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agent database

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Aug 15, 2009, 11:14:59 AM8/15/09
My agent .dat files are now being opened by Gom media player and I
think that's the reason my database fills up so quickly. Can anyone
tell me what I should use to associate the .dat files? Or what the
default setting was? TIA

Don KIrkman

Aug 15, 2009, 2:58:38 PM8/15/09
It seems to me I heard somewhere that stymie wrote in article

As a first guess, I'd think that going into GOM and removing .dat
files from its list of default files might be all you need. But maybe
Don Kirkman


Aug 15, 2009, 5:48:04 PM8/15/09
On Aug 15, 2:58 pm, Don KIrkman <> wrote:
> It seems to me I heard somewhere that stymie wrote in article
> <>:

> >My agent .dat files are now being opened by Gom media player and I
> >think that's the reason my database fills up so quickly.  Can anyone
> >tell me what I should use to associate the .dat files?  Or what the
> >default setting was? TIA
> As a first guess, I'd think that going into GOM and removing .dat
> files from its list of default files might be all you need.  But maybe
> not.
> --
> Don Kirkman

What I'm trying to do is get the .dat files to associate with the
program they originally opened with. I'm not sure how to remove
files from GOM's default list-I can't find that list. Any help would
be appreciated.

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Steve Urbach

Aug 15, 2009, 7:22:16 PM8/15/09
On Sat, 15 Aug 2009 14:48:04 -0700 (PDT), stymie <>

You do not (want to) launch Agent by clicking on a random .dat file :/
"dat" is a generic 8.3 type for DATA files.
No specific COMMON format for said DATA files. Agents dat file ONLY belong in
the "Data" folder and have a matching "idx" file

You try and associate all the file extensions you find and you will TRASH your
BTW if you right click on a file and choose "Open With" you will see a list of
"possible" programs that MIGHT open that file type". Use the "Always" tic at
your peril.

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Aug 16, 2009, 11:53:58 AM8/16/09
On Aug 16, 10:30 am, "Bill" wrote:
> stymie <> wrote:
> [...]

> >What I'm trying to do is get the .dat files to associate with the
> >program they  originally opened with.  I'm not sure how to remove
> >files from GOM's default list-I can't find that list.  Any help would
> >be appreciated.
> This is why Microsoft has made it progressively
> more difficult to futz with file associations.
> You do not want any app to open the *.dat files.
> Agent doesn't work that way.
> Setting the file associations within GOM Player
> _should_ be along the lines of opening the Options
> dialog, finding "File Types" and unchecking the
> checkbox next to .dat, but unfortunately the website
> indicates that isn't available.
> You can use regedit and navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
> and delete the .dat key.  Standard warnings apply,
> if you aren't comfortable editing your registry
> directly, google up some tutorials first.  It's not
> difficult but there are things you ought to know
> before diving in.  I'm not going to repeat a tutorial
> here though.
> For what it's worth, I've found the K-Lite Codec
> Pack (which bundles Media Player Classic) to be
> the most CPU efficient player as of right now.
> It does allow you to control which files it opens.

When you go into your Agent Data folder, what does it list under
Type? In my folder, for .idx files it says IDX file. For .dat files
it says Gom media files(.dat). What should it say under "Type"?
And thanks for everybody's help.

Ralph Fox

Aug 16, 2009, 2:02:47 PM8/16/09
On Sat, 15 Aug 2009 08:14:59 -0700 (PDT), in message <>
stymie <> wrote:

> My agent .dat files are now being opened by Gom media player

They won't open with Gom media player unless you double-click
one of the files in Windows explorer. Simply don't do that.

> and I
> think that's the reason my database fills up so quickly.

Very unlikely.

Unless you actually double-clicked one of these files and opened
it in Gom media player, then what they would (potentially) open
with will make zero difference to the database files or their size.

The most likely reason why your database fills up so quickly,
is described in the Agent Newsreader FAQ at
Look for the FAQ entry
My database is huge! (or I get a "folder file full" error.) How do I fix this?

Follow the FAQ instructions to
� set Agent's purging options to something more aggressive
� run purging
� make sure Agent is compacting the database files [after purging, not before]
� for binary groups, configure Agent to save when downloading and to
remove the attachment from the message body
� manually empty the trash

> Can anyone
> tell me what I should use to associate the .dat files? Or what the
> default setting was? TIA

It won't make a jot of difference, to your Agent database size, but
any ways.

A) What .dat files originally opened with is _nothing_. No application
was originally associuated with .dat files.
(Agent does not use Windows file associations to open its .dat files.)

B) What it says under "Type" (e.g. "DAT File") is one setting, and
it opens with is a different setting. You could change what it says
under "Type", without affecting what it opens with. It appears
you want to change the second one, not the first one.

Unless your question concerns unsupported modifications to Agent, you
are better off asking in the parent group "alt.usenet.offline-reader.forte-agent".
This here group "alt.usenet.offline-reader.forte-agent.modified" is a low
volume newsgroup for unsupported modifications to Agent (the custom hot-rod
voids-your-warranty kind of stuff).


Steve Urbach

Aug 16, 2009, 2:08:56 PM8/16/09
On Sun, 16 Aug 2009 08:53:58 -0700 (PDT), stymie <>

>On Aug 16, 10:30�am, "Bill" wrote:

Gom is good for YOUR system, TODAY :-)
I say, today, because you could install a new program that grabs ".dat"
extensions as *theirs*. That may account for multiple entries in the "open
with" item. All those programs (or the user) registered to that type.
/Nice/ programs allow you to select file associations they take on as
"Primary" . and leave you favorite ".xyz" alone.

"IDX file" just means that NO program has been assigned to direct launch
(double click/Open) that file.
You could probably remove the Gom reference , and Gom would still be able to
use the file (from inside Gom).

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May 1, 2016, 7:07:56 AM5/1/16
"Bill" wrote in:
>For what it's worth, IDX files are listed as SQL
>server index files on this particular box, but
>only because I have Visual Studio installed. Even
>with them listed as being a particular type of
>file, there is no default action in the registry
>if I try to open them - which is good, because I
>know I don't want to edit the files by hand.
Yet should one wish to "view" in ascii?

My recall is hinting there *is* a method to export
"overview" for a specific newsgroup. Build your own IDX
come 'metafile' for any group owned by Ver2.0+... yes ??

Message body to a Unix file is easy done, but
are we (tinw) able to rummage through
headers (only) in a container remote to Agent Ver2.0+ ?
AgtFind (V1.7) usually fills a specific search,
yet being able to pump extensive results to a text file
is really what I believe I am in need of.

>My advice to you is to create a shortcut to Agent
>and put it somewhere convenient, and then STAY
>OUT OF AGENT'S folders. Seriously - just let the
>app do its job.

..indeed so :-)



May 16, 2016, 6:01:01 AM5/16/16
My recall is hinting there *is* a method to export
"overview" for a specific newsgroup. Build your own IDX
come 'metafile' in ASCII for any NG parented by Ver2.0+.
type of operation.

Message body to a Unix file is easy done, but
are we (tinw) able to rummage through
headers (only) in a container remote to Agent Ver2.0+ ?
AgtFind (V1.7) usually fills a specific search,
yet being able to pump extensive results to a text file
is really what I believe I am in need of.

Thank you.

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