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alt.usenet.offline-reader.forte-agent.modified FAQ

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Jan 14, 2017, 5:32:38 PM1/14/17
Enhancing The Forté Agent News Reader
----- alt.usenet.offline-reader.forte-agent.modified Site v.01.01.2000 -----
----- alt.usenet.offline-reader.forte-agent.modified FAQ v.01.01.2000 -----
------ Index -------

----- links checked and updated as at 01.01.2017 -----
Please Check With your ISP's Acceptable Usage Policies before applying any information found within this Web Site. The following information and utilities contained on this site are for educational purposes only. The maintainer of this site, or the Administrators of the web space they are contained within are not responsible for your actions.

 1.0 Group History, existence, and why. A description of 
     § Original Reasoning
     § Current Reasoning 
 2.0 Parent Group information a.u.o-r.f-a.
     § History
     § Cross posting
     § a.u.o-r.f-a FAQ
 3.0 Questions NOT to ask in a.u.o-r.f-a.
 4.0 Other Questions that may come to mind.
     § Piracy
     § History
     § Binaries
 5.0 Tips and Tricks that "Regular People" do to their news readers.
     § Introduction.
     § Remove X-Newsreader.
     § Alter X-Newsreader.
     § Add X-PGP-ID.
     § Add X-PGP-Key-Fingerprint.
     § What is PGP and why would I add these headers.
     § Add X-URL.
     § Spoof Path.
     § Remove NNTP-POSTING HOST.
     § Spoof NNTP.
     § Spoof Message ID.
     § Using Existing header fields.
     § Lost Alterations.
     § Patches.
     § Tools.
     § Paranoia.
     § Remove Mime Headers.
     § TESTING YOUR Modification's. 
     § Advanced alterations and modifications.           
 6.0 Alternatives to pirating software.
     § Note on Registration
 7.0 History on Usenet headers, RFC1036.
 8.0 Third party integrated utilities, add-on's, and agent enhancements.
[[ a.u.o-r.f-a.m FAQ || Tools and utilities || Downloads ]]
----- alt.usenet.offline-reader.forte-agent.modified FAQ v.01.01.2000 -----
------ Sec 1.0 -------

 Group existence and why, a description of a.u.o-r.f-a.m

Original reason:
 Date: Sat, 02 Aug 1997 01:29:14 GMT
 alt.usenet.offline-reader.forte-agent.modified is formed to
 accommodate discussion help and support for users who wish to
 enhance their news reader.

 The intent to relieve alt.usenet.offline-reader.forte-agent
 of articles which may not be of interest to all it's users.

Current reason's:
 Users of all forms sometimes would like to add an additional header
 field to there news reader, a header field is something not seen in 
 the main message body. Agent has several fields available including 
 Control headers, yet some want more. Headers to display PGP 
 information, Group affiliation, Educational experience, etc.

 Forte does not condone these actions nor discredit the use of them
 (unless you mail in for support with the alterations)
 Forte has in the past added header field's to accommodate it's user
 base, X-No-Archive being a primary example, what better way to show
 them what the users want than implementing them ourselves!

----- alt.usenet.offline-reader.forte-agent.modified FAQ v.01.01.2000 -----
------ Sec 2.0 -------

  Parent Group information a.u.o-r.f-a

2.0 Q1) What is the parent group?
2.0 A1) alt.usenet.offline-reader.forte-agent

2.0 Q2) Who created the "parent group"?
2.0 A2) Usenet user(s) no one has ever claimed direct resonsibility.
2.0 A2 addendum) Supplied by Michael Levy.
        Created by Usenet user(s) who were fed up with the volume of
        [Free] Agent posts in alt.usenet.offline-reader back during 
        Nov '95 I believe. Now they have nothing to read ;-)

        It is not an official Forté group, they (Lance) just maintain
        a lurking presence and get involved if really needed...
        it is just a user group really!

