are still living in the spirit of error that has nothing to do with the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest in heaven. Therefore, you must escape from this terrible spirit of error by being born again from the Holy Spirit of the commandments of our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ, so you may walk away from darkness and death into the light of eternal life that your heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit are compatible with forever in heaven's glory.

Certainly, that is why that sometimes you may find yourself fighting against something that you may fail to see within you, and this is sin, not the sin that you have committed in life initially but, instead this is Adam and Eve's sin that started in paradise, as they both failed to eat from the tree of life that is Jesus Christ. This is the spirit of error within you that you must escape from immediately, because it is Adam and Eve's sin living within you inner being, and no one can defeat it unless you call in the name that our heavenly Father has anointed and granted you to believe to have power against these evils, and this is Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Therefore, you must believe within your heart for justice to confess with your lips His Son Jesus Christ's powerful name, because our heavenly Father is the One that has given you this holy name, so Satan as he hears the sound from your lips of this very holy name then he has to abandon you immediately, as running away from you forever. And Satan with his cronies will run away from you with all his problems, difficulties, infirmities, curses and threats of death on earth and in hell's torment, because, it is our Lord Jesus Christ with his atoning-blood that has defeated him over Mount Sinai's summit and Jerusalem's holy hill, so he has no power to hurt you anymore forever into eternity.

Surely, as you believe within your heart for justice to confess with your lips our Lord Jesus Christ's anointed name, anointed initially in heaven's glory and within the Holy of Holiest's Mercy Seat by our heavenly Father, then, Satan with his cronies will have to flee from you, because he sees in you the power that defeated him already over the mountaintops. That is to say, also because you have received Jesus Christ within your heart, as your personal high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood, then new words will invade your inner being from heaven's glory that are only heard within the Holy of Holiest in our heavenly Father's holy presence that Satan has to bow low to them, and retreat forever.

Moreover, as Satan really leaves you then you will experience life as you have never thought that you will know it, because, anyone's life anywhere around the world without Satan is already a glorious life filled with love, peace and everlasting happiness everywhere, since his lies will fail to influence you thus to kill, to steal and to destroy you forever. However, you will become even more blessed and glorious, because Satan has no influence much less power over your life, for now, you are reborn from the Holy Spirit's powers, by the miracle to have received Jesus Christ within your heart as your personal savior, leading you constantly through life on earth and in heaven's glory always from victory to victory into infinity.

This will be possible within you these days, because this is our heavenly Father's Plan of Salvation or the Covenant of Life that He personally started with Abraham and his friends from everywhere at the Supper's Table, so you may become born again through the Holy Spirit into the life that you ought to live already on earth and in heaven, as well. Because, the purpose for you to become reborn on earth through the Holy Spirit's seed, first it is to fulfill our Father's Covenant of Life with Abraham and his friends, as they sat at the Lord's table to eat the bread and drink the wine from His Son Jesus Christ at Salem's gate, second it is for you to enter eternal life immediately.

Moreover, this power from heaven above to be reborn from the Holy Spirit, it is for you to have the power and right as God's legitimate child to enter through the entrance of the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest, passing through the curtain of blue, purple and scarlet yarn, into our heavenly Father's holy presence to speak to Him in person about anything. For it is here where our heavenly Father needs to meet you in person through the constant assistance and presence of His personal high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood that has already defeated sin, infirmities, conflicts, curses, viruses, Satan's lies, devils from everywhere, and hell's torment, so you may stand clean-and-pure, as if you have never known sin at all.

For this is the real you that our heavenly Father met initially in heaven's glory, as you were born through the Holy Spirit in His image to live according to His likeness everlastingly, before Satan's lies entered into Adam and Eve's heart to destroy them, as they were reborn in the spirit of error to defy God's Son Jesus Christ forever. That is why, that you need these days to enter into the Holy of Holiest to stand before our heavenly Father clean-and-pure without the sin and the spirit of error that annoys you day and night, since the day you were born on earth, and the only one that can make you that clean-and-liberated from Satan's seed, wickedness, is our Lord Jesus Christ.

