On Sun, 01 Oct 2023 20:09:56 -0400,
Go...@gonzo.com wrote:
> Sometimes text moves to the right side of a field.
> Running XP SP3, Eudora, and Agent 1.93.
> I have Hebrew, Arabic, and Russian alphabets enabled, the first two you
> know are written from right to left, but in an effort to stop this, I
> removed key sequences that were usable to change to those alphabets. (So
> now I don't know how to change to the right alphabet even when I want
> to.) (In Text Services and Input Languages, which comes from Regional
> and Language options, which comes from the Control Panel)
You need the little taskbar/tray icon which lets you change the
alphabet with the mouse, and which also shows you which alphabet
is active.
screen-shot: <
Here is how to get this:
1. When you are on the “Text Services and Input Languages” window,
click the button “Language Bar” and put a check-mark in the box
“Show the Language bar on the desktop.”
This will put a tiny window on the desktop.
2. You can minimize this window and it will minimize to between
the taskbar and the tray -- as shown in the screen-shot above.
> This occurs mostly or entirely in two programs, i) ForteAgent and only
> in the composition window, at the top, in the Newsgroups field or the
> Subject field. And ii) in Eudora, where all of the text in
> the body will sometimes become right justified, line by line, that is,
> not changing line breaks.
> I must have touched certain keys but I can't find the keys to get the
> text back to the left.
> Does anyone know what the problem is? Or how I stop it from happening
> and how I reverse it when it does happen?
If text is appearing at the right side of a field, I would suspect
you have a right-to-left alphabet activated. The language bar icon
will let you see this and change it if needed.
Also check out whether the Language bar has any additional settings
for right-to-left alphabets which could affect this. I can’t advise
here -- I do have more than one alphabet but none are right-to-left.
> (Please leave all 3 newsgroups so I don't have to read this thread in 3
> places.)
> (Other than this problem Agent is the most well-behaved program I have,
> never really doing anything it wasnt' designed to do (with one small
> exception) , and Eudora works very well too except for sometimes saying
> Not Responding (or something similar) when I have too many tabs open in
> Firefox.)
Kind regards
Ralph Fox