2.0 Q3) Should I cross post into both groups?
2.0 A3) Generally NO! See Note below.

2.0 NOTE) This FAQ, pointers to this FAQ and discussion concerning 
          this FAQ may occasionally be found Cross posted to any
          combination of the following:

          If you find yourself moving into a thread which may contain 
          modification content please change the topic and direct it to 

2.0 Q4) Is there a FAQ for the "parent Group"
2.0 A4) There are at least three sources of FAQ information about
        Agent and Free Agent (each is a little different from the
        others, so check them all as needed):

2.0 A4.1) The Help files in the programs: Help * FAQ
2.0 A4.2) Forté's web site

          Be sure to read both "Frequently Asked Questions"
          and "Bugs and Enhancements"
2.0 A4.3)
          author: [William Guynes and Jeffrey Kaplan] [Also available by FTP at
          [& posted monthly in alt.usenet.offline-reader.forte-agent]
2.0 Q5) Should I refer to Agent FAQ first for Agent operational questions?
2.0 A5) YES.

2.0 Q6) What is an Agent operational Question?
2.0 A6) Questions generally pertaining to the basic operation of 
        [Free] Agent, it's installation and operating difficulties.
----- alt.usenet.offline-reader.forte-agent.modified FAQ v.01.01.2000 -----
------ Sec 3.0 -------

   Questions NOT to ask in a.u.o-r.f-a

3.0 Q1) What should I refrain from discussing in the "parent group"?
3.0 A1) You can generalize about what *NOT* to ask in a.u.o-r.f-a
        below are some examples.
3.0 A1.a) How Do I hack AGENT?
3.0 A1.b) How do I remove the x-newsreader header field?
3.0 A1.c) How do I add custom header fields?
3.0 A1.d) Where can I get a reg code?
3.0 A1.e) Will someone send me a registration key?
3.0 A1.f) I downloaded the latest bootleg beta, can I use it?
3.0 A1.!) You can generalize about what *NOT* to ask in a.u.o-r.f-a.
          However most users are kind enough to redirect you to a.u.o-r.f-a.m.

3.0 Q2) What is Fortés opinion on altering their code?
3.0 A2) As with most software developer's you can read the license
        agreement for an answer to this one!
----- alt.usenet.offline-reader.forte-agent.modified FAQ v.01.01.2000 -----
------ Sec 4.0 -------

 Other Questions that may come to mind

4.0 Q1) Can I get support for my stolen beta here?
4.0 A1) No..

4.0 Q2) I'm a registered user but I have a bootleg beta, is that OK?
4.0 A2) Most would think so, Some will not! Be discreet!

4.0 Q3) Is there a rivaly betwen the parent group and .modified?
4.0 A3.a) Not entirely but there have been moments and situations.
          We have our share of moments as well helping the parent group
          was half the basis for the creation ofa.u.o-r.f-a.m
          although the topics are considered advanced.
4.0 A3.b) There are many helpful users around a.u.o-r.f-a many who 
          participate regularly in a.u.o-r.f-a.m as well.

4.0 Q4) Who created this news group? 
4.0 A4) After deciding that a.u.p.a was not politically
        correct, And the users of a.u.o-r.f-a realizing that some 
        discussions were not completely relevant to all users or on 
        topic for a.u.o-r.f-a. A control message was sent by madhat
        to create the group imidiatly.

4.0 Q5) Who created the FAQ for this group?
4.0 A5) Various users of alt.usenet.offline-reader.forte-agent.modified.

4.0 Q6) Can I post binaries here?
4.0 A6) NO Absolutely not!
4.0 A6.a) Binaries posted to non binary groups cause many problems
4.0 A6.b) Binaries posted to non-binary groups can result in ISP's
          no longer supplying you with the group.
4.0 A6.c) Binaries posted to non binary groups
          attract unneeded attention
4.0 A6.d) Binaries posted to non binary groups
          attract cancel bot's and several unwanted threads.
4.0 A6.d.unwanted-thread.1) I've been censored
4.0 A6.d.unwanted-thread.2) Some net cop hates me
4.0 A6.d.unwanted-thread.3) mail bomb this a** hole
4.0 A6.d.unwanted-thread.summary) I think you get the idea.
4.0 A6-Summary) I Think you see the reasons outlined above,
       however if this is not enough of an explanation refer 
       to Usenet groups  news.admin.*

4.0 Q7) Should I report Spam and MMF that lands here?
4.0 A7.a) It's your call although considered a futile attempt these days.

----- alt.usenet.offline-reader.forte-agent.modified FAQ v.01.01.2000 -----
------ Sec 5.0 -------

  Tips and Tricks that Regular people do to their news readers.

