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Could lightning flashes damage a camcorder ?

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Skybuck Flying

Apr 12, 2010, 3:25:42 AM4/12/10

I am thinking about purchasing/ordering an "expensive" camcorder... with
sound option too ! ;) :)

I might use it sometime to film a thunderstorm...

I am wondering if such "thunder flashes" might damage the camcorder ?

Like a human's eye staring into the sun for too long ?

Can a camcorder be damage by filming the sun as well ?

Currently I am reading the review of the latest and greatest "rave" ;) :):

This camcorder does have a little sound issue with the "build-in-fan" but it
doesn't seem to bad... ?!?
(If I do buy it I hope I won't regret... maybe a piece of paper can be
placed over the fan input air hole to temporarely reduce the noise ?;))

Also some people were complaining about some kind of "gravity lock"... can't
film in certain angles ? or rotations ?

I hope that it can at least point it towards the ground and the sky ?


Skybuck Flying

Apr 12, 2010, 3:52:20 AM4/12/10
I really like this part of the review:

According to the reviewer this cam has the best "sound" options... (5.1
digital dolby ! ;) :) and stereo) which is a little bit strange really
because it does have a fan... but then again the fan produces very low sound
! ;) :)

(The reviewer complains about DC input being inside the battery compartment
while an inconvience... maybe it also protects the camera from getting
damage if anything would be stuck in a DC input ?! ;))


Skybuck Flying

Apr 12, 2010, 3:57:56 AM4/12/10
This is an interesting feature too:

Time Lapse Record
You set a recording interval and the camcorder will capture one frame of
video each time this interval comes up. Interval options are 1 second, 10
seconds, 30 seconds, 1 minute, or 2 minutes. With this mode, thirty frames
make up one second of video and the maximum recordable time is 12 hours. We
like this feature, but it's really only useful for recording things like
sunrises, sunsets, or blooming flowers.

I can imagine if I set it to 1 second... then that could be used to try and
capture "ufo's" are people walking in and out.

One frame per second should be enough to capture something interesting if
it's out there ! ;)

Thus the recording time might be 30x times longer ?

So it could function like some kind of security camera or so ;) :)


Skybuck Flying

Apr 12, 2010, 4:19:15 AM4/12/10

The humming is very noticeable at the end of this video:

This goes to show that not all reviews can be trusted...

I don't think I am gonna like this buzzing and humming sound.

The fan is also a part that could fail and then what's gonna happen to the
camcorder ? :(


Skybuck Flying

Apr 12, 2010, 4:58:59 AM4/12/10
Me not liking the noise issue of the panasonic camcorder, I am now reading
the review of a canon camcorder...

So far it already seems a superior camcorder for just these two simple

1. Internal memory + 2 flash card readers/writers... if one fails then at
least other options should be available ?
However it could also be a sign of poor flash card reader/writer ?

2. It indicates how much recording time is available for different quality
settings depending on space available:

A neat feature which I saw on a very old device long long long time ago.

Great to see it now in new devices too ;)

Hopefully this camcorder doesn't have sound/noise issue's...

I am also hoping it does 1920x1080 progressively for two reasons:

1. First of all I want a camcorder which is ready for the future resolution
of 1920x1080 for awesome resolution/image quality ! ;)

2. Second of all I want it progressive so that still images/pauzes look good
and not jaggy like with interlaced crap ;) :)


Skybuck Flying

Apr 12, 2010, 5:16:52 AM4/12/10
Reviewer wonders why it is now more square and less round:

This reminds me of the apple one button mouse that was round...

It was difficult to know what way the mouse was facing...

The same could be true for camcorders... if they round... maybe the start
slipping and you start to record diagonal/rotated stuff.

Maybe a square camera is easier to hold steady/straight ?! ;)

(I do wonder if that big LCD might get in the way... but then again I could
watch the LCD instead during recording.. or it could be tucked inwards ?!)

(This camera has an optical zoom of 10x and a digital zoom up to 200x ? I am
kinda curious about that ;))


Skybuck Flying

Apr 12, 2010, 5:19:19 AM4/12/10
Something strange can be seen on that link though... the battery which is
not enclosed... looks like it could fall out below ?


