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Aug 30, 2009, 8:48:10 PM8/30/09

This global system is all the time getting stronger, now via a FED 'threat,'
the lifting of Swiss banking secrecy, and European 'bankers' who always do
as Rothschild's bank the BIS, the 'Tower of Basel' wishes. They all
slavishly bow to the money power, to Mammon. And the Mammon disciples are
the untouchables.

Henk Ruyssenaars

June 27th 2009 - The international bankers/financiers, united in
Rothschild's 'Bank for International Settlements,' the BIS, in Basel,
Switzerland, reinforced their global position again. The monetary control
and usury can go on as usual and as planned.

In case you don't know who decides what the rupees, dollars, euros, pesos
etc. you have in your pocket is worth, or why you pay usury prices for fuel,
food or energy etc. why not first read what US economist and lawyer Ellen
Brown had to say about Rothschild's "Tower of Basel"? Than you'll know who
decides what, where and why. And never believe it's your so called
government...* (link below)

Like all 'directors' and/or 'ministers' of Finance/Treasury from the at
least 55 'Central Banks' the BIS in the different countries runs, Benjamin
'Shalom' Bernanke is in Basel at least once a month to deliberate and get
new marching orders. On the BIS web site they state themselves: "The BIS is
the one and only "Central Bank to ALL central banks." That explains it all,
doesn't it?

And, look at the Board of this BIS bank for instance: there you'll find all
the criminals and war profiteers. Geithner, Greenspan, Paulson, Wolfowitz,
Zoellick and Ben Bernanke' etc. etc. again. Plus the BIS subservient and
treacherous 'bosses' of the 55 Central Banks and respective - also the EU -
ministries of finance this cartel runs. It's 'Crooks United' all over.*


Now, Bernanke, this Federal Reserve chairman and member of the board of the
BIS, threatens the US government with an economic collapse, if the privately
by the Rothschild banking mafia owned so called 'Federal Reserve' would be
audited. Something which never happened before, because the Fed's 'funny
money' system - and the US gov't too - is run by the international money
mafia, assisted by the BIS directors and its financiers. How would the
congress critters ever dare to ask anything like that from their masters? No
way! And they've never done it...

Editor Aaron Dykes wrote an article about Bernanke's so called 'threat' in
Infowars, Friday, June 26, 2009: "Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke
unleashed an alarming veiled threat of financial terrorism when he was
questioned by Rep. Duncan on Thursday about his response to the fact that a
majority of Congress co-sponsoring Ron Paul's H.R. 1207 bill to audit the
Federal Reserve.


Bernanke clearly regarded the bill's intent as hostile to the institution he
represents: "My concern about the legislation is that if the GAO is auditing
not only the operational aspects of the programs and the details of the
programs but making judgments about our policy decisions would effectively
be a takeover of policy by the Congress and a repudiation of the Federal
Reserve would be highly destructive to the stability of the financial
system, the Dollar and our national economic situation."

The brunt of Bernanke's statement is as crystal clear as a threat from a
common street thug: back off from the Fed, or the economy gets it. The
chairman clearly implies that any attempt to restore monetary powers
constitutionally granted to the Congress would be seen as a "takeover" and
that the defensive and "repudiated" Fed would respond destructively.

Of course Congress' constitutional power over money is enumerated in Article
I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution: "The Congress shall have power. To
coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the
standard of weights and measures." - Bernanke's open use of financial
terrorism in the face of Congress' blatant Constitutional authority is
absurd and despicable.

Greenspan, Bernanke and other Fed-related cronies have already bad-mouthed
the Dollar and signaled it's decline as the world's currency. So what else
is new?" - [end quote]*


Bernanke's 'threat' is the usual 'smoke and mirrors' for the US congress,
which the international financiers own too. This 'threat' is only to show
how mighty the criminal financial cartel is. The banksters already ordered -
via their own BIS/IMF - an 'audit' of the Federal Reserve, which they - by
the way - fully own too. It's all privately owned by some multinational BIS
banks. Dick Eastman wrote about this unique cover up:

"The IMF - where Paul Wolfowitz went after carrying out his assignment at
the Pentagon - is the Rothschild instrument to enforce its interests. They
are auditing the Fed to make sure that no policy and no action of the Fed or
the US government will result in any repudiation of debt owed to the
Rothshild's or in any way reduce the expected harvest of assets that the
international bankers are expecting from the US collapse." - [end quote]*