      § Introduction. Sec 5.0.A
      § Remove X-Newsreader. Sec 5.0.B
      § Alter X-Newsreader.
      § Add X-PGP-ID.
      § Add X-PGP-Key-Fingerprint.
      § What is PGP and why would I add these headers.
      § Add X-URL.
      § Spoof Path.
      § Remove NNTP-POSTING HOST.
      § Spoof NNTP.
      § Spoof Message ID.
      § Using Existing header fields.
      § Lost Alterations.
      § Patches.
      § Tools.
      § Paranoia.
      § Remove Mime Headers.
      § TESTING YOUR Modification's. Sec 5.0.C
      § Advanced alterations and modifications. Sec 5.0.D
      § What and how is PGP used with Usenet Sec 5.0.E

----- alt.usenet.offline-reader.forte-agent.modified FAQ v.01.01.2000 -----
------ Sec 5.0.A -------

 Introduction and notes you should read before starting.

NOTE.1: Hacks and modifications listed below refer to most builds
        however the author of this FAQ at it's original time of
        writing used 99g/326
        Update: all modifications were identical in build
        1.0/390 Final.

NOTE.2: Most hacks are done by replacing or modifying default header
        fields directly in the agent.exe binary. Certain fields CAN 
        NOT be removed and are required. Choose your other field's
        carefully before replacing or modifying.

             * Note: Some of these fields are added by the server
                 Date  *
                 Path  *
                Note: Some fields may be added by the news server
                Organization  *

   Further information and complete details can be found in RFC1036

            BCC, CC, FROM  These fields should not be edited they
            are required for mail to work properly, even if agent
            isn't your default mailer.

NOTE.3: Make a backup of your virgin exe prior to editing so you
        can safely recover if a mishap occurs.

NOTE.4: Below are references to "null" a hex null is 00
        In *most* editors HEX is in one pane (usually the left)
        ASCII is in the other (usually the right) HEX Code requires
        two alpha numeric characters for every ASCII character.
        A null "00" replaces one ASCII character.
        It's been Long recognized that a hex space "20" may work in
        some cases but is not the correct or proper procedure for
        a direct HEX modification of an executable file.
NOTE.5: These examples are only a basic outline and need 
        not be used in any particular order.
----- alt.usenet.offline-reader.forte-agent.modified FAQ v.01.01.2000 -----
------ Sec 5.0.B -------

Be sure to read above notes before starting
5.0.B Q1) How do I remove my x-newsreader header?
5.0.B A1) Open Agent.exe with your favorite Hex editor, Search for
          the second instance of "ForteAgent$" & null out the
          following "ForteAgent$.%s %s/32.326" inclusive.
          In this example Agent 32 beta 326. In other versions,
          the search is basically the same, just different numbers
          are involved.
5.0.B A1.a) NOTE: builds prior to 99e used a slightly different format.
            Nulling out just %s %s in builds after 99f
            will achieve the same results.
    X-Newsreader can be altered by overwriting the original value
    rather than removing it.

5.0.B Q2) How do I add an X-PGP-ID: header?
5.0.B A2) Search for the first instance of "Organization" and
          overwrite with "PGP-Key-ID" then null out the "on"
5.0.B A2.a) you can use another field if you like other than
            organization but it's advisable to replace this 
            field if you intend to add the X-PGP-Key-Fingerprint.

5.0.B Q3) How do I add an X-PGP-Key-Fingerprint: header?
          It is just too Damned long so it requires an extensive edit
5.0.B A3) Search for "Keywords" & overwrite "Keywords.Summary.Sender"
          with PGP-Key-Fingerprint & null out the remaining "nder" 
          or what ever is left if you vary from this procedure.

5.0.B Q2/3) What is PGP
5.0.B A2/3) PGP is encryption software used for privacy and security.

5.0.B Q4) How do I add an X-URL: header?
5.0.B A4) depending on which headers are left, pick one and replace
          it with X-URL and hex null 00 the rest of that field.

5.0.B Q5) How do I spoof my path: header?
5.0.B A5) YOU DON'T this is a dangerous hack and could cause internal
          problems on the news server, the options for which afterwards
          are not good. Including loss of news service.
5.0.B A5.a) Internal problems such as loop's and etc... if you figure 
            this one out DO NOT ADD YOUR NEWS SERVER to the value in
            your properties or all fields section.
5.0.B A5.b) Using this hack can be very exclusionary.