Skybuck Flying

Apr 12, 2010, 5:23:38 AM4/12/10
Also I like the way the menu system looks... it looks much more user
friendly and better... than panasonics fragmented and weird icons and stuff
all over the place ?!?

I can see why apple users might like it ;) more colorfull and nice blue x to
close it or so ;) :)


Skybuck Flying

Apr 12, 2010, 5:31:03 AM4/12/10

Additional 5.1 recording mic could be purchased and attached to the build in
"shoe" ;) :)

So if I want 5.1 recording than that should be possible ;)


Skybuck Flying

Apr 12, 2010, 5:33:36 AM4/12/10
Hmm that's one big motherfucker of a 5.1 mic:

alternatively link if above doesn't work anymore:

I was afraid of that... it doesn't look cool.. it looks clunky... but maybe
it's better thay way for better recording... at least it's possible ;)

Skybuck ;) :)

Sylvia Else

Apr 12, 2010, 8:00:29 AM4/12/10
On 12/04/2010 5:25 PM, Skybuck Flying wrote:
> Hello,
> I am thinking about purchasing/ordering an "expensive" camcorder... with
> sound option too ! ;) :)
> I might use it sometime to film a thunderstorm...
> I am wondering if such "thunder flashes" might damage the camcorder ?

No unless you get struck by one while you're holding it.

> Like a human's eye staring into the sun for too long ?
> Can a camcorder be damage by filming the sun as well ?

More than likely. There's nothing subtle about the damage suffered by a
human eye from looking at the sun - it's the same effect as used by
small boys to kill ants by way of a magnifying glass.

The Apollo 12 astronauts destroyed their one and only TV camera by
pointing it at the sun, albeit unintentionally.



Apr 12, 2010, 8:14:16 AM4/12/10
Sylvia Else <> wrote:

>On 12/04/2010 5:25 PM, Skybuck Flying wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am thinking about purchasing/ordering an "expensive" camcorder... with
>> sound option too ! ;) :)
>> I might use it sometime to film a thunderstorm...
>> I am wondering if such "thunder flashes" might damage the camcorder ?
>No unless you get struck by one while you're holding it.

We should be so lucky.

Skybuck Flying

Apr 12, 2010, 8:57:04 AM4/12/10
Comparing these two video's:

Canon Vixia HF S21:

Panasonic HDC-TM700:

The panasonic is more colorfull but also more blury...

The canon is a bit dull but sharper...

I saw a very depressing s11 canon movie from a misty beach which scares me a
bit :)

I like colorfull images... but maybe the sharpness of the canon is
ultimately more important
when trying to catch details, and I think catching details is very important


I am now reading the full review of this canon model:


Skybuck Flying

Apr 12, 2010, 9:28:14 AM4/12/10
Hmm... this is quite surprising:

The canon seems to "rattle" which could be a real sound issue according to
the reviewer:

oh-oh !

Seems both camcorders not really good for sound purposes ?!


Skybuck Flying

Apr 12, 2010, 9:35:10 AM4/12/10
I have an idea for these camcorders:

The idea is:

"Use two batteries/slots".

Then the user can pull out the empty battery and continue with the full

Meanwhile the empty one can be charged... and then plugged in back later...

At least this would allow somewhat continous filming...

If a helper is nearby he/she could take care of it... and the filmer could
continue ;) :)


Skybuck Flying

Apr 12, 2010, 9:46:04 AM4/12/10
Hmm interesting question:

Can a thunder flash + a magnifieing glass actually burn an ant ? ;)

Skybuck :)

Sylvia Else

Apr 12, 2010, 9:47:58 AM4/12/10
On 12/04/2010 11:46 PM, Skybuck Flying wrote:
> Hmm interesting question:
> Can a thunder flash + a magnifieing glass actually burn an ant ? ;)



Skybuck Flying

Apr 12, 2010, 10:48:41 AM4/12/10
Well my final conclusion for now:

Most people's comments seem to be about the "low light" flaw of the canon
series... people definetly not happy about that.

