For some purposes, like a ground track, it's useful to have a certain
point (for convenience, let's pick the center, but that's not always
what we want to pick) as a place where the projection produces the same
apparaent "flat, with right angles" that we experience when looking out
from our 3rd floor window, and then go down and walk to the bar[n].
Is there a name for a projection that accomplishes this locally but is
allowed to distort distant portions? I'm getting so confused about map
projections, because a ton of them are for global representations. I'm
okay with extending "my" map to a global scale, but I'm thinking more
of a scale that shows the coasts of South America and Africa and
centered on a point in the Atlantic.
I think Robinson is the projection of a world wall map I have [in
storage, so I'm not going to confirm this soon] Winkel Tripel is also
a nice projection, and perhaps it's center is easily moved around.
"It wasn't just a splash in the pan"