5.0.B Q6) How do I remove my NNTP-POSTING HOST?
5.0.B A6) You don't, this was added by your news server in most cases 
          and NOT by Agent.

5.0.B Q7) How Do I add an NNTP-POSTING-HOST?
5.0.B A7) like the pgp-fingerprint this requires overwriting
          several fields.
5.0.B A7 Warning) If your ISP add's an NNTP your attempts
         to defeat it are futile it can not be user defined
         or altered.

5.0.B Q8) How do I spoof my NNTP: info?
5.0.B A8) this really wont help as that the message ID will still
          be all that is needed to track the origin of the post.

5.0.B Q9) How do I spoof my message ID?
5.0.B A9) There are three ways to do this.
          Refer to Message ID Supplement.

5.0.B Q10) I don't want any special fields but I want to put
           other information in the fields that are provided
           as default, how do I do that?
5.0.B A10) under Group | default properties | post -fields 
           edit the values for the fields in question, also
           when posting a message you have the option of
           editing these field by selecting the 
           [All Fields>>] button.

5.0.B Q11) I want to add another field but have run out of fields to
           replace, How might I add one more?
5.0.B A11) In your agent.ini file under [Message] set AllFields=1
           or add it if it does not already exist. This will show
           you more header fields that can be used or replaced. 
           The new header fields are control fields, used by
           news-admins that you may NEVER need. These fields are
           approved, and control and can also be replaced as you
           see fit. If you think you may need these fields do not
           over write them.

5.0.B Q12) Does Forte intend to add user defined header capabilities?
5.0.B A12) We can only hope, after all they implement a lot of things 
           based on user input.

5.0.B Q13) Why is it that after I have done Some of these hacks, I loose
           a hack that I did months ago?
5.0.B A13) You possibly have overwritten your previous hack. These hacks
           might require a little give & take, i.e.... which ones do you
           really want to use.

5.0.B Q14) Patches, We have seen patches circulated that modify the exe,
           what do they do and can I still modify mine after using one?
5.0.B A14.a) The original patch replaced x-newsreader with 
             x-no-archive:yes Credit TAG [The Analog Guy]
5.0.B A14.b) Agent now includes the x-no-archive option, it must be set
             under group | default properties | post by checking the
             observe no archive check box.
5.0.B A14.c) Later patches may still add this as a replacement, however
             other patches add other stuff, there will still be room for
             your modifications just be aware that someone else has
             already modified your exe.
5.0.B A14.d) More information and Patches available On site

5.0.B Q15) What tools will I need to make these modifications?
5.0.B A15) All that is required is a good hex editor
5.0.B Q16) Where can I Find a hex editor?
5.0.B A16.a) Hex Workshop, the Professional Hex Editor. located at:
5.0.B Q16.b) Ultra Edit. located at:
5.0.B Q16.c) If you happen to have Norton's Utilities, you can use Disk 
             Editor (de)
5.0.B Q16.d) This is NOT a comprehensive list of editors.

5.0.B Q17) Does my agent news reader send mail to Forte when I use it?
5.0.B A17) No, but if your worried search for every instance of
  in your agent.exe and null it out.
           Peace of mind is cheap.

5.0.B Q18) I see message headers without the mime information can I get
           rid of that too?
5.0.B A18) Yes but doing so may render the mime capabilities useless.
----- alt.usenet.offline-reader.forte-agent.modified FAQ v.01.01.2000 -----
------ Sec 5.0.C -------


5.0.C Q1) Where and how do I test my altered agent binary?
5.0.C A1) Test in alt.test, if you use a local test group,
          local to your server you will have an easier time of
          seeing the results.
5.0.C A1.a) Highlight your alt.test group.
5.0.C A1.b) Select post new message.
5.0.C A1.c) Hit the all fields button so you can edit the appropriate
            fields and put some identifiable information in them.
5.0.C A1.d) Insert any old subject easily seen by you and hit send now
5.0.C A1.d.Q1) I got an error what now?
5.0.C A1.d.A1) Make sure to make a note of the error, it will help you
               repair a botched edit.
5.0.C A1.d.Q2) I added a header field but didn't see it, now what?
5.0.C A1.d.A2) Agent will not include any header that you don't insert
               information in, you must put at least one character in
               the field of interest to verify that it works.
               News servers will sometimes override an organization field.