Also the number of people argueing about which resolution and mode p/i is
better is pretty crazy... why formats and camera's cannot be more flexible
escapes me ;)

Both camera's seems to have sound issue's... though the canon only has the
sound issue when it rotates/moves/skews... according to the reviewer... if
not yet seen a video of it...

Video camera's are mostly about video though/ofcourse...

The sharpness of the canon is probably just slightly better... but the
colors could be far worse... according to the reviewer the canon is pretty
shitty with colors.

The noise/fan issue with the panasonic is annoying but only hearably on loud
volume settings... this means you can probably forget about recording music
concerts are things like that... the humm will be shitty.

The touch screen seems annoying...

I don't like the humm from the panasonic, and I don't like the low light
shit from the cannon... I will view some more video's... but I will probably
postpone a buy until these issue's are solved... or maybe I will just get a
cheap one so I don't have to worry about these issue's.. but I already have
a cheap/crappy video option on my digital camera... so I don't need another
crappy video camera ;) :) I want a good one.

Also the panasonic records 1080i in some weird format which is difficult if
not impossible to edit with todays software... that's also a major no-no.

Though my PC might not even be able to play 1920x1080 video... it requires
some real horse power to be able to play those video's smoothly. Though it
would still be nice
too have that option in a camera for my future pc.

The panasonic has a more stable zoom.

If I had to make a choice right now I would probably go for the panasonic...
it has longer battery life too... less storage space though... but that can
be solved by swapping flash in and out... shouldn't have to be a big
problem.... I wonder if the cannon can do "hot swap" (swapping flash cards
while it's recording ?) :)

I don't understand yet what a viewfinder is... and why it's usefull... the
reviewer was very found of it... to me it seems a bit weird but ok.

Also I haven't reviewed to cannon software that came with it yet... but
that's pretty much not a point if the camera is not so good.

However it could be that the review is a bit biased because it didn't
examine p24...

24 frames per second seems a bit low to me...

The panasonic also has 12 optical zoom and the cannon only 10x.

The panasonic has more pixel sensors inside it ?!?

The panasonic is even cheaper !

And has 5.1 digital mic... which is kinda interesting... but I wouldn't
expect to much from it... since it's tucked away...

The uncovered external mic hole in the cannon is worrieing... what if rain
fails in it... or a paper clip... or some metal dirt ?

It might damage the cannon... not a pleasent thought... the reviewer seemed
to be worried about that as well.

My ideal camcorder would do:

1. 1920x1200x60 fps (perfect match for my monitor ! ;):))
2. Good low light properties.
3. Good color properties.
4. Good sharpness.
5. Excellent motion sharpness... that's what I am buying it for after all...
I can take pictures/slideshows with my digital photo camera ;) :)
6. Good clean sound.
7. Nice grip.
8. Long battery life... (panasonic had longer battery life)
9. Lot's of storage space.
10. Hot swap would be a bonus.
11. Easy and meaningfull/clear to use menu's.
12. Good automatic mode.
(I am newb though... but some did mention "shutter" speed... faster shutter
speed might be less motion blur... but also more blockyness.. others said it
should be automatic... people want to pick up the camera and immediatly film
something so I agree with that mostly... but manually options can be nice as
13. Manually manual modes.
14. Nice look. (All black or black and silverish would be nice).
15. Should be resistent against dust, sand, water, wind, rain, filth, grass,
mud, dirt, hairs, and the usual junk in pockets ;) :)
16. Scratch resistent lens ?!?
17. Good zoom.
18. Stable zoom.
19. New recording formats if possible... potentially even custom made with
specifications available online... current video formats not that great and
even a bit shitty here and there.
20. Place custom software on flash card and loading it into the digital
camcorder might be a nice way to support new software/codecs without
requiring any rom flashes...
This way I might even be able to develop my own codec and try it out... that
would be great ! ;) :)
This would probably require some kind of general purpose processor and ram
to be present... and some operating system or hardware interface and/or

^ This is probably where current camcorders fall short... there are many
geeks out there who would like to be able to twiddle and fiddle with it...
just like linux geeks... :) Make them programmable and who knows... maybe
massive ammounts of geek attraction potential and ofcourse third party
software support which could become quite interesting...