Many people know already that Rothschild's 'Bank for International
Settlements' is part of the New World Order agenda. Rothschild via the BIS
financed and started the European Union more than 50 years ago as the 'Coal
and Steel Community': "It has also served as the depository for the secured
loans of the European Coal and Steel Community and has exercised the
functions of agent for the European Monetary Cooperation Fund." A lot of
info about the monetary planning of the NWO's European Union is here: "The
Bank for International Settlements and the Federal Reserve" - by Charles J.
Siegman, who worked for the usurers.*

And than, to further connect the dots of the global machinations by the BIS
board, there was this 'EU summit' which was held again in Brussels, the
European headquarters of the BIS banksters. The EU is the by themselves paid
for and founded production and profit unit.* By the way, concerning their
'funny money': how the Euro billions fly out of the window, was described by
Christopher Booker who wrote in The Sunday Telegraph: "No One in the EU Can
Keep Books as Badly as the EU!"*


Anyhow: Peter Schwarz wrote for WSWS how the Europeans are totally
subservient and follow the BIS bank's orders: "European heads of government
bow to banks ' - For over a year leading European politicians promised to
regulate financial markets and rein in the activities of speculators in
order to prevent a repetition of the international financial crisis. Now
finally the mountain has moved and given birth to a mouse. The regulations
agreed by the European heads of state and government at their conference a
week ago in Brussels are even weaker than the noncommittal regulations
adopted by the US. Responsibility for the daily business of the European and
globally active banks is to remain in the hands of national supervisory

The regulations for the activities of banks and hedge funds are to be
intensified slightly, but in common with the US, Europe will continue to
permit the reckless and obscure speculation that unleashed the worldwide
financial crisis. Banks will be able to continue their trade in credit
derivatives, high risk credit default swaps, and other thoroughly
speculative finance packages. There will no authority to decide on precisely
what sort of financial activity should be allowed.

Above all the British government, which is anxious to preserve the status of
The City of London* as Europe's biggest financial centre, was opposed to any
meaningful new regulation. But the German and French governments were also
unwilling to confront the financial oligarchies in their own countries. Both
governments have awarded hundreds of billions in taxpayer money to help the
banks out of the crisis without taking action against a single financial
player responsible for the disaster.

In the course of this dispute the European Union and its institutions are
openly acting as the executive arm of Europe's most powerful financial
interests and in the process are making a mockery of existing democratic
conventions. Both tendencies characterised the summit in Brussels. While
specialists on the fifth floor of the EU council headquarters negotiated
regulations for the financial markets, which will become law as early as
this autumn, the heads of government were arguing two floors above over how
to push ahead with the Lisbon Treaty despite the fact that it has been voted
down by the Irish electorate.

While hostility to the European Union on the part of the European population
grows and becomes more open, EU governments seek ever more unscrupulously to
enforce their will against any opposition. In Ireland a second referendum on
the Lisbon Treaty will now be held at the beginning of October." - [end


And that's exactly the way the BIS usurers want it. Apart from that
debt/slavery aspect: the 495 million people in the 27 European countries in
the EU don't even know that the sly Lisbon Treaty reintroduces the
internationally condemned capital punishment too. For what the EU mafia in
Brussels decide are 'rioters' or similar.*

And than there was this small story from Radio Netherlands printed in
Expatica, about how the Dutch lose Swiss banking secrecy: "Action will aid
authorities in tax evasion investigations." they wrote, meaning: we'll get
the loot from the small embezzlers too... Not the big, real ones of
course...: "The Hague - Switzerland will cancel its banking secrecy
agreement with Dutch clients, announced deputy finance minister Jan Kees de
Jager on Thursday in an interview with the Reuters news agency. Authorities
will now be able to request information about Dutch account holders from
Swiss banks, making it easier to track down tax evaders.