 After extensive testing in the appropriate groups you can set your
 default and group properties accordingly. Be certain to not include
 any text in a field you *DON'T* want seen. I.E.: X-IPL in non IPL groups
 if you so desire. If you hack in any association with any group or
 organization that you don't want known where ever you may post, keep
 that in mind too. Please note: Organization field's are filled by your
 news servers software if left blank, if you don't mind to advertise
 for them OK if not put in a * or .
----- alt.usenet.offline-reader.forte-agent.modified FAQ v.01.01.2000 -----
------ Sec 5.0.D -------

  Advanced Modification's

Splash Screen Modifications
----- alt.usenet.offline-reader.forte-agent.modified FAQ v.01.01.2000 -----
------ Sec 5.0.E -------

 What is PGP?, and why would I add those headers?

5.0.E Q1) What is PGP?
5.0.E A1) Pretty Good Privacy, an encryption program by Phil Zimmerman
5.0.E A1.a) The International PGP Home Page 
5.0.E A1.b) MIT distribution site for PGP
5.0.E A1.b.NOTE:) PGP IS A DOS PROGRAM but there is help for the
                  non-GUI challenged
5.0.E A1.c) Windows front ends
5.0.E A1.c.1) PGPClick 
5.0.E A1.c.2) PGP Windows Shell
5.0.E A1.c.3) WinPGP 
5.0.E A1.c.NOTE:) There are several other front end's this IS NOT
                  comprehensive list

5.0.E Q2) Where and why PGP is used in Usenet
5.0.E A2) Clear signed messages for validating origin and author

5.0.E Q3) Are there windows versions of PGP?
5.0.E A3) Yes. With the Status of PGP Inc changing on a daily basis it's
          Difficult to keep up with current versions. 
          Note: Win versions of PGP Do not generate RSA Keys and dos
          versions occasionally encounter problems with PGP 4.5+ Messages.
----- alt.usenet.offline-reader.forte-agent.modified FAQ v.01.01.2000 -----
------ Sec 6.0 -------

  Alternatives to pirating software

6.0 Q1) Are there any reasons to buy Agent?
6.0 A1) Yes?
6.0 A1.a) It's a DAMN GOOD news reader both on and off line.
6.0 A1.b) It's Damn Cheep coming in under $30 US
6.0 A1.c) Your conscience will be relieved

 Registration keys.

Information on Reg Keys will not be available in this FAQ that's
someone-else's web site! For the Price you cant beat Forte Agent.
$29 US not to shabby for the average net addict. 
Note that users of  alt.usenet.offline-reader.forte-agent may also
participate in alt.usenet.offline-reader.forte-agent.modified and
many will not hesitate to complain to news admins about questionable
posts regarding registration.

Forte Free Agent can be found all over the net NO STRINGS ATTACHED.

Further Registration info can be located at
----- alt.usenet.offline-reader.forte-agent.modified FAQ v.01.01.2000 -----
------ Sec 7.0 -------

Usenet headers as addressed in RFC1036, RFC1036 updates and replaces
RFC-850, reflecting version B2.11 of the News program. This RFC
covers the transmission protocol and various other tidbits of 
information about Usenet, including headers.

For a complete reference to RFC1036
Or it's more up to date replacement. and
----- alt.usenet.offline-reader.forte-agent.modified FAQ v.01.01.2000 -----
------ Sec 8.0 -------

Utilities, add on's, and enhancements to Agent are becoming as popular as
plug in's for Netscape. On the Utilities page you will find a list of
utilities currently known to exist by the author of this FAQ.
To the Best of my knowledge all listed utilities are freeware
(or possibly shareware at the worse)
Several of these authors even invite you to look at the source code and
modify it as you see fit.

Utilities have been moved to a separate page dedicated
for that single purpose.
----- alt.usenet.offline-reader.forte-agent.modified FAQ v.01.01.2000 -----
----- alt.usenet.offline-reader.forte-agent.modified Site v.01.01.2000 -----
[[ a.u.o-r.f-a.m FAQ || Tools and utilities || Downloads ]]
This FAQ last updated 01.01.99
Links in HTML last checked & updated Wednesday, 21-Jul-2010

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