Otherwise, without our Lord Jesus Christ living within your heart today, then you will never be able to have your sins removed much less escape from the spirit of error that is stopping you from ascending into heaven's glory to enter into the Holy of Holiest, where our heavenly Father is waiting for you this minute thus to embrace you forever. Furthermore, once you allow our heavenly Father to embrace you with all the power of His love within the Holy of Holiest in heaven's glory, then, you will never want to abandon Him again, because you will have no reason to leave Him, as Adam and Eve did in paradise, as they deceptively ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

In the presence of our heavenly Father, you will awaken to the true world from heaven above that loves you dearly, since the day you were born by the power of the Holy Spirit from our heavenly Father's image to live according to His likeness on earth these days and in heaven forever into everlasting, enjoying always the abundant goodness of eternal life. Meaning that, in the presence of our heavenly Father, you will cease to be Adam (or Eve) to become reborn through the Holy Spirit into His treasured Son Jesus Christ, so you will become the true person that you will never know in the spirit of error, terrible lies from Satan, and his cronies everywhere that are always seeking unceasingly your ruin.

That is to say, also that in our heavenly Father's holy presence, as our Lord Jesus Christ stands next to you as your high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood, then you will cease to be Adam (or Eve) to become His Son Jesus Christ from head to foot perfect and holy as ever, for this is the real you perpetually. For the reason that, the day you were born in our heavenly Father's image to live according to His likeness forever in heaven's glory, by the power of the Holy Spirit, then by believing within your heart for justice to confess with your lips for salvation His Son Jesus Christ, immediately you have entered perfect holiness that will never fail you.

Moreover, as you are born through the Holy Spirit, because you have believed within your heart for justice to confess with your lips for salvation his anointed name, then, Jesus Christ within your heart, and by the power of the Holy Spirit, will say divine words before our Father in heaven to receive you as His legitimate child within the Most Holy Place. Furthermore, you with our heavenly Father standing in perfect holiness within the Holy of Holiest, in heaven's glory, then, anything can happen, meaning that, our heavenly Father will have not only received you as His legitimate child forever, but also, He will do wonderful things with your life thus to bless others as your loved ones, neighbors, and friends from everywhere.

That is why, that our heavenly Father commanded the Holy Spirit to give birth to the Tabernacle of Reunion within the Sinai's desert, so Israel may learn love, truth, justice to live every day on earth filled (and centered) with their faith in their living Savior, our Lord Jesus Christ, since he is the one that blesses them lawfully always from heaven above. Moreover, our heavenly Father needed His Son Jesus Christ (or high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood from the Tabernacle of Reunion) to be born from the flesh, bones and blood of Abraham's children, but only through the Covenant of Life's powers, and this is the seed of the Holy Spirit that gave birth initially to Isaac through Sarah's barren-womb.

For our heavenly Father needed to establish eternal life within Israel, starting with David's lineage from the tribe of Judah, so His promise granted to Abraham as Isaac was born by the Holy Spirit through his mother Sarah's barren-womb, then His high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood destroying sin may be born timely by the same powers through a virgin womb. Therefore, it was important for our heavenly Father's high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood from the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest to enter into Israel's life, and that of the nations through the entrance of a virgin womb, from one of David's daughter, so his flesh may be sacred along with his bones and atoning-blood for everyone's salvation to be possible finally.

So, this divine-body that Israel's virgin daughter granted to the nations may live a blameless-life to fulfill-and-glorify the Holy Spirit of the commandments to ascend Jerusalem's holy hill to kill Satan's seed, sin, the angels of death, and hell's torment with his atoning-blood, so he may return to the Holy of Holiest in heaven's glory as high priest with everyone's life forever vindicated. This is exactly what our heavenly Father needed to have done within Israel by His Son Jesus Christ, as he was born through the Holy Spirit from David's virgin daughter to fulfill the Holy Spirit of the commandments to ascend Jerusalem's holy hill to destroy Satan's lies, and lastly return to the Holy of Holiest to pray nonstop for our forgiveness and well-being.