Last Tuesday, De Jager signed a similar agreement with Belgium. The ministry
of finance has conducted negotiations with several other countries and tax
havens, among them Austria, the British Virgin Islands and the Cayman
Islands. Authorities estimated that foreign banks hold approximately EUR
seven billion on which Dutch tax has not been paid. Source: Radio
Netherlands / Expatica - Friday 26 June 2009*

And than, a fortnight ago, the Democratic Chairman of the Agriculture
Committee, Collin Peterson, announced to the press that "The banks run the
place," in reference to the US Congress. While Peterson is also pushing for
legislation to regulate derivatives trading, his proposed bill would limit
derivatives trading to public exchanges, rather than private clearinghouses,
which are managed by banks. Peterson's warning mirrors that of Democratic
Senator Dick Durbin, who just a few weeks before uttered the same rarely
acknowledged truth.


How simultaneously dangerous and ridiculous it is that the Federal Reserve
is given more authority to oversee the economy. This is the same privately
run entity that refused to comply with congressional demands for
transparency and disclose the destination of trillions dollars in bailout
funds. It is the same privately owned entity that has withheld internal
memos, in spite of freedom of information act requests. It is the same
private entity, run for the most part by European banking elites, that has
arrogantly refused to tell Senators and Congressmen which banks were in
receipt of government loans.

The government is ready to hand over everything to a monolithic private
corporation and a gaggle of bastard banker offspring, that have gobbled up
an amount close to the entire GDP of the country in taxpayers' money and
figuratively stuck the middle finger up regarding questions over where that
money has gone.

It can be no more apparent than at this time that legislation to audit,
repeal and eventually end the Federal Reserve, must be supported by
Americans if they want to see their children and their grandchildren grow up
without indentured debt and entrenched servitude to a fascistic marriage of
private banks and hugely inflated government." - and end] - Source:, 2009 - Url.:

Now, why don't more people connect the very visible dots and understand that
they are 'living' in one huge global corporation? That it all really is a
Matrix, an 'Animal Farm' as George Orwell wrote?

Look upon it like this for instance: the 'Coalition of the Killing' -
enforced with the racket's NATO - is the corporation's war machine. Doing
everything the Gods have forbidden to illegally get at other countries
resources. They kill and make billions of people suffer to get more profit
and power. This corporation never cares about human beings: a country and
its population is good as long as they are profitable.


And, directing the global monetary flow and loot from Rothschild's BIS are
the stealth banksters who rip off the world permanently. That is indeed the
'brain room': people in the loop know that the BIS is the financial
department of the global financial corporation. And it is difficult to
believe, but the humanoids, who get full control over all US money, like
Geithner, of the US Treasury, Summers, Ben 'Shalom' Bernanke of their own
Federal Reserve fraud, 'Heinrich' Kissinger, ex-Iraq & World Bank Wolfowitz
and the financial cartel's 'BIS bank' criminals: they all think and behave
as if they have greater immunity than a sovereign nation, are accountable to
no one, and they control and run global monetary affairs. It's one big firm,
and - as long as the collaborating and compliant propagandists don't speak
about it - they can keep the myth alive by owning most of the media. And
keep brainwashing and dumbing down the people.


The worst about this corporation is, that they never seem to get enough.
It's always more, more and more. The International Murderers Fund, IMF, now
again tries to get an extra $100 Billion in a stealth move, without any form
of congressional debate. Not that it would change much, but it's symbolic
for the corporations robbers. Mark Weissbrot had a story about this in

Many people the world over are finding out who the serial killers of
millions of human beings are. That it is Rothschild's BIS bank's usury and
global Ponzi schemes which for ages already control the world's monetary
flow and supply. All the time enriching the malignant money mafia through
the blood, sweat and tears of others. Turning the people's blood into the
crooks cartel's gold. As always killing for power and profit.*

The so called' Central Bank' directors and criminals like the 'ministers of
finance': they all know it is like this. They work together, even if they
deny doing so. The crooks want to go on living on the extorted taxes. Their
usury corporation is a parasite's paradise. And globally millions of people
suffer and die. And so will the US americans... Salv� Slave?

"US President James A. Madison warned: "History shows that the money
changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit and violent means
possible to maintain control over governments by controlling the money and
the issuance of it."


And President Thomas Jefferson once said "I sincerely believe that banking
establishments are more dangerous than standing armies; and that the
principle of spending money to be paid posterity under the name of funding,
is but swindling futurity on a large scale" and "The Central Bank is an
institution of the most deadly hostility existing against the principles and
form of our Constitution. I am an enemy to all banks, discounting bills or
notes for anything but coin. If the American people allow private banks to

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