So far I have seen one thing/device (?) mentioned which could do this:
"nanoflash" but it was damn expensive ?! like 3000 bucks... way too
(I think it was for cannon).

I will leave it at that for now... the cannon did have something which the
panasonic might not have ? the cannon had a flasher... nice for taking
photographs... the cannon was better at that... and it has a light for video
as well... the panasonic probably not ?

Maybe if the light of the cannon was turned on the low light situation might
have been better ??? But maybe this is a mute point ?


Skybuck Flying

Apr 12, 2010, 10:49:49 AM4/12/10

"Sylvia Else" <> wrote in message

How you know that ? You ever tried it ? ;) :)

See my youtube video of a thunderflash/strike here, it was quite powerfull !
;) :):

Skybuck =D

Skybuck Flying

Apr 12, 2010, 11:16:41 AM4/12/10
I knew this would a great feature for filming the sky... somebody has
actually done it... and there is a youtube video of it... it's pretty cool:

Strong selling argument for me ;) :)

Also all the video's from the panasonic seem beautifull while the cannon
video's seem like shit...

However maybe there is a newer panasonic model... I saw a 707 somewhere ?


"Skybuck Flying" <> wrote in message

Skybuck Flying

Apr 12, 2010, 11:27:17 AM4/12/10
Seeing all the great video's on youtube produced with the Panasonic TM 700
models has me convinced I want one ! ;) :)

(Though I should first investigate if even newer models are available maybe
a 707 ? ;) :))

Skybuck =D

Skybuck Flying

Apr 12, 2010, 11:29:49 AM4/12/10
Totally funny, looks like a lot of fun making these kinds of video's:

Makes me want one even more ! LOL.

Skybuck =D

Skybuck Flying

Apr 12, 2010, 11:50:28 AM4/12/10
Wow this guy is actually filming the sun with his brand new panasonic TM 700

Yeah that's what the time lapse feature could cause... ;)

Makes my question more urgent ! ;) :)


Skybuck Flying

Apr 12, 2010, 12:31:41 PM4/12/10
Hmm panasonic website mentions no 707, though some german shop seems to sell
something like that ?

The panasonic website also doesn't have a manual online for the 700 a bit of
a bummer... and no real warranty information...

Pixmania has it in store and offers 2 year warranty... plus extended
warranty possible.

There is a technical specification available... it mentions no flash card
included ?

Using the internal flash card sounds a bit dangerous to me... the internal
flash card could fall after many writes ?

I would like to use an external just in case ;)

Remaining question is what flash cards to buy ? ;)


Skybuck Flying

Apr 12, 2010, 12:33:34 PM4/12/10
Also there could be a difference between usa and europe version... I saw
that mentioned somewhere...

It seems USA version would use 60 fps and the Europe version would use 50
fps which would be odd ?!?

My monitor is 60 hz as far as I know... why would I want a 50 fps camcorder
?!??!?!? Weird...

The spec mentions 60p.


Skybuck Flying

Apr 12, 2010, 12:39:32 PM4/12/10
Hmm... pixmania seems to be having issue with supplieing large enough flash

Whatever link I click it shows 4 GB flash cards which is fucking nothing.

Even 32 GB is very low space.

I would prefer 2x1 TB flash cards so I don't have to worry about storage
space and can record multiple "movies" without even haveing to remove
anything for a while...
that's nice... extra storage space always welcome...

Maybe those 1 TB flash cards not compatible or two expensive ? hmm...

Maybe extra battery would be handy to... to immediatly be able to swap and
continue... I do not know how to load the battery... since no manual is
available... this is a bit worrieing ;) :)

I must make sure before hand that I will be statisfied and everything taken
care of ;) :)


Skybuck Flying

Apr 12, 2010, 12:50:57 PM4/12/10
Pixmania does sell the panasonic camcorders but not it's flash cards...
kinda bummer but assuming other cards compatible then maybe these will work:

They quite expensive too... 200+ euro bucks.

But the money I am saving by getting the panasonic can be spent on an
external 32 gb flash card.

Or maybe 2x 16 GB cards to spread the risk of damaging one a little bit.