That is why, that these days we have someone born from our human flesh, bones, and blood to be our daily sacrifice of the atoning-blood at the entrance of the Tabernacle of Reunion thus to wash us clean from sin, so he may lead us into the Most Holy Place, where our heavenly Father is waiting anxiously to meet us in person. Certainly, it is here where you will change from the person that you are these days in the shape and form of Adam and Eve to become from head to foot into the persona of our living savior, Jesus Christ, filled with perfect holiness that pleases our heavenly Father every day of our new life in heaven's glory forever into eternity.

Therefore, this is the place that you need to be these days, and not the places that you usually frequent from time to time, because it is here where you will meet face-to-face our heavenly Father's amazing goodness to grant you the desires of your heart, so you may live a blessed life with your loved ones, and friends from everywhere. It is here where you must meet our heavenly Father through His Son Jesus Christ, because all the work that He has accomplished for you, since the day you were born through the Holy Spirit to become His image thus to live according to His likeness forever, then you need to receive your daily fill of blessings from heaven's glory right now.

Besides, our heavenly Father has arranged the Most Holy Place in heaven's glory ready to meet you, the sooner the better, because, He has so much to tell you and to do for you and for your loved ones, that you should never delay even a minute more to meet Him where He has sworn to meet you in person. For the Tabernacle's entrance (door) leading into the Most Holy Place in heaven's glory is the place where you will find an eternal begin in life, and that of your loved ones as well, that you will become filled with the Holy Spirit's glory only to know our heavenly Father's every day goodness raining up on you amazing richness into eternity.

For there is only goodness for you and for your loved ones, as you may walk into His holy presence with His Son Jesus Christ, as he is your high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood that washes you clean from impurities, so, that only perfect holiness may emanate from you into our heavenly Father's holy presence in heaven's eternal glories. Therefore, you can certainly meet our heavenly Father at the Most Holy Place in heaven's glory, where the Cherubs are facing each other with their eyes looking into the Mercy Seat hovering over the Covenant of the testimony of our Lord Jesus Christ's sacrificed life written in the two stone-tablets with the Golden Jar of manna, and Aaron's twig.

Here, you will stand as holy and perfect as our heavenly Father is forever into eternal heaven's glory, because Jesus Christ will be the one praying, interceding, and advocating always in your favor before our Father, so all the blessings, healings, prosperity, happiness, and the eternal goodness of salvation that rightfully belongs to you, then you will receive them without delay. At this amazing Most Holy Place in heaven's glory, Isaac walked in with our Lord Jesus Christ to speak to our heavenly Father face-to-face, just as Moses had to do the same in the days ahead, and many more through the years, too, because it is our Father's perfect will that we may speak to him anyday within the Holy of Holiest.

Here is where our heavenly Father would love to meet you during your present lifetime, because He has so much to tell you and do for you, including your loved ones and friends from everywhere as well, because He loves to expand the glory of His holy name on earth for humankind, and in heaven for His countless angelic hosts. Definitely, amazing things will take place within your inner being and entire life as well day-after-day, because our Lord Jesus Christ will be living within your heart along with the Holy Spirit to say divine words of prayers before our Father in heaven's glory that you could never say them, but he will faithfully for you, since he loves you everlastingly already.

Moreover, as our Lord Jesus Christ will say these wonderful prayers of intercession for you and for your loved ones through the Holy Spirit, then, amazing things will begin to take place in your life instantly, because, the Tabernacle of the Holy of Holiest will rain into your life blessings of power and miracles, enriching your life these days and forever into eternity. These are powerful miracles that rightfully belongs to you these days, so you may enjoy them with your loved ones, including your friends from everywhere, since our Lord Jesus Christ has done all the work necessary, as high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood, so all these blessings may inundate each day of your entire life with powerful and endless richness.

Presently, our heavenly Father wants you to know that you are extremely rich with His Son Jesus Christ living within your heart, so through the Holy Spirit he may say the prayers that you may need to have done timely in His holy presence thus to become the person that you ought to be on earth these days, and in heaven forever. That is why, that our Lord Jesus Christ taught his disciples everywhere that if they believe in him, for the salvation work that he had accomplished successfully within Israel, then, they will do the things that he has done, and even greater things they will do because he is returning to the Holy of Holiest in heaven's glory to mediate for people.

Today, our Lord Jesus Christ is back into the Most Holy Place in heaven's glory, since the third day he resurrected from the dead thus to glorify our Father's holy name within paradise and the entire angelic kingdom, so he may continue with his nonstop duties, as high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood to erase everyone's sin before our Father forever. Therefore, these days, do as Moses did, and this is that he saw from the distance our Lord Jesus Christ burning within the blazing bush outside the celestial Tabernacle, of the Holy of Holiest, and he ascended Mount Sinai's summit by the power of the Holy Spirit to speak to his living savior in person, so he may pray for him.

Then, as our Lord Jesus Christ saw him near him, immediately he said: Moses, remove your sandals, because the ground that you are standing is a place of holiness--this is the entrance into the Tabernacle's Most Holy Place to see our heavenly Father in person, and Moses obeyed to the voice of our Lord Jesus Christ, by removing his sandals instantly. After this initial meeting with Jesus Christ, as he confessed to Moses that he is the God of Righteousness for Abraham, the God of Righteousness for Isaac, and the God of Righteousness for Jacob, then he descended to let his brothers know what he had said to him about Abraham and his children--and that soon they were going to be liberated.

Then, as Moses returned to Mount Sinai's summit, because the Holy Spirit was taking him back to meet our Lord Jesus Christ again at the same holy place, immediately our heavenly Father decided that he was holy enough to enter through the entrance of the Tabernacle of Reunion into the Most Holy Place to meet Him in person. It is here where Moses became a powerful person in heaven before our heavenly Father and on earth before Israel and the nations, because he had stood within the Holy of Holiest to look at the Mercy Seat over the Arc of the testimony of Jesus Christ's sacrificed-life, so he may receive power from our heavenly Father to liberate Israel from captivity.

Moreover, it is here also where our heavenly Father is waiting for you right now, because He needs to see you face-to-face, so you may let Him know what you feel, and He will have the opportunity to tell you things that you have never dreamed yet that He will tell you with His words of love towards you and your family. This is a heavenly place that you must visit soon, so you may learn how to live from the giver of life, our heavenly Father, that not only has granted you to be born in His image but also granted you powers and especial rights to live according to His likeness on earth these days, and in heaven forever into eternity.

In our heavenly Father's holy presence within the Holy of Holiest, where the Cherubs are facing each other looking directly over the Mercy Seat sitting over the Arc of the testimony, you are not the person that you think you are, truthfully you are the person that our heavenly Father thinks you are forever, because of Jesus Christ living resurrected within you. You are better than what you think you are, because you were born initially in our heavenly Father's image by the Holy Spirit to live according to His likeness perpetually, furthermore because Jesus Christ was born within you by the Holy Spirit to live the commandments, and later died with your sins, finally resurrecting for you into our Father's holy presence forever justified.

Thus, the longer you stay away from Jesus Christ and his amazing Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest that is up and running with our Father waiting for you to enter through the curtain of blue, purple and scarlet yarn, so you may stand at the Mercy Seat over the Arc of the Covenant, then you are neglecting blessings that rightfully belongs to you. And we are talking about the celestial Tabernacle of Reunion with the Most Holy Place that Moses was allowed to visit by our heavenly Father, as our Lord Jesus Christ ministered to him as his personal high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood to enter into His very holy presence to speak to Him, for the first time.

This is the celestial Tabernacle of Reunion removed from heaven above by our heavenly Father's perfect will, so the Holy Spirit may transfer it miraculously into the Sinai's desert for Israel to live next to it for forty years to learn love, truth and justice that leads to the faith of perfect holiness that pleases our Father on earth and in heaven forever. These days, we have the celestial Tabernacle of Reunion back in its original place in heaven's glory with our Lord Jesus Christ running it, as our high priest day and night for the well-being of every man, woman and child within Israel and the nations thus to fulfill the Covenant of Life that our Father started initially with Abraham and his friends.