Or maybe even 4x 8 GB cards to spread the risk even further... but then
recording might get shitty.

Though 8 GB should be enough for roughly 3 hours of full HD.

The battery life is roughly half that... so even with second battery... I
could then fully write it in roughly one go.

So maybe just two 8 GB cards necessary to save some money.

One for main use... one for backup ;)

Now I wonder if an extra battery can be purchased ;)


Skybuck Flying

Apr 12, 2010, 12:56:45 PM4/12/10

"Skybuck Flying" <> wrote in message

> Hmm... pixmania seems to be having issue with supplieing large enough
> flash cards...

Hmm that seems to be a different model... a cheaper one...

It's the SD 700...

The model I read a review about... was a bit more expensive... the TM 700...

Gotta watch out for that ! ;) :)

Skybuck =D

Skybuck Flying

Apr 12, 2010, 1:12:27 PM4/12/10
Though now I am getting second doubts... these panasonic 70x optical zoom
camera's seem kinda sexy too ! ;) =D

Hmmmmm... :)

And they much much cheaper... hmmm...

Skybuck ;) :)

Skybuck Flying

Apr 12, 2010, 1:27:13 PM4/12/10

"Skybuck Flying" <> wrote in message

Hmmm.. I have seen these camera's in the store on a plasma monitor which was
kinda crappy... the youtube video's also show kinda crappy video quality...

I wasn't too impressed with it when I was in the store... the video quality
not high enough...

Also the "flagship" model of panasonic does have pretty good zoom
capabilities... combined with the higher resolution it's ok... but probably
not as good of a zoom
as 70x... but 70x's is a bit pervy ;) :)

If one shows up with a camera with capital letters 70x printed on it... what
would the family think ?! "Oh my god you some kind of perv !"

Better hide such details ;) :)

If I really want to go "perv mode" or "ufo mode" I could purchase a seperate
one now or in the future if they ever get better ;) :)

Even if a cross-over neighbour would be flashing titties... viewing it in
low resolution is not much fun... though kinda juicy though ;) =D

Could get me in trouble too LOL.

I gotta ask myself one big question:

"Do I wanna be a perv ?"


"Do I wanna be an artist ?" ;) :)

The perv concept is having a strong pull on me ! LOL.

But for my situation I think the high resolution flagship model would
statisfy my perv needs as well... the street not that fair away... and the
cross-over neighbours not that far away...

So I am kinda stick with the flagship model/concept for my perv needs for
now ! ;) :)

Skybuck ;) =D

Skybuck Flying

Apr 12, 2010, 1:47:01 PM4/12/10
If you wanna by a "perv" mode camera... (70x zoom) then now is probably the
time to do so... I thought about it a little bit... and I can see these
camera's and this technology getting banned for "privacy reasons". ;)

For now I think "politics" has not catched up to this technology
situation... and maybe not enough cases of "mis-use" and "abuse"... but that
might change after some scandals or so ;) =D


Skybuck Flying

Apr 12, 2010, 2:00:36 PM4/12/10

Wow... I wonder how it would be like using one of those 70x camera's from an
airplane and then filming the ground ?! ;) :)

Maybe somebody has already done it... me go search youtube ;) :)

Skybuck ;) :)

Sjouke Burry

Apr 12, 2010, 4:35:29 PM4/12/10
Skybuck Flying wrote:
> Hello,
> I am thinking about purchasing/ordering an "expensive" camcorder... with
> sound option too ! ;) :)
> I might use it sometime to film a thunderstorm...
> I am wondering if such "thunder flashes" might damage the camcorder ?
> Like a human's eye staring into the sun for too long ?
> Can a camcorder be damage by filming the sun as well ?

I burned out a forward looking camera in an instrumented tourist bus.
The bus stopped at a traffic jam, with the sun just at the horizon,
and a black trace was burned right across the field of view.
The camera was still operational, but with an ugly smear across the

Robert Baer

Apr 12, 2010, 9:05:26 PM4/12/10
Skybuck Flying wrote:
> Hello,
> I am thinking about purchasing/ordering an "expensive" camcorder... with
> sound option too ! ;) :)
> I might use it sometime to film a thunderstorm...
> I am wondering if such "thunder flashes" might damage the camcorder ?
> Like a human's eye staring into the sun for too long ?
> Can a camcorder be damage by filming the sun as well ?
> Currently I am reading the review of the latest and greatest "rave" ;) :):
> This camcorder does have a little sound issue with the "build-in-fan" but it
> doesn't seem to bad... ?!?
> (If I do buy it I hope I won't regret... maybe a piece of paper can be
> placed over the fan input air hole to temporarely reduce the noise ?;))
> Also some people were complaining about some kind of "gravity lock"... can't
> film in certain angles ? or rotations ?
> I hope that it can at least point it towards the ground and the sky ?
> Bye,
> Skybuck.

"Mind flashes" from idiot Skybucks are far more dangerous than
anything else in nature!

Robert Baer

Apr 12, 2010, 9:06:51 PM4/12/10
But it may damage Skybuck's UNCLE...

Crash Lander

Apr 12, 2010, 8:50:30 PM4/12/10
Skybuck Flying wrote:

It'd have less chance than a lightening flash.
Crash Lander


Sylvia Else

Apr 12, 2010, 11:42:57 PM4/12/10
On 13/04/2010 12:49 AM, Skybuck Flying wrote:
> "Sylvia Else"<> wrote in message
> news:4bc3248e$0$15659$
>> On 12/04/2010 11:46 PM, Skybuck Flying wrote:
>>> Hmm interesting question:
>>> Can a thunder flash + a magnifieing glass actually burn an ant ? ;)
>> No.
> How you know that ? You ever tried it ? ;) :)

On theoretical grounds, by considering the energy that a magnifying
glass can capture from a lightening flash, which is bright, but brief.



Apr 13, 2010, 1:07:08 AM4/13/10
On Apr 12, 8:05 pm, Robert Baer <> wrote:
> Skybuck Flying wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I am thinking about purchasing/ordering an "expensive" camcorder... with
> > sound option too ! ;) :)
> > I might use it sometime to film a thunderstorm...
> > I am wondering if such "thunder flashes" might damage the camcorder ?
> > Like a human's eye staring into the sun for too long ?
> > Can a camcorder be damage by filming the sun as well ?
> > Currently I am reading the review of the latest and greatest "rave" ;) :):
> >

> > This camcorder does have a little sound issue with the "build-in-fan" but it
> > doesn't seem to bad... ?!?
> > (If I do buy it I hope I won't regret... maybe a piece of paper can be
> > placed over the fan input air hole to temporarely reduce the noise ?;))
> > Also some people were complaining about some kind of "gravity lock"... can't
> > film in certain angles ? or rotations ?
> > I hope that it can at least point it towards the ground and the sky ?
> > Bye,
> >   Skybuck.
>    "Mind flashes" from idiot Skybucks are far more dangerous than
> anything else in nature!

Have you got ADHD Skybuck?

Skybuck Flying

Apr 13, 2010, 4:47:15 AM4/13/10

"Greegor" <> wrote in message

LOL, Just because I am very active on usenet doesn't mean I have ADHD ! =D

skybuck ;) =D


Apr 14, 2010, 1:17:11 AM4/14/10

No 'e has "Troll With Insane Thoughtless Shit Excess Syndrome" (TWISTED).

Skybuck Flying

Apr 18, 2010, 7:22:06 AM4/18/10
If I do buy the panasonic tm 700 high resolution camera I think I will also
buy the 70x zoom camera... just to have fun with it too ! ;) :)

I still need to figure out what flash chips to buy... that's the hardest
part ?! ;) :)

And I am still not sure about the fan thingy... but I guess buy buying
another one without a fan at least I will have one decent noiseless-camera
?! ;)

Also I need to check out if there is already software available for
manipulating the high-res video's or if there are specs available to maybe
even develop my own.

If I remember correctly the panasonic has a down scale option to
automatically convert the high-res to low res...

Good thing I think about this... this means the flash cards might have to be
double as big/extra big to be able to do that on the flash card itself ! ;)

Skybuck =D

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