That is why, that you need to have the Tabernacle of the Most Holy Place in heaven's glory to be part of your every day life on earth these days, because, it will certainly be part of your every day eternal life in heaven's glory, so you may replenish constantly with the perfect holiness that pleases always our heavenly Father forever. That is to say, also that if you make the Tabernacle's Most Holy Place part of your every day life on earth these days, then wonderful things will rain upon your life thus to bless you and your loved ones, including your friends, so you may live a wonderful life never to know boundaries to stop you from growing beyond horizons.

You will be blessed finally as you never thought that you will ever be in your entire life, because, now the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest with Jesus Christ as your high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood to remove sin will be saying prayers by the Holy Spirit's powers, before our Father to enrich you every step into heaven's glory, and never-ending prosperity. These are wonderful moments that you will experience each day of your life, and Satan will try things to cause you to stop receiving those magnificent blessings into your life (and that of your loved ones, too), descending directly from the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest, because our heavenly Father is finally at peace with you forever, thanks to Jesus Christ's holiness in you.

Therefore, here is where our heavenly Father is at peace with you ready to heal you from illnesses (and your loved ones, too), because, now He can truly see you as His handiwork that He initially started with His Son Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit's powers, so you may become His image to live forever in His likeness in heaven's glory. These days, your home is the Most Holy Place within the celestial Tabernacle, because this is how our heavenly Father set up everything to be for you, since the day you were born in His image through the Holy Spirit's powers thus to live according to His likeness forever, but only through the amazing daily powers of the Most Holy Place in heaven.

Lawfully, our heavenly Father is calling you to know how you should enter through the entrance of the celestial Tabernacle of Reunion to receive the necessary holiness, by His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood to go through the holy place into the Most Holy Place to meet Him in person, so He may grant you powerful blessings to enjoy instantly with your loved ones. Today, nothing is stopping you from entering the Tabernacle of the Holy of Holiest to meet our Lord Jesus Christ, as your high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood to remove sins, so he may stand with you at the Cherubs looking with amazement at the Mercy Seat to see our heavenly Father speaking to you words of love from then on.

This is a glorious moment that your heart has always asked you to conquer, the pristine-life filled with endless daily richness satisfying your living soul, body and human spirit in this life and within the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest in heaven's glory, where our heavenly Father saw you in His image for the first time with His heart filled with endless joy. Surely, right now, our heavenly Father along with His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and every holy angel from heaven above is wishing within the Holy of Holiest and over the Arc-of the atonement that sits over the Arc of the covenant that you will be there soon, to become a new living creature heavenly bound forever for heaven's new glories.

Indeed, every one in heaven's glory wants to see you walking through into the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest, so you may stand where our heavenly Father has been wishing that you get there quickly thus to spark a new relationship between Him and you that will only grow heavenly bound to conquer new glories never seen much less conquered by holy angels yet. You, certainly, have a great life waiting within the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest, because our Lord Jesus Christ is your high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood to present you spotless before our heavenly Father, so He may embrace you with great confidence and show you the way that you will walk into eternity, filled with love, peace and endless happiness everlastingly.

Today, you may ask: is it really there a place for me, and for my loved ones, too? The answer is yes. There is a real place for you within the Holy of Holiest in heaven's glory, right now, with your name written on it all over it, and no one else can take it, except you. And our heavenly Father is waiting for you to occupy it right now, the sooner the better, because His joyful heart is excited, and beating very fast, too, because soon you will be there to speak to Him in person, and lastly He will place His arms around you, never to let you go away again far from Him. Amen!

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10

Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30

Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?


That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your ONLY WAY

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful new life with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday. Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship, fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in your prayers for me and my loved ones, for your prayers are very important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest too. I most add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in HEAVEN when you